If it were not for earths abundant vegetation of the land and plants of the sea, aquatic creatures, birds, and land animals would have no oxygen to breathe or food to eat. When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped trying to convince her.Ruth 1:15-18. That scheming opportunist kept stealing the hearts of the men of Israel, setting himself up as a rival king. KING DAVID was no stranger to disloyalty. 3. Carry on with one another loving-kindness.ZECHARIAH 7:9. March 13, 1939 - February 22, 2023. Her two sons got married, but sadly, they too died. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. Yet, in all his years with the company, he may never have met any of the directors. What will help us not to give up easily? In the Bible, what motive stands out in the acts of loyal love shown among Gods people? For one thing, Jehovahs forgiveness of sins is permanent. When Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi met her former neighbors. In fact, for thousands of years, Jehovah has tolerated with much patience vessels of wrath made fit for destruction. Why? (Please, do not bury me in Egypt.) The ACLU works through litigation and lobbying and has over 1,800,000 members as of July 2018, with an annual budget of over $300 million. (John 21:15-17) I love to make visits at the homes of brothers or call them for no other reason than to show I was thinking of them, says one Christian elder. We read: Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and departed. (Dan. 9 Abrahams grandson Jacob also received loving-kindness. How does loyal love compare with loyalty? A sister in need of assistance may at first refuse our help.c Still, loyal love will move us to do our best to stick with her. How painful that must have been for Ruth! Explain how Jehovahs dealings with Israel highlight his loyalty. What good reasons do we have to show loyal love to one another? 14. Because by destroying the wicked, Jehovah is displaying loyalty to his servants, many of whom have been persecuted to the point of death. By means of the ransomthe greatest demonstration of Jehovahs loyalty. She said: May he be blessed by Jehovah, who has not failed in his loyal love toward the living and the dead. (Ruth 2:20a) What a turning point this was for Naomi! 18 Do not take it personally. Because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is abundant in loyal love.Ex. The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten Volume set, including all the advertising as . 10 How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? opposed me, but now she exclaimed with joy: Jehovah . WE HAVE good reasons to show loyal love to one another. It is not like waves of the sea blown about by changing winds. 11 Many trials and calamities befall Jehovah Gods loyal ones because of their own imperfection and because they live in a world that is lying in the power of Satan, the wicked one. (1John 5:19; Psalm 34:19) Christians experience persecution. Why do we need to draw closer to Jehovah? 5 You will surely agree that the better we understand the meaning of loyal love, the better we will be able to show it to our fellow worshippers. Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. He longs to see these departed faithful ones again, and the Bible confirms that his purpose is to reward them with a resurrection. As never before, worshipers of Jehovah will need to call upon him earnestly, even crying for help. ( 1 John 4:10, 19) We love them even more when we realize that Jesus died for us personally. I. 3. 13. For example, those showing human kindness often do so without having a deep and personal involvement, or relationship, with the individuals they treat kindly. ^ par. 18. (a)What shocking lack of appreciation did the Israelites display, yet how did Jehovah show compassion toward them? 18. . 6 When we consider how much Jehovah and Jesus love us, we are moved to love them in return. 23 Let us therefore keep our thoughts centered on the grand future that awaits all of Jehovahs loyal ones. Like the first-century Macedonians, they do more than what is expected. 22. (Ruth 1:8) Ruth was also free to marry one of the young fellows instead of aged Boaz. The most outstanding feature of that sign is the work Jesus foretold for all of Gods loyal ones when he said: This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:3-14) Because Gods loyal ones are zealously fulfilling that prophecy, over six million men, women, and children are now sharing in this grand, never-to-be-repeated work. I present this ten-volume set of Freethought books in two parts; the first part is the complete Ten Volume set of McCabe's Freethought Library, with all the pages of Advertising removed. The Loyal Love of God In part one (0:00-16:10), Tim, Jon, and Carissa explore the fourth attribute God assigns himself in Exodus 34:6-7: loyal love. We can imagine that all three rejoiced over that wonderful outcome. How well does Jehovah provide for the needs of every living thing? God's loyal love prompts you to forgive. "God's Loyal Love" - Sing to Jehovah 18 (vocal renditions) - YouTube Sing to Jehovah 18: "God's Loyal Love"(vocal renditions)Isaiah 55:1-3Lyrics:1. 12, 13. . What did Abrahams servant tell Bethuel and Laban, and what issue did the servant raise? 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. Jehovah understands that oppression can drive the wise one into madness. (Eccl. 6. 6 Today we might describe someone who has worked for the same company for many years as a loyal employee. By his great loving-kindness, he has made it possible for the slave class to provide food in its season. Through such provisions, the desire of every living thing in the present-day spiritual paradise gets satisfied. 21. How? 4,5. PRIVACY SETTINGS, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/1102002053/univ/art/1102002053_univ_sqr_xl.jpg, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/a/cl/E/wpub/cl_E_lg.jpg, Share How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? Obadiah1-4, 10-16 How did Jehovahs loyalty to his people move him to punish the Edomites for their disloyal conduct? As a result, we will have loyal friendsa precious reward indeed!Proverbs 18:24. Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. Continue Showing Loyal Love to One Another, Publication download options 10 In addition, Jehovah demonstrates loyalty to his servants by remaining true to his standards. Who? Yet, in all his years with the company, he may never have met any of the directors. . 22-23. How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? How will the words of Psalm 145:18-20 prove true in the near future? Gods loyal ones take delight in discussing his mighty acts, Jehovahs servants courageously help strangers to learn about the glory of his kingship, Jehovah provides food for every living thing, Animals: Parque de la Naturaleza de Cabrceno, Jehovah gives strength and guidance to his loyal ones, who seek his help in prayer, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1980, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom (Study)2021, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1990, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2004. 10 Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. 6 Jehovah's loyal servants can also be identified by their courage and initiative in speaking to people who are not worshipers of the true God. PRIVACY POLICY (John 3:16) Soon, however, Jehovah will sweep away the incorrigibly wicked so that humans who love him can enjoy everlasting life in a righteous new world.Psalm 37:9-11,29; 2Peter 3:13. Willingly and gently, Ruth helped her mother-in-law to regain her emotional and spiritual balance. He does not love the company, but he is happy to have a job that provides a paycheck. 5 Does Jehovah take note when his loyal ones praise him? And does loving-kindness differ from normal human kindness or from kindness in general? (a)With what attitude do Christian elders shepherd the flock? Or would the servants long journey have been in vain? When Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi met her former neighbors. 6:2) We hope that she will eventually accept our hand of friendship and allow us to help lift her out of despair. 20 How thrilling it will be to experience Jehovahs nearness and his saving power when he annihilates all the wicked! Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. (Proverbs 12:25) Or consider the many Witnesses of Jehovah who faithfully drive the elderly to the Kingdom Hall to attend weekly congregation meetings. And everything he does will succeed. (Psalm 1:3) Imagine a luxuriant tree whose foliage never withers! . Because loyalty is an expression of lovesomething that inanimate things cannot display. 9. Why is it vital to keep resisting worldly attitudes and desires? What happened? True, Jehovah is abundant in loyal love, and he delights to show mercy when there is a basis for it. 22-23. 21 Jehovah shows similar loyalty to a great crowd who have the prospect of coming out of the great tribulation and of living forever on a paradise earth. He will continue to work there until he retires, unless he is offered a better position elsewhere. 4 One example of human kindness relates to a group of shipwrecked people, including the apostle Paul. This is the personal name of God in the Hebrew Bible and is found nearly 7000 times within its pages. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on? 11,12. 16 Be persistent. (1John 2:1,2; 3:6) It is the course of wisdom to bear in mind that Jehovah will continue to show loving-kindness, or loyal love, toward us only if we remain faithful to him.2Samuel 22:26. 13 Did you notice how Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth expressed their loving-kindness? The psalmist tells us: He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; he rescues them from the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 97:10) Consider his dealings with the nation of Israel. While there, Naomis husband died. (Proverbs 27:11) Unlike Satan, who slanders Jehovah and his way of ruling, Jehovahs loyal ones continue to declare publicly: Jehovah is righteous in all his ways.Psalm 145:17. WHAT BENEFITS COME TO THOSE WHO SHOW LOYAL LOVE. As foretold in Ezekiel chapter38, Satan will soon complete his role as Gog of the land of Magog. This will involve a worldwide attack on Jehovahs people. a Then, too, the word faithful can be applied to inanimate things. . How did Naomis attitude change, and why? David told Mephibosheth: You yourself will eat bread at my table constantly. Explaining why he was making this provision, David told him: Without fail I shall exercise loving-kindness toward you for the sake of Jonathan your father. (2Samuel 9:6, 7,13) Davids enduring hospitality is rightly referred to as an exercise of loving-kindness, not merely kindness, for it was an evidence of his loyalty to an established relationship. But Ruth stuck with her. (Ruth 1:7-14) By choosing to return, Orpah was following Naomis instructions, doing what was expected. 7,8. 6 Jehovahs loyal servants can also be identified by their courage and initiative in speaking to people who are not worshipers of the true God. 14. In what ways does Jehovahs loyal love endure forever? 11. What do we learn from Ruths example? Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (Ruth 1:16,17) Ruth chose to stick with Naomi, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. What lesson does this account contain? I'll show you my likeness one day. (Psalm 89:37) But the moon cannot be described as being loyal. Ruths loyal love was a blessing to Naomi, Human loving-kindness is extended willingly, is shown by specific action, and is displayed to those in need, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2002, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2010. 8. . ^ par. 2 These proverbs mention three reasons why we should show loyal love. * (Ruth 2:19, 20b) Now I understand, she must have thought, Jehovah never left me. 1,2. As the Ancient of Days, he has been displaying loyalty longer than any creature, earthly or heavenly. God's greatest demonstration of loyal love was in the sacrifice of his son, Jesus, for the redemption of humanity. 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. Who need our expressions of loving-kindness? 20,21. Who are in need of our expressions of loving-kindness, and what should each of us be determined to do? (b)What is the best way to learn what loyalty entails, and why? YLT Numbers 14:1 And all the company lifteth up and give forth their voice, and the people weep during that night; 1Samuel 24:1-22 In his treatment of King Saul, how did David display the kind of loyalty that Jehovah values? We stick with our sister who is in need, and we ask Jehovah to help us find a way to bring her comfort.Prov. 2 Moreover, the Scriptures tell us: He that is pursuing righteousness and loving-kindness will find life. (Proverbs 21:21) Yes, our pursuing loving-kindness will endear us to God and will put us in line for future blessings, including life everlasting. I was, faith. 17:17. (Psalm 136:23,26). Then you will find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and man. A man of loyal love benefits himself. Whoever pursues righteousness and loyal love will find life.Prov. (a)How does Jehovah show loyalty to a great crowd who have the prospect of coming out of the great tribulation? . It pricks our conscience and we are embarrassed by the expensive [automobiles] we drive.. What crucial time draws near, and how can we deal with it? What recent example is there of spiritual food that is both timely and richly satisfying? What special aspect of love does Jehovah show for those who are in a dedicated relationship with him? (Matthew 5:3) How wonderfully Jehovah satisfies the spiritual needs of his loyal ones! More is involved than faithfulness. 23. Since 1976, all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters. 20. After all, Bethuel was under no legal obligation to part with his daughter. Finally, the servant said: If you are actually exercising loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward my master, tell me; but if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.Ge 24 Verse49. 12 Often the most effective way you can help a discouraged brother or sister is by lending a listening ear and by reassuring him or her of your love. What trials befall Gods loyal ones, and what help do they have? Boaz said to Ruth: May Jehovah reward you for what you have done, and may there be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge. Those heartwarming words touched Ruth deeply. Deal with one another in loyal love and mercy.ZECH. Similarly today, loving-kindness should especially be shown to those in need. As Genesis chapter47 relates, Jacob was then living in Egypt, and the days approached for [him] to die. (Ge 47 Verses27-29) He was concerned because he was going to die outside the land that God had promised to Abraham. Ep Do THIS to Feel the Love and LOYALTY OF JESUS Now - Feb 25, 2023. (Mark 10:29,30). 5:1) Therefore, we desire to develop warm feelingsa deep and enduring attachmentfor our spiritual brothers and sisters.Read Mark 10:29,30. Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. For example, think of those who provide enduring emotional support to infirm, depressed, or grief-stricken fellow believers. JEHOVAH GODS Word exhorts us to love loving-kindness. (Micah 6:8, footnote) It also gives us reasons why we should do so. Jehovahs reputation is so impeccable in this regard that his servant Joshua was able to say: Not a promise failed out of all the good promises that Jehovah had made to the house of Israel; all of them came true. (Joshua 21:45) We can be confident, then, that we will never be led to disappointment because of some failure on Jehovahs part to live up to his promises.Isaiah 49:23; Romans 5:5. Psalm 136 provides an answer. . I will not look down angrily on you, for I am loyal. (Jeremiah 3:12) As noted in Chapter25, however, most of the Israelites were not moved. To whom should we show loyal love? Gods loyal servants share the sentiments of David, who sang: About the glory of your [Jehovahs] kingship they will talk, and about your mightiness they will speak.Psalm 145:11. He was a 1958 graduate of Andover Central School. 7:9. Throughout the millenniums, his view of such things as spiritism, idolatry, and murder has remained unchanged. With someone loyal you act in loyalty, David said of Jehovah. 21. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 18 Loving-kindness is still a mark of Gods people, including the men who shepherd Gods flock. 19. Draw Close to Jehovah, Appreciate Jehovahs Qualities to the Full. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. 3. Ruth had shown loyal love to Naomi, but now Ruth herself needed encouragement. 41:1) Proverbs 19:17 states: The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does., Ruth clings to Naomi, her mother-in-law, while Orpah returns to Moab. When we observe how those in need regain their spiritual strength, we feel deep joy. How painful that must have been for Ruth! For example, the psalmist called the moon a faithful witness in the skies because of its regular nightly appearance. Those who showed loyal love did so, not because they had to, but because their hearts impelled them. . This important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times in Psalm 136. And how Jehovahs servants rejoice in the hope of soon seeing the earth transformed into a physical paradise!Luke 23:42,43. (Prov. (a)How does Psalm 145 help us to identify Jehovahs loyal ones? How grateful Naomi must have been that Ruth and Boaz did not give up on her! opposed me, but now she exclaimed with joy: Jehovah . Draw Close to Jehovah, Share Jehovah thus fulfilled his promise that Davids kingship would be firmly established to time indefinite.2Samuel 7:12,13; Luke 1:32,33. 8 To benefit fully from this article, we encourage you to read for yourself Ruth chapters1 and2. great in loving-kindness.PSALM 145:8. (Ruth 1:6) Both daughters-in-law started out with her. Note how she expressed her feelings about God: The hand of Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. She also said: It is Jehovah who opposed me and the Almighty who caused me calamity.Ruth 1:13, 20,21. Boaz said to Ruth: May Jehovah reward you for what you have done, and may there be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge. Those heartwarming words touched Ruth deeply. . What does it mean to be approachable and impartial? How did Jehovah reveal himself to Moses? What activity helps us to identify Gods loyal ones? What characteristic of loving-kindness is further highlighted by the three Bible accounts we have considered? What is often the most effective way to help a discouraged brother or sister? They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. (Revelation 4:11) Still, because he is loyal, Jehovah treasures our faithful acts.Malachi 3:16,17. 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." What must have been painful for Ruth? She too was free to leave, but out of loyal love, she decided to stay to help her needy relative. How satisfying it is to know that by their loyalty each Witness of Jehovah had a small part in the vindication of Jehovahs sovereignty and in proving the Devil to be a liar! Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. 33:22. (Ruth 1:6) Both daughters-in-law started out with her. 4 Jehovahs loyal ones can be identified as those who use their mouths to speak well of him. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. What must have been painful for Ruth? All too often, close companions are ready to crush one another. Increasingly, we hear of spouses who abandon their mates. Lover, for her love he prowled with colonel Richard Burke, tanist of his sept, under the walls of Clerkenwell and, crouching, saw a flame of vengeance hurl them upward in the fog. 11 Loyal love moves us to reach out to those in distress. The blessings that Jehovah loyally extends to his faithful servants are everlasting. Consider the example of David. (b)How do Gods loyal ones bless him? God is love.. God's loyal love is enduring. (b)Why will we consider some passages from the book of Ruth? Absaloms revolt gained so much momentum that King David was forced to flee for his life.2Samuel 15:1-6, 12-17. No matter what the cause, all such dear ones have needs that can and should be filled by our willing and enduring acts of loving-kindness.1Thessalonians 5:14. That includes the animals. What will help us not to give up easily? (1Sam. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. And Jehovah moved Boaz to encourage her. David wrote: Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down.Psalm 145:14. 20:9, 14, 15; 2Sam. 11 Jehovah also shows loyalty by remaining faithful to his word of promise. Since the needy have no authority over the powerful, the loving-kindness shown in such a case is displayed willingly, not under compulsion. But Ruth did not give up. Finally, the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until they were beyond healing.2Chronicles 36:15,16. We can imagine that all three rejoiced over that wonderful outcome. 5:1) Therefore, we desire to develop warm feelingsa deep and enduring attachmentfor our spiritual brothers and sisters.Read Mark 10:29,30. a Jehovah wants us to show loyal love to our brothers and sisters in the congregation. 6 To identify some additional characteristics of loving-kindness, we will briefly consider three Bible accounts that feature this quality. 2 Jehovah shows love for his true worshipers in a precious, lasting way. Whatever trial befalls them, however, Jehovah is always ready to give comfort and spiritual strength to each one of them. 7, 8. How do we benefit from showing loyal love? 2:8) He moved Ruth to reach out and show loyal love to Naomi. (2Cor. Since God is lovehe being the very personification of this qualitywho could display loyalty more completely than Jehovah? Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. How did Naomis attitude change, and why? Next, Bethuel expressed his loving-kindness by adding: Here is Rebekah before you. Ruth had gone out of her way to help Naomi. And surely we will honor Jehovah and experience great joy as we carry on with one another loving-kindness.Zechariah 7:9. a For details on the type of marriage involved here, see Volume1, page370, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovahs Witnesses. Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. Indeed, we have good reasons for heeding Jehovahs reminder: Deal with one another in loyal love and mercy.Zech. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". 3 Was there no one who remained loyal to David? PRIVACY SETTINGS, Continue Showing Loyal Love to One Another, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/2021646/univ/art/2021646_univ_sqr_xl.jpg, THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/a/w/E/202111/wpub/w_E_202111_lg.jpg, Share 19 Application: Today, a sister in distress may initially speak to us in a hurtful waydespite all our efforts to help her. 12:25, ftn. How does Jehovah show appreciation for the loyalty of his servants? (Genesis 50:4,5) Ruth was persistent about going with [Naomi]. (Ruth 1:18) When Naomi suggested that Ruth approach Boaz, loving-kindness moved the Moabitess to declare: All that you say to me I shall do.Ruth 3:1-5. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . a Interestingly, the word rendered loyalty at 2Samuel 22:26 is elsewhere translated loyal love.. 5 By comparison, consider the hospitality that King David showed to Mephibosheth, the son of his friend Jonathan. TERMS OF USE (Gal. Loyal love is motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty, and deep attachment. In social settings and at Christian meetings, what is a common theme of their discussions? Thus, we can say that Jehovah's loyal love directly benefits his servants and that is why we are sure that he will never abandon us. Ruth, however, went beyond that. How can we apply these lessons in our congregation? has not failed in his loyal love. What might have contributed to Naomis changed attitude? Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. I was a strapping young gossoon at that time, I tell you. The desire of those fearing him he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them. What can we learn from the book of Ruth about showing loyal love? In this way, Jehovah draws close to us, letting us know him. 15 We can learn a number of fine lessons by examining how Ruth helped Naomi. will not return to me without results, but it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, and it will have sure success in what I send it to do. (Isaiah 55:11) By remaining faithful to his word, Jehovah shows loyalty to his people. Then you will find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and man. A man of loyal love benefits himself. Whoever pursues righteousness and loyal love will find life.Prov. 21. (Dan. By listening, we can help a discouraged brother or sister (See paragraph12). (Proverbs 19:17) We should imitate the patriarch Job, who gave attention to the afflicted one crying for help, and the fatherless boy and anyone that had no helper as well as to the one about to perish. Job also made glad the heart of the widow and became eyes to the blind and feet to the lame.Job 29:12-15. Yes, Jehovah displays loyalty to his faithful servants by hearing their cries for help and by taking action at the appointed time. 6:2) We hope that she will eventually accept our hand of friendship and allow us to help lift her out of despair. TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED; THE QUESTION, THEN, IS WHETHER IT IS BETTER, THAT IT SHALL BE GIVEN OR WITHHELD. Jehovah helped them to understand that the primary issue, involving the whole universe, relates to Jehovahs rightful sovereignty. Examining Jehovah Gods example will help us to display those qualities. But we try not to take it personally. In the opening verse, we read: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever." ( Ps. Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. (b)In what way was the last instance of Ruths loving-kindness better than the first? In fact, the best way to learn just what loyalty entails is to examine how Jehovah displays this grand facet of his love. Would you like to read this article in %%? She too was free to leave, but out of loyal love, she decided to stay to help her needy relative. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. | Your kingship is a kingship for all times indefinite, sang David, and your dominion is throughout all successive generations.Psalm 145:13. Yes, there is. Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. (Psalm 145:15,16) Even in times of calamity, Jehovah can maneuver matters so that his loyal ones get bread for the day.Luke 11:3; 12:29,30. His Word says that the righteous one will be like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. Why, it is Jehovahs Kingdom! How grateful Naomi must have been that Ruth and Boaz did not give up on her! For example, when they learn that a natural disaster has occurred, they immediately want to know how they can help. Jacob was then living in Egypt. Genesis chapter47 relates, Jacob was then living in Egypt.,! And your dominion is throughout all successive generations.Psalm 145:13 it is Jehovah who opposed,! The Scriptures tell us: he is guarding the lives of his servants Jehovahs and. To reach out to those who use their mouths to jehovah shows loyal love to joseph well of him: the of. [ him ] to die he may never have met any of Israelites! 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