Meijer stores are closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas days. You can find a variety of liquor products throughout the store, including vodka, whiskey, and rum. The sale of wine, beer, and spirits in supermarkets is permitted after 9 p.m., but it is not permitted in establishments with a Class A Liquor license. She told me it was a state law that I have to be able to prove that I am of age until the day I die. A permit issued by a special permit allows for alcohol to be sold between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. on Sunday. The "Service Team Leader" came over and told me that they cannot verify the authenticity of my ID. This policy is in place for a number of reasons, but chief among them is Meijers commitment to customer safety. Supporters hope to revisit it in the future. There are numerous national parks and monuments in this area. MEIJER NIGHTTIME SLEEP-AID BERRY FLAVOR- diphenhydramine hydrochloride solution MEIJER DISTRIBUTION INC. Disclaimer: Most OTC drugs are not reviewed and approved by FDA, however they may be marketed if they comply with applicable regulations and policies. Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m. to 4 a.m. is the permissible period for in-store sales. Find the perfect beer for you! All rights reserved. Michelle, and Beringer. The sale of alcoholic beverages is allowed between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., unless otherwise specified by the permit holder. That said, if a couple comes through my line, I only check the purchaser's ID. If the city does not allow restaurants with licenses to sell alcohol on premise for on-site consumption or liquor by the drink to begin selling alcohol at 12:00pm on Sundays, restaurants with licenses to sell alcohol on premise for on-site consumption or liquor by the drink may begin selling alcohol at 12:00. If you drink (a grown-up) and order for or arrive at their store within the time frame allowed to sell liquor, you will receive a drink as well as excellent service. Grocery stores that participate in the EBT program must have a special terminal that processes the transactions. The grocery retailer is limiting spirit purchases to two bottles of each item, WPBN/WGTU reports. Call IndyStar mobile producer Amy Haneline at (317) 444-6281. Meijer has lost a long time customer. A new set of regulations aimed to alleviate some of the strain on bars and restaurants. Many people may oppose Sunday liquor sales, but in the end, the decision is entirely up to you. Let me say that I understand that anyone can be refused the right of service, but I was doing nothing wrong. However, Meijer is not located in such an area, so it must stop selling alcohol at 3:00 AM. You may want to set it up with some ice so it doesnt sit in the keg for too long. I apologize. The US Department of the Interior has jurisdiction over all national parks in Ohio, and any type of alcohol consumption or possession is strictly prohibited. Restaurants with liquor licenses may begin selling alcohol at 12:00 p.m. on Sundays if the city does not allow on-site consumption of or liquor by the Indiana is one of many states that allow alcohol sales to be sold openly. When does the government start selling liquor by the drink on Sundays? The state of Indiana is one of many across the country that has relaxed restrictions on alcohol sales. Follow @SusanMariecooks on Twitter. Make sure Meijer is set as your preferred delivery method. Unfortunately the story did not end there. Meijer is a large, Midwest-based grocery chain that offers a wide variety of products, including wine. If youre unsure whether the person youre purchasing alcohol for is 21 or older, you should always ask if theyre that age. Minors should know that it is illegal to knowingly possess or consume alcohol or transport alcohol on a public highway when not accompanied by at least one of his or her parents or guardians. Effective March 4, 2018, you can buy beer (and other alcoholic products) fromliquor stores, groceries, pharmacies and convenience stores from noon to 8 p.m. You can also buy packaged beer or get growlers filled for carryout from a brewery that brews beer on its premises. Featured review. Meijer stores in Indiana are open 24 hours, so they stop selling alcohol at 11 p. m. on weekdays and midnight on weekends. Besides being irritating, it is an invasion of privacy for them to know my name, address, and birthday. It happens at Walmart to and you shouldn't fuss because you're carded. WithSunday the second busiest grocery shopping day of the week, liquor stores could lose sales if the public stocks up on their regular Sunday trips to Target. TalkRadioNews is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Does Meijer Sell Liquor? Meijer review: Your false ads. I renewed my license 3 days prior so I had a stamped license that said voided but my paper renewal was stapled to the license. How subjective! I quickly noticed that my new books had holes in the bottom of the rubber soles . Liquor such as beer, wine, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages can be sold in grocery stores in the United States. California has relatively lax liquor promotion laws, but counties have the ability to limit sales. The ban dates back to 1985 and legislative efforts to change it have failed. Meijer is another option if ordering alcohol from Meijer is what you need. The employees are treated like children, and so are we. The company has a strong presence in Ohio, with over 100 stores located throughout the state. - Caitlyn Johnson. It is available for both iOS and Android devices and is free to download. Yes, Meijer sells liquor. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. It's a process that continues inthe Indiana General Assembly. I told her I was buying it for myself. The STL said "we cannot sell you alcohol because we get a lot of college fake IDs in here" and "she could call the police". Meijer also believes that selling alcohol after 9 p. m. would encourage underage drinking, and the store does not want to be complicit in that. General Meijer Return Policy. In Ohio, you can buy beer, wine, and liquor at grocery stores and other retailers. A lot of times my questions went unanswered when it came to retail questions, so I started Talk Radio News. Alcohol can be a dangerous substance if not consumed responsibly, and Meijer wants to do its part to help prevent any accidents or mishaps. The cut-off time for alcohol sales at Meijer stores in Indiana is based on the states laws. (8 Biggest Competitors), Does 711 Cash Checks? The law banning alcohol sales on Christmas Day was changed in 2015 and was first allowed Dec. 25, 2015. However, the hours that they sell alcohol may vary by location. Tried to, and did buy a bottle of wine at the Burleigh Meijer's earlier this week - somewhat non-plussed when asked for my ID - gave it to the clerk to look at and she told me to take it out of the container - I eventually did, and she swiped it - now, how much does Meijer's know about me - never ever buying anything at Meijer's - never ever! The limit doesnt apply to beer, wine or giftsets. I don't take it as a compliment when every time I buy wine, I have to show my driver's license. In addition, the stores staff is always happy to help customers find the perfect wine for their needs. Indiana, along with 25 other states, allow alcohol to be sold at grocery stores. All rights reserved (About Us). Auburn Hills MI, I sent my helper in the store to buy a 12 pack of bud light and a bag of ice. We have a wide variety of beers from domestic to imported and craft brews. A sparkling wine made from pasque. I went to the Meijer in Okemos Michigan to purchase alcohol, tortilla chips, and salsa. Random testing is conducted without cause. In other words, while you can buy alcohol from these stores at any time of day, sales are typically limited to between 7 a.m. and 3 a.m. on weekdays. While I commend Meijer for helping to stop underage alcohol purchases, Meijer could use some common sense! I recieved a flyer in the mail. However, a cashier only needs to check the ID of the person purchasing the alcohol/cigarettes. Isopropyl alcohol 70% v/v Purpose First aid antiseptic Uses first aid antiseptic to help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns Warnings For external use only. Because the area is a blue-state, it is strictly enforced that Ohio businesses cannot sell liquor on Sundays. First line of Meijer privacy policy is "We collect personal information". Clearly it had the paper temporary stapled but she would not sell it to me. Why is DailyMed no longer displaying pill images on the Search Results and Drug Info pages? Willem Meijer Expand search. However, hours for carryout alcohol sales from liquor stores, groceries, pharmacies and convenience stores. Meijer is known for its competitive prices and convenient store hours, making it a popular destination for grocery shopping. However, working for the state police I know they have more important things to do than to check my authentic ID. ), Does Shipt Deliver Alcohol? Depending on where you are, you may have to wait a while to buy alcohol at the store. Liquor, grocery, and convenience stores open at noon and close at 8 p.m.; however, bar and restaurant patrons are permitted to take their drinks with them after leaving a restaurant, though specific rules may apply. I am a 57 year old male and was carded at a Meijer store in Ohio for a bottle of wine. Their are random checks from the Town, Village, County-whatever- that does these kind of checks to see that they are applying to these rules. This app has a number of requirements, its basically a dating app. Rep. Peter MeijerRepublican Who Backed Trump ImpeachmentOusted In Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.), the only freshman Republican congressman who voted to impeach former President Donald. Alcohol may be sold at the store if it is licensed to do so between 10 a.m. and midnight on Sundays. So she checked mine and his. No way am I going to lose my job because someone customer I don't even know might get pissed off or inconvenienced. Meijer Meijer EBT Policy: EBT stands for Electronic Benefits Transfer, which is a government program that allows people receiving public assistance to purchase food and other items using a special debit card. There are many types of strong drinks that have high alcohol content, and are popular among young adults. We appreciate your input and suggestions on how we can better serve you, our customers, and our communiti 1,538,749 people like this 1,484,489 people follow this 49,226 people checked in here Meijer carries a wide variety of sparkling wines, including Moet and Chandon Imperial Brut Champagne and Andre Extra Dry Champagne. Due to inconsistencies between the drug labels on DailyMed and the pill images provided by RxImage, we no longer display the RxImage pill images associated with drug labels.. We anticipate reposting the images once we are able identify and filter out images that do not match the information provided in . This sparkling wine is available in a pasque CU and is ideal for summer sipping. legislative efforts to change it have failed. Basically because the liquor store industry has considerable influence in the Indiana General Assembly, and ithas fought vigorously to keep it that way. No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. The permit is free, but we do encourage you to take your time and choose a good location to operate. Does one have to cross state lines to buy alcohol? Seriously let a very sour taste in my mouth. Find your favorite liquor at Meijer, 3298 Elida Rd in Lima, OH. Liquor can be sold at 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. during the hours of 9 a.m. and midnight. For example,you can only purchase two of any brand of vodka. She, (pointing at our daughter) is 14, she doesn't HAVE ID yet!" I wouldn't let their kids/teenagers walk out with it in hand due to it. Beer and wine are now available at large-box grocery stores such as Meijer and can be purchased at their gas station convenience stores. Any customer who appears to look under the age of 40 has to be carded. If you want to make a return without a receipt you may receive the lowest sale or promotional pricing as a refund . Meijer - Alcohol Ad - Valid To 2023-01-01 Circular Search. The liquor stores say cold beer sales is what differentiates them from other retailers and keeps their businesses viable. Zip Code Store. (types Of Checks, Fees + More). Banning alcohol sales on Sunday dates back to Prohibition-era blue laws in which religious groups sought to reserve the day for worship. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. A permit is required for Sunday sales, which are strictly regulated by the location. Michigan and Indiana require proof of age in order to purchase alcohol. To meet grocery's growing demand for adult beverage delivery, DoorDash has announced partnerships with Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Meijer and Hy-Vee of West Des Moines, Iowa, to expand digital alcohol ordering and delivery in select markets. The store also offers a variety of non-alcoholic beverages, such as soda and water. The biggest roadblock had been the liquor store industry, which sought to protect its market share from groceries, pharmacies and big box stores. On March 4, 2018, for the first time Hoosiers were able to buy beer (and other alcoholic products) fromliquor stores, groceries, pharmacies and convenience stores from noon to 8 p.m. Indiana actually has no restrictions on the open carrying of alcohol in public spaces. Alcohol is a lucrative category for both grocers and e-commerce services to tap into. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. State law permits the sale of alcohol from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday through Saturday. I asked the manager if this is store policy. This is the most ridiculous policy I have ever heard of! Indiana has a law that prohibits the sale of alcohol after 9 PM, so Meijer follows that law. We got into an argument because she said that she is glad that I was not allowed to purchase beer because it makes me violent and I hurt my kids. However, alcohol sales at liquor, grocery, and convenience stores are limited from noon to 8 p.m. on Sundays. The collection, arrangement, and assembly of all Content on the Sites is exclusive property of Meijer and is protected by United States and international copyright, trademark and other laws. You would bend the rules, because deep down, you know the rule is [censored]! License holders who are going out of business or simply looking to cash in have been known to sell their permits privately, often through brokers,for as much as $400,000. There are also a number of alcohol-related offenses that can result in jail time, including public intoxication and driving under the influence. I had nothing to hide because I know my ID is authentic. Meijer today announced that it will begin selling high-proof spirits in addition to its full alcohol selection at the Columbus Meijer on Hamilton Road. Employees selected for random drug and alcohol testing under this Policy will be advised on the same day the test is required. shop by category whiskey, bourbon and scotch vodka rum tequila liqueurs, schnapps & cordials gin brandy & cognac shop by price under $20 $20-$50 $50-$100 $100 & over See all offer details. While it is entirely up to each voter to decide whether or not to allow Sunday liquor sales, the reality is that it is up to them. So I told her I did not and asked to speak to the manager. I do not understand how my state employee id and multiple cards would not suffice to confirm my identity. When it comes to the selling of alcohol, Meijer stores in Illinois follow the rules set by the local towns. Liquor consumption is a part of the American way of life for most people. Domestic Beer, Hard Cinder Beer, Craft Beer, Hard Seltzer Beer, and Import Beer are the different types of Beer Beer Beer. Those states are: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Items must be purchased in sizes and quantities specified. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. Grocery stores sell alcohol in a variety of forms, including beer, wine, spirits, and other types of liquor. . The time to deliver your order depends on how soon you need it with a minimum of 1 hour. What is the Difference Between Wine and Cocktails? I'm not familiar with all laws and things that cashier might be charged with, but the one I mentioned is likely. In Wisconsin, Meijer stores stop selling alcohol at 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and at 8:00 p.m. on Sundays. It depends on what town or county that that Meijer is in. Finally, some anti-alcohol organizations just don't want to give consumers another day to buy alcohol. Yes, Meijer stores sell wine. Indianapolis, Indiana Area. But not all major retailers have revamped their policies. Meijer stores are closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas days. And promtley followed the instructions & drove to the Meijer Store close to us in Hudsonville. I understand they probably here a lot of complaining about this but it is a stupid policy. Due to state and federal regulations, our shoppers are legally required to confirm the recipient of an order with alcohol is 21 or older by reviewing a valid ID at delivery, regardless of the recipient's apparent age. Ohio and Michigan allow the sale of liquor online through Meijer. Meijer 693 complaints 34 resolved 659 unresolved File a complaint to Meijer Meijer contacts (added by reviewer) Phone number +1 877 363 4537 Address 2929 Walker Ave., NW, Minnesota United States Website Category Food & Beverages View full information Most discussed complaints No it isn't. Ohio owns and operates 77 privately owned and operated liquor stores. The sale of liquor is legal on Sundays in some states, while others do not. Yes. Meijer offers an expansive selection of general merchandise and groceries, as well as beer, wine, and liquor. We also took the kids down the toy isle so they could window shop for Christmas money that was planned to be spent at that Meijer at a later date. Meijer joins more than 300 Instacart retail partners offering alcohol delivery and pickup, including Aldi, Albertsons, Costco, Food Lion, Publix, Safeway, Sam's Club and Stop & Shop. Of course, if youre looking to buy alcohol for a party or event, you can always buy it in advance. The imposed limit of two bottles applies only to spirits like whiskey, vodka and tequila. My husband, ever the eloquent one says, "you're kidding right? Customers must bring a valid ID to order and receive alcohol-related grocery orders. When you're hired at a retailer that sells alcohol they train you and tell you it's the law and if we don't card and you give it to a minor we can get fined, be fired, or go to jail. I challenge you! In the United States, an average adult consumes alcohol on a regular basis. Meijer is a grocery store that sells alcohol, so it is subject to the states alcohol laws. Pandemic panic buying could lead to product shortages in Michigan, state warns, Oakland County seniors can get free Shipt grocery service membership, become a digital subscriber to the Free Press, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. flavorings and coloring, no high fructose corn syrup. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Meijer, a leading retailer, sells a wide range of alcoholic beverages, including wine, beer, and liquor. The wineries of SLO Wine Country boast an average distance of just five miles from the Pacific Ocean, resulting in prevailing marine conditions that are among the most pronounced of any wine region in California. Please keep in mind that this law is in place for the benefit of the people of Ohio, and it must be followed. They'd most definitely be terminated. On March 4, 2018, Indiana residents were able to purchase alcoholic beverages on Sundays for the first time. It is irritating to the point that I won't buy wine there anymore. Which is MANDATORY through the state. Available Circulars. Any items returned must be accompanied by their original packaging and contain any accessories and manuals that came with them. Get driving directions, open hours, & available inventory at Support local journalism and become a digital subscriber to the Free Press. In Indiana, for example, the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 3 a. m. to 7 a. m. Therefore, the last call for alcohol at Meijer in Indiana is 2:45 a. m. If youre looking to buy alcohol at Meijer, youll need to do so before 9 PM. Only alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, vodka, and tequila are subject to the two-bottle rule. Meijer wants to make sure that happens. In those instances, the ATC holds auctions to sell the newly-available permits. Ohio has a number of places where you can buy alcohol. GRAND RAPIDS, MI Meijer is limiting liquor purchases as Michiganders gear up for the Thanksgiving holiday. Meijer - Shop. The LA MARCA PROSECCO ROSE, as well as 29 bronze sparkling roses extra dry, are available. So I told her that I am not a college student, that my ID is 100% accurate, and that this was rude and belittling me. But if a different cashier wants to, that's their call and it's nothing to get pissed about. What? I see that people are still writing and siding with Meijer's. Meijer, a large Midwest grocery store chain, sells a variety of wine products as well as a wide range of other grocery items. Think about what the company is making you do. Meijers liquor store sells a wide variety of beer, wine, and spirits. So if youre looking to buy alcohol at Meijer, make sure you do it before 9 p. m.! im as honest as the day is long . Michigan State allows delivery of alcohol to the consumers designated location. Meijer also offers a wide selection of wine and beer. You can verify your ID by uploading a valid government-issued ID in your delivery options such as DoorDash. Customers of Meijer can now order beer, wine, and spirits from local stores and have them delivered to their homes. However, the seller must verify that the consumer is 21 years old. The wines are produced by a number of different wineries, including Robert Mondavi, Chateau Ste. They asked my wife for ID coz she touched the wine bottle form the cart. Since then my wife left me. Meijer stores in Wisconsin will no longer sell alcohol until 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 p.m. on weekends. If you want to know how to buy alcohol online at Meijer, the states that allow it, how long it takes, and much more, then this page helps you understand all you need to know! Meijer Return Policy [Full Detail Bottles, Hours, Opened Items] You can return most items within 90 days of the purchase with an original receipt for a refund, except alcohol, tobacco, collector sports cards, ammunition, and blood glucose monitors that have been opened. Meijer sells alcohol throughout the day, so you can pick it up whenever is convenient for you. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Your favorite brew is waiting for you at Meijer! What level do Yokais evolve at? Meijer operates stores in Michigan and Ohio to serve its customers. If you want to buy liquor, you should be at least 18 years old and go to a store that sells liquor that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is the Difference Between Wine and Cocktails? I proceeded to go to the checkout where I was asked for my ID, reasonably so I could pass for under 21. It currently delivers in three states (Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan). I purchased a pair of Lake & Trail Boots in early September for the start of school. This is not right and just a way to take more and more of our rights away. Additional coupons for identical items will be redeemed at face . Screw Meijer. However, Meijer does offer a wide variety of wines from all over the world, so there is sure to be something for everyone. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. Meijer has everything you could want in terms of liquor, with a service that is difficult to find anywhere else. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We stopped at Meijer to pick up dinner, Sunday breakfast and a bottle of wine.'s return policy states that most non-electronic items can be returned within 90 days after they are delivered. Domestic beer, hard cinder beer, craft beer, hard seltzer beer, imported beer, and so on are some of the products of beer beer. Shipt uses a similar model to Instacart, which allows you to have your groceries delivered to your door in an hour or so. And we're only required to ID the person paying for these purchases, not people with them. Shop; Deals; Recipes; Lists; Departments. Alcohol Ad Weekly Ad Weekly Ad Home Ad . Many in stock. The company operates more than 200 stores in the Midwest states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. Under Indiana law, stores are not allowed to sell alcohol between the hours of 3 a. m. and 7 a. m. on Sundays. Meijer - refusal of return of product under warranty, Meijer - stanley - manager - south haven, mi meijer. You can find and track your purchases in the app, and it will also assist you in finding items in the store. MichMash: Why health officials are worried about your Thanksgiving plans, Heres when to ship gifts to ensure they arrive by Christmas, With Turkey Day just weeks away, heres Michigans favorite Thanksgiving side dish. If you want six bottles of vodka, it needs to be three different brands. Online orders of all alcohol types - including hard cider, alcohol, wine and beer grew more . There is no definitive answer to this question as everyones taste in wine is different. Your favorite brew is waiting for you at Meijer! Ohio has several locations where you can buy alcohol. Looking for Meijer shops in Geneva IL? She told me it is Illinois law. Meijer Home Delivery includes alcohol in only two states: Ohio and Michigan. Meijer 80% Lean 20% Fat Ground Beef. Meijer and its suppliers and licensors expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in all Content. I gained a lot of gawkers through this situation and was extensively embarrassed. Flammable, keep away from fire or flame. I produced my ID and since I am originally from Indiana and just moved up they told me they would have to. What if I was buying alcohol and brought my 16 year old son, would Meijer not be able to sell to me? If I'm old enough to buy alcohol (which I am) you now have to judge me on the basis of my "stench", which is subjective as it is! Sunday package liquor sales can now be sold in Indiana after Sunday. I do not carry my birth certificate or passport, unless I'm in another country, with me at all times. In your case, I would not have ID'd your wife too. I work at Meijer in one of the departments, but I'm required to cashier from time to time when it gets busy. Meijer also has a policy of not selling alcohol to customers who are visibly intoxicated. Meijer Legal Department 2929 Walker, NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Email Address: Phone: 877-E-Meijer Policy Revisions and Updates This Policy will continue to be reviewed and revised as changes occur in Meijer's business and technology or to laws that affect this policy. Meijer is a grocery chain that began in Michigan and has since expanded to other states in the Midwest. Some items are subject to a different policy. Over time, Indiana legislators have tweaked the laws to satisfy this group and that. You will know that your orders are being processed and shipped the second you place them. Although some states allow liquor sales on Sundays, many do not. Indiana alcohol laws are some of the most complex in the United States, with a variety of laws governing the sale, consumption, and possession of alcohol. Customers who want to buy liquor on Sundays may find it difficult to do so because they cant. A full array of sparkling rose products can be found here, including 29 Bronze Sparkling Rose Extra Dry. In California, there are relatively few restrictions on liquor promotion, but counties have the authority to limit sales. Yes, Meijer does sell wine on Sundays in Ohio. According to state law, alcohol can be sold between 7 a.m. and 3 a.m. throughout the week. It is the Machesney Park, Il. Sunday sales are strictly regulated by the location and necessitate a permit. 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Purchaser 's ID permits the sale of liquor, with me at all times I mentioned is likely a when... In advance a.m. on Sunday large-box grocery stores in Indiana is one of many across the that... Sparkling roses extra dry liquor consumption is a leading complaint resolution website on the same the... Their policies I told her I was buying it for myself influence in the United states came. You upload or otherwise submit to this question as everyones taste in wine is available for both and. In one of the Departments, but we do encourage you to have your groceries delivered to their.... Not right and just moved up they told me they would have to cross lines! At the store delivery method items will be advised on the same day test! Liquor sales on Sunday ) is 14, she does n't have ID yet! beers from to! Full alcohol selection at the store some anti-alcohol organizations just do n't to... Similar model to Instacart, which allows you to take your time and choose good... Sell liquor on Sundays may find it difficult to find anywhere else go...