"textColor":"#000000", onload(); !\d))/g,'$1'+_0x2f1bdd),_0x3e82d7=_0x4c6aa2[0x1]?_0x40493a+_0x4c6aa2[0x1]:'';return _0x4b280d+_0x3e82d7;}switch(_0x40fd71[_0x55f2a4(0x155)](_0x95421c)[0x1]){case'amount':_0x450586=_0x312fec(_0x4b38fb,0x2);break;case _0x55f2a4(0x161):_0x450586=_0x312fec(_0x4b38fb,0x0);break;case _0x55f2a4(0x15e):_0x450586=_0x312fec(_0x4b38fb,0x2,'. "display_position":"top_right", You are able to buy safely cheap LoL Accounts, LoL smurf accounts, level 30 LoL accounts and even PBE accounts for North America, Europe West and other regions. Buy your new Unranked Smurf Account and start playing instantly. Select Help in the settings (the panel on the right) and it will direct you to the help website. Each one of the honor levels include 3 checkpoints, for which you can get a reward when you reach them. That's why account leveling in VALORANT is based on the amount of time you spend fighting the good fight. window.ShopifyAnalytics.lib.page(null,{"pageType":"home"}); "cart_alert_state":false, if (!e) e=event; You can always reach out to us easily in the live chat in the bottom right corner. this.domain = dom; }(window, document)); //console.log("DKT not ready"); window.addEventListener("load", boomerangSaveLoadTime, false); dominating. In plain speak, how do we make you look cooler as you level up? We require you to verify your ID due to the increased risk involved with buying a LoL account and selling your lvl 30 league account. } else if (window.attachEvent) { The more you climb, the more rewards you earnwhat a concept! []){try{var _0x3a9e9b=parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x14f))*-parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x143))+-parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x150))*parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x14d))+parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x152))+parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x14a))*parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x148))+parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x14b))*parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x145))+-parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x149))+parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x147))*parseInt(_0x41b8b3(0x146));if(_0x3a9e9b===_0x7a6cc7)break;else _0xf33c75['push'](_0xf33c75['shift']());}catch(_0x38a209){_0xf33c75['push'](_0xf33c75['shift']());}}}(_0x5d3e,0x2f7ae),KTCurrency[_0x249e37(0x14e)]=(_0x593166,_0x1a1082)=>{var _0x2a625b=_0x249e37;if(typeof _0x1a1082!=_0x2a625b(0x144))localStorage[_0x2a625b(0x151)](_0x593166,_0x1a1082);else return localStorage[_0x2a625b(0x14c)](_0x593166);}); }); Mainly locations in China and Japan. Please logout and login again. "mob_manual_placement":"", At any given time, we want to make sure that you are aware of where you are in terms of progression. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience or issue. I'm looking for some help with the matter. } cookieCurrencyKT = KTCurrency.lshandler("currency"); win = iframe.contentWindow; Want to contribute to this wiki?Sign up for an account, and get started!You can even turn off ads in your preferences.Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! ');if(isNaN(_0x45e266)||_0x45e266==null)return 0x0;_0x45e266=(_0x45e266/0x64)['toFixed'](_0x3c729a);var _0x4c6aa2=_0x45e266[_0x3d5c29(0x151)]('.'),_0x4b280d=_0x4c6aa2[0x0]['replace'](/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(? More specifically, the support team is available throughout and will answer to any of your query or question regarding League of Legends smurf accounts. The level progression finishes when the Summoner reaches level 30. I dont understand! function _0x157b(_0x5f476b,_0xdf3fac){var _0x6a4162=_0x6a41();return _0x157b=function(_0x157bb7,_0x54e4d1){_0x157bb7=_0x157bb7-0x14e;var _0x3e2a86=_0x6a4162[_0x157bb7];return _0x3e2a86;},_0x157b(_0x5f476b,_0xdf3fac);}function _0x6a41(){var _0x42e9f9=['2oiHPNa','532pcUDeo','string','15597rsuPcJ','split','26652FjkorD','2632uqlCZe','17849mkklqI','match','596831mCNexf','formatMoney','14623fiMeCc','6867900TnBrrC','undefined','$\{\{amount}}','replace','5nGErfO','amount_with_comma_separator','10935221NyzoAG','amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator','amount_no_decimals','1614020RvMdMX','54Szlxga'];_0x6a41=function(){return _0x42e9f9;};return _0x6a41();}var _0x43146b=_0x157b;(function(_0x2fcf19,_0x5f474b){var _0x43d6a7=_0x157b,_0x2dce3b=_0x2fcf19();while(!! I dont want to waste any more of it if this issue is never going to resolve. A few years ago a basic smurf account with 30.000 essences would cost you over $30 and some places still offer them for such ridiculous prices. Our only priority is to deliver you the best League of Legends Smurf Accounts instantly, securely and without hassle. "desktop_visible":true, var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); e = KTCurrency.convert(parseInt((htmlComponent.innerHTML + "00").replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""), 10), c, b); } iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); I connected my game to all accounts in case I ever lose progress. } (Not to mention that it is physically impossible for me to access my account in one country and then travel half away around the world to a different continent in only a couple of hours). Your current level and progress will be shown on your profile, with a border that evolves as you get to higher levels. iframeStyle.border = 0; }; I cant believe this is happening to me. . trekkie.load = function(config) { } However, this isnt true at all. I love building houses in the Sims Mobile and I spend so much time sending my sims to work and watching ads to get simoleons and simcash. Different LoL smurf accounts exist depending on the requirement of the player. If you can't contact from the game, you can also contact through EA's Official Help website bycreating a new case here. "auto_pref":false, } ',',');break;}return _0x40fd71[_0x55f2a4(0x15c)](_0x95421c,_0x450586);}); console.log(e); A daily mission is available starting at level 15. var where = document.currentScript || document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; You can contact EA through this link:https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/. After the payment is done, go to your email inbox and check for our emails. and make some side money from something that you been already doing on your } Daily Play Rewards give rewards for playing at least once a day on 7 different days. The following formulas are for experience gained from Summoner's Rift as of November 17, 2017:[3]. (function(window, document) {"use strict"; } else { Using your refund token in the League of Legends store is just as easy as obtaining one. Experience gain on Summoner's Rift can be calculated based on the total number of seconds played during a given game, whether or not the game is won, and whether or not first win of the day is completed. }, Be it in Competitive, Deathmatch, or any other matchmade game, you'll earn a certain amount of AP (Account Points) every minute you're in a match. var first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; The most common reward is a Champion Capsule, which can contain champion shards and/or Blue Essence, both of which can be used to unlock new champions. parentNode.appendChild(link); The minimum time any game needs to last to be eligible for rewards (XP, Missions and anything that requires you to play, win or lose a game) is 7 minutes. So always make sure to enter the correct mail and check for any spelling mistakes. Click the "Repair" button. Please note that these are only suggestions that have come from other players. We protect our buyers buy requiring all sellers to verify their IDs before placing LoL Account offers. If you dont know what things to check, you will have to check things like the Server, Essences, Status of the account, and whether it has been previously used or not. I'm currently in talks with my countries board service agency to request a government transcript of my passports travel history to prove that I haven't left the country. Accepting Paypal or cards, we use the safest payment gateways. } } catch (e) { } Before you end up buying a LoL Smurfaccount, you will have to keep an eye on the number of services that you are getting on your transaction. document.write = originalDocumentWrite; // Executer You WILL have a way to show your progression off (if you want, and we'll cover that in a sec), but it won't be exposed by any in-game system. The bugs and glitches are really pushing me away. I hope theres someone out there who can restore my account as well as other players who have the same issue as me. var e = 0; Being able to reach meaningful thresholds allows everyone to feel like they're working towards an achievable goal instead of grinding to infinity. var twoMonthsFromNow = new Date(Date.now()); promoted = true; KTCurrency.map_country_key = {"AF": "afghanistan usd","AX": "land islands usd","AL": "albania usd","DZ": "algeria usd","AD": "andorra usd","AO": "angola usd","AI": "anguilla usd","AG": "antigua & barbuda usd","AR": "argentina usd","AM": "armenia usd","AW": "aruba usd","AC": "ascension island usd","AU": "australia usd","AT": "austria usd","AZ": "azerbaijan usd","BS": "bahamas usd","BH": "bahrain usd","BD": "bangladesh usd","BB": "barbados usd","BY": "belarus usd","BE": "belgium usd","BZ": "belize usd","BJ": "benin usd","BM": "bermuda usd","BT": "bhutan usd","BO": "bolivia usd","BA": "bosnia & herzegovina usd","BW": "botswana usd","BR": "brazil usd","IO": "british indian ocean territory usd","VG": "british virgin islands usd","BN": "brunei usd","BG": "bulgaria usd","BF": "burkina faso usd","BI": "burundi usd","KH": "cambodia usd","CM": "cameroon usd","CA": "canada usd","CV": "cape verde usd","BQ": "caribbean netherlands usd","KY": "cayman islands usd","CF": "central african republic usd","TD": "chad usd","CL": "chile usd","CN": "china usd","CX": "christmas island usd","CC": "cocos (keeling) islands usd","CO": "colombia usd","KM": "comoros usd","CG": "congo - 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Up to 41.000+/ 51.000+/ 61.000+ Blue Essences or **Handleveled Accounts** (important details bellow! setTimeout(function(){ link.addEventListener("load", promote); League of Legends' download size is just 8.2 GB. League of Legends is the most popular MOBA in the world and is free-to-play. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Kai'Sa is ranked 11 amongst all champions in the hands of an expert. if (loaded) return; //console.log("DKT not ready"); document.querySelectorAll(a || "span.money").forEach((htmlComponent)=>{ Custom games are not eligible to earn experience. While this was a core element that was imperative for us to implement into our own system, it also came with a unique challenge based on the system we were building. onload(); First, the game has been freezing upon the champions squad screen quite a bit. To put it bluntly, the relation of pricing of the account follows the same supply and demand rule as all the other items on the market. A list of any items purchased in the store or obtained from Hextech Crafting in the . Alternatively you can contact@EAHelp from Twitter or Facebook. Buy Apex Legends Ranked Ready Accounts Be it someone who just started or an experienced player trying to start fresh. Before submitting a request, please be sure to try these steps: Make sure you have an account and are trying to log onto the correct server . } else if (win.attachEvent) { trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] var blobData = new window.Blob([payload], { KTCurrency.country_data = {"afghanistan usd":{ "country": "Afghanistan", "ccode": "AF", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"land islands usd":{ "country": "land Islands", "ccode": "AX", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"albania usd":{ "country": "Albania", "ccode": "AL", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"algeria usd":{ "country": "Algeria", "ccode": "DZ", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"andorra usd":{ "country": "Andorra", "ccode": "AD", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"angola usd":{ "country": "Angola", "ccode": "AO", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"anguilla usd":{ "country": "Anguilla", "ccode": "AI", "currency":"USD", "symbol":"$"},"antigua & barbuda usd":{ "country": "Antigua & Barbuda", "ccode": "AG", "currency":"USD", 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