Well we did the panorama test at 14 weeks to check everything was ok with bb due to me being so sick on the beginning. I took the test around thanksgiving, found out we were having another little boy. I just felt conned, lied to and mislead. I live in a house with my sister in law, her husband, and her two little boys as well. Results came back girl !!! As long as you keep that in mind, you won't be disappointed. We were crushed. I know it can be such a point of frustration and grief. With over 6,700 five-star customer reviews, SneakPeek is the leading provider of Early Baby Gender Tests. What is the maximum amount of time I should leave SneakPeek Snap on my arm if Im not collecting enough blood? What if my sample results are inconclusive? Does SneakPeek Traits Early DNA Test enable me to find DNA relatives or matches? I just turned 20 weeks so I may have to wait until birth to confirm. SneakPeek products provide prenatal and newborn information to give parents insights about their children. Regardless, congratulations on your sweet bundle on the way and I cant wait to hear what youre for sure having. I just did the sneak peak test at a friends house with male dogs, a husband and a son (the dog was there but her family was gone). Simply select Sezzle as your payment method when checking out. You guys should have just chosen the option where you take it to a lab and get a phlebotomist to draw your blood for you. The company said that they were 99.1% accurate with their tests. I shouldve waited to ease my mind, but Im so impatient lol. I really want my little girl . I sent them an email to let them know, but I will definitely be requesting a refund in 6 months. Was your girl result correct? Boy or Girl? Hi there! I did the Snap version that didn't hurt, shook the vial so it wouldn't congeal. A false girl result I believe is not as common as a false boy result. I will find out in a few weeks at an actual scan! I was worried about this after I got a girl result (we have a boy already so I was scared to get too excited). I did the sneak peek at 9w4d said I am having a GIRL, well I just got back my NIPT result it's said 100% BOY. She then began to tell me that she actually had 2 sisters. I think this was an emotional roller coaster I could have completely avoided and I also believe Sneek Peak needs to do a revaluation on their statistics. I even had a nurse do the test to be sure i didnt mess anything up. we are way too excited to be upset.but i dont think the results are as accurate as described. I was right at 10 weeks when taking the test. I am very much expecting to see girl. That means 1/5 can be wrong. Now Im wondering if the fact I was carrying my 10month old all morning in arms literally could have affected the results ?? I am excited to be carrying a healthy baby and now in the process of picking out gender neutral names (just in case, jk but not). It went under my nail, I did two fingers, and it looked like a crime scene. If there was a .0001 spec of male in my blood or on my hands, in the air etc. Dropped it off at the post office on 12/23/19, late afternoon, around 3pm or 4pm maybe. Some part of me is nervous to test at exactly 7 weeks though, idk why. How can I view my SneakPeek Traits reports? I had a strong feeling on the gender and wanted it confirmed earlier. Did you take the test at home? Hubby was sleeping in the bedroom, older boys were gone to school and youngest was gone with grandma. Presentation on Map Reviews Nearby. My SneakPeek test results were wrong. I will be so bummed if it is wrong because then well have to go back and tell everyone never mind. Haha Fingers crossed that my results are accurate! Amy, I am so curious to hear what you are having! If no Y is detected it says you are having a girl. Is SneakPeek Clinical accurate at 6 weeks into pregnancy? ill be happy either way but i do think it was accurate that its a girl. Has anyone had a false girl result or know of anyone that has had one? It ended up making the call that it was a girl so much sweeter, but wasnt really worth the month of being kind of bummed out. It said boy (yay!) I didnt believe it because I have two boys and thought theres no way I could have a girl! Lets say you have 3 girls and want a boy. I followed the instructions. She said that if it is taken too early or on the border line, it can say girl but in fact be a boy. I hope to continue to spread awareness about SneakPeek and their false tests to help others before their heart breaks. What is Sleep Latency and Why is It Important? I dont even want to tell friends and family because Im certain it cant be correct. I am wishing you good luck! I used nothing with my boys. The dr called me today and thanks God everything is fine with the bb, she also confirmed the bb is a GIRLLLL. We discussed boy names and such, but I in my heart was still so shocked. SneakPeek is a registered trademark of Gateway Genomics, LLC. I got my sneak peek done on the 22nd off January, on the25 I got a boy results, since were already have 3 boys my husband want me to have an abortion, I was hoping a baby girl, cause my 6 years old daughter is dying for a baby sister. This will be my last baby (#3). This baby could still be a boy, she did say she couldnt with 100% certainty after all. I cleaned the kitchen, and sprayed it down with lysol like it was my job. SneakPeek is a DNA-based test that looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom's blood. Fast forward a few weeks and I've just had my anatomy scan. but she proceeded to look between babys legs and said, Do you see that? First off, biggest congratulations to you! Ive gotten used to the idea and am just as excited. Gosh im reading all these i did it got boy results but i live with my husband and 3 sons so im startonh to wonder if there could have been contamination. I did like that it was fast! One tested at 9 and one at 10 weeks.I would say 8.5 weeks is early, so ya never know See all . Feeling some gender disappointment but Ill be okay when hes here. I think they say its 80% accurate? I am praying and hoping with everything in me that my results come back with a little girl. My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry you are experiencing these feelings. Fingers crossed its right, and we have a healthy baby! In the end a healthy baby is all that matters and we are so blessed. I did the test at 11 weeks also and did it at work so as not to contaminate with my male household. She went on to tell me she had 2 girls and a little boy. With Walker and this baby I was so sure on gender, so it just felt wrong. For over 3 months I thought I was having a baby boy. Now cue the additional tears. and Crossing my fingers for you!!! Too early to test? I have many friends who have done the sneak peek test and gotten accurate results stating both boy and girl. My results came back as boy , my husband and I were for sure it was a girl. Ever since I found out I was pregnant (about 7 weeks) I just had this gut feeling and strong feeling that it was a girl. With Jack and Walker I was slightly sick. I was very disappointed and Felt so down. Our house will remain a girl gang, at least for now. Lol!! We also have no strong desire for a boy or girl and just pray for a health baby. I am wondering the same thing! I decided to send in my sample, fully expecting them to say it was inconclusive. I told my husband Im not having any abortion, I cant wait to have my ultrasound done, its killing me when shes calling every little girl sister. The real kicker is the ivf dr knows boy/girl but wont tell because his office is gender neutral from the pre implantation genetic testing. We went to a clinic to have my blood drawn it was by a women but male man uses the office and draws blood as well. Me and my Fianc both have been together since oddly enough grade school and both pictured us having a girl. I wont know for a bit! Fingers crossed!! I used the Chinese gender prediction with all my children and its always been right . I took the at home test and it was a mess. I composed myself and walked to my car. Haha. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. And congrats on your pregnancy! I called a local imaging center and asked for them to please make time to see me ASAP. Especially when done at a clinic. Our 4th (Goldie) is now 18 months old tomorrow and man alive I am still so happy every single day knowing that the initial gender test was wrong. No, I did not. I was sobbing uncontrollably. First off Im wondering if disinfectant is even enough?! When I found out I was pregnant it took me only a couple of weeks to be 99% sure we were having a girl. Sure enough- got my results back from the lab today and were definitely having a BOY . I do live a couple hours away from the facility so technically it WAS possible for them to receive my sample so fast, even if it was shipped the next morning. So I really want my girl I am only 11 weeks but have a doctors appt tmr and am going to ask for blood work there too since I am high risk . Its real and its hard. My doctor looked puzzled and said you got a blood test saying it was a girl or an ultrasound? I said blood test why? Shes like well its very strange, but I see something in there and its not the umbilical cord! My heart dropped. Based on all the comments on this post and my own results a false male is definitely very possible! Hi! Sure enough, there on that 5 foot projection screen there it was. From the great peaks of the mountains to the parched desert and wetlands, animals fight against predators and hostile environments every day. When I first came across Sneak Peek, I didnt do much research (odd for me cause I like to research the crap outta something before buying). I took my kit over to my friends house (she has a hubby and a male cat) and we wiped everything down with disinfectant wipes. 10 Tips For Sleep Training Your Baby For Naps, How to Reduce the Chances of an Inconclusive Test Result, Frequently Asked Questions About Gender Results. It would be amazing to hear for once youre having a girl ! Previous Next New Search. I believe I was about 9 weeks pregnant when I took the test. Ahhhhhh! Thank you so much , Me too. I had experienced how my body handled both boy and girl pregnancies, and in my opinion felt as though my body felt different with the two genders. I doubt its incorrect, but I keep seeing people getting false boy results. Trying not to put too much stock in it because Ive read so many reviews saying its inaccurate. I scrubbed, ran my hands under hot water frequently, cloroxd and dawnd the area before doing the test. Ill let you know when we have a ultrasound! We shall see!!! Because Im done too, I cant make another baby I just cant. Kristen! I had virtually no nausea with my son and Ive been nauseous everyday with this little one so far. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU and I dont even know you haha. I kind of wonder if getting the blood would have been easier if I had gotten my hands really warm prior. My pregnancies Ive always had fun trying to guess what Im having . My boys were easy as pie, never sick Nothing. Desperately wanted a boy. This was so helpful. ! so yes there is more mane DNA in my house than some. One that I never thought I would be making. I know sometimes its hard to remember to come back to a blog post, but would love to hear via Instagram if you are on there!! Unfortunately, this time, I never even thought about reading the reviews about this test before purchasing it. Im very disappointed in this because I am an Nurse and had one my coworkers draw my blood (from a vein my hand) under sterile conditions. Hopefully the test can be wrong, because I feel totally confident this pregnancy is not the same at all! so bad deep inside me I felt different with this one, but I kept saying its a boy just for me to feel confident if I was wrong, but all ky family was saying they are sure its a girl and that make me feel so good because I knew with my situation with a boy a little girl would be a nice addition to our family. At SneakPeek, were committed to providing you with science-based baby knowledge, top-of-the-line customer support, and a product that you can trust. Im going to see if my insurance will cover the NIPT testing to see if I can figure out the gender at 12 weeks. I too feel more confident with my results since the issues tend to be around male results. I was under the impression that there is no way of telling babys gender via ultrasound that early on. The tests we offer access to are for informational and educational use only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. That her sisters were the most amazing people on earth. I wonder what high is to sneak peek! My ultrasound yesterday confirmed I am in fact carrying a second little boy! Ill be 9 weeks then. What do I do if no blood at all is collected with SneakPeek Snap? Let the person that it is effecting decide the damage, not a bystander that clearly has no regard for the feelings of others. If you think of it update us when you hear. At least I hope it's accurate. After all, when it comes to parenting, no one's success rate is 100 percent. Guess I was carried by the fact that its 99+% accurate. All I could think about was Ive been lied to about this baby. Thankfully we have a girl bathroom and a boy bathroom. So the likelihood of contamination is real! More ways to message. Oh my gosh I am so excited for you! I think Ive found 3 different ones of the clinical version online. But I've done it twice now and both times, the turnaround was longer than 72 hours. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I have 2 boys and 1 girl. I know some people have a friend who is female help them, because it is tricky to do with one person, but do not let your husband or partner help! I took the new sneak peek snap (arm) test at 6 weeks 2 days from LMP. Crossing my fingers for you! Im pregnant with a bonus baby very much unplanned after 3 boys who are 11,9,7. While the instructions were clear getting your blood (from a trembling finger) to drop in that tiny test tube was next to impossible for me. Our results said its a girl! My daughter has two boys already and we did this test.like you, she followed it to a tee!! but mostly was confused because I just really thought it was a girl! I just got the results last night and it said BOY. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Sneak peek is great and definitely gives results way before the normal 20 week scan. But then I will love this child no matter what . I hope they will issue refunds. I left feeling so sad and confused. and scrubbed the entire bathroom. She said if it's a contaminated result it usually say If it's says girl, it's 100% a girl. FINE. The following day (12/24/19) I get an email saying they have received my blood test and I will have the results within two hours! I will have to wait a week for those results. Crossing my fingers for you and cant wait to hear what you find out. My results and doctor confirmation says BOY. Oh my gosh!!! I ended up with brothers and sisters. Confirmed at my 20-week ultrasound it is in fact GIRL. My child did not cooperate with swabbing, and I was not able to fully collect both swabs. Hi , Ive just done the sneak a peek test . The SneakPeek class action lawsuit was filed by plaintiff Kristine Main in December 2015. I also read that ultrasounds are only 95% accurate so now i dont even know if i will believe it when i hear the results from her!!! It is SO HARD TO WAIT!!!! So interesting finding your experience online! Glad to get my baby girl grandbaby in March! I did all the steps but I forgot to use the alcohol swab, Same and mines come back boy I already have 4 boys I just want a little girl. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you. I mean after allI had paid money just to appease my own impatience. Such a fun surprise. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. This group is for people and their baby / babies born in November 2021. I dropped a swab on the floor before swabbing the child, or something else happened to the swab. Frustrating that my emotions had to go through everything they did the last couple of months but like you said, its almost even sweeter now, actually getting the girl that I had planned/hoped for. Because Im only 8 weeks. If I ever get pregnant again, I think Ill just assume its another boy. October 2020 Birth Club Sneak Peek Girl result and husband disappointed . Can I have a helper for using SneakPeek Snap? At the end of the day i am hoping fr an healthy baby. Then I finished the test and sent it off. It was just like a stab in the gut. She was perfect. I didnt think it was wishful thinking. Ill find out for sure in a couple weeks. I decided to order the Sneak Peek gender blood test at 12 weeks. Happy for you Morgan. It was kinda fun but caused too much emotions for me, personally. For the first time in 4 kids, my intuition was so rocked. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. ( again from talking to othersthey had that same issue ha). What do I do if the blood sample does not coat the test tube and mix with the preservative? . I do feel completely different on this one no sore boobs very little sickness ? It wouldve been the first boy on both sides of my family and amongst all of my girl friends too. scrubbed, etc.to get all the male DNA out of site as much as possible. We have to mourn the loss of never having a daughter/son. I did SneakPeek with Baby #2, who was predicted to be a boy and indeed was a boy. & my husband and I were so excited. Im pregnant again (10 weeks) and just got back results of a BOY this time. Either way they will come to your email. Sneak peek said girl but my doctor said today she thinks its a boy!! By about 7 weeks it had set in and I felt pretty darn crappy for a while. This is my first baby so Im happy with either but Ive always hoped for a girl first! I definitely will! I know few people who follow rules better, and keep a cleaner home, so although that was likely what skewed the results, I feel that is the same for so many others then. I was 7 weeks 1 day (thought I was closer to 8 though). Guess well see if Ill be bringing my daughters stuff out of storage. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Ive had so many others reach out to me with the same experience. No freaking clue. I was just curious how many of your results said boy and it was actually a girl. I followed everything to a t washed my hands probably way more than I needed to! My test says boy but I dont trust it just yet. And when you get the results, you will end up questioning them anyway. I did so much research on the company and how they treat, read the results. For so many reasons. I can totally relate to that, and am so happy for you. Actually yes! Read on to read my opinion. Im surprised at how many stories there are of it being wrong with the boy results! I sat there numb and staring off into space. I was basically scolded for even using one of those tests and told how I never shouldve relied on such a thing. If you as a woman have a basal V the boy sperm will be very fast to get to the egg. There are 2 options based on what you buy. #sneakpeektest Feel like Ive given myself false hope by reading all these stories and am praying hopefully this is the case for me too that Ill go to my apt and be told were having a baby girl! Of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy 3pm or 4pm maybe followed. Email to let them know, but i will be so bummed if it is wrong because then have! Thought i would be amazing to hear what youre for sure it was accurate that its 99+ % accurate is... Wonder if getting the blood would have been together since oddly enough grade school and times... Who are 11,9,7 many stories there are 2 options based on what find! 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