You can find their site at and they offer online support as well as in person. 0:02. Like from where does this voice arise? Voice Collective have a website that has some good ideas for parents and children (that may give you a starting point to find some support for him and to feel equipped to help him yourself). Hello Darkness My Old Frieend. Its hard to know what is happening for you son but having experiences like hearing voices and feeling disconnected/dissociated isnt necessarily the start of something more worrying. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. Now I just believe its lower entities bothering me because my energy is in a lower field. Matt Elliott, a technology writer for more than a decade, is a PC tester and Mac user based in New Hampshire. My girlfriend saying "hey sweety I need to talk with you" for some reason. These voices can be male, female, genderless, old or young. Stay positive and no matter what, nothing negative you hear from voices is true unless you believe it yourself. Then phone disconnects. This one is more demanding than the last. I had this overwhelming sense of self and also wholeness then a loud crack/ frequency or noise came. Its interesting you mentioned the changing of eye color. Soundsnap 2008 - 2023, All rights reserved. These experiences can happen for many reasons and are relatively common in children and young people. Made online by you. Did I just get my voice recorded for use in a scam or something? I am so incredibly grateful to have found this site, to know that I am not alone and reaffirm that I am not insane, and to read all of your experiences (some eerily similar to my own) as there is no logical way that you can share what hearing these voices is like to the people in your life who love you but cannot hear voices themselves and feel helpless as to how they can help youits beyond frustrating, life altering really because at times I cannot distinguish reality from fantasy (??) But we also believe that there are half again as many spirits who existed with us in the pre-mortal life who rebelled against the plan of this earth life academy if you will, and will never get to experience mortality, and can only experience having a body by invading someone elses. In late 1986, I was hearing voices, nothing scary, just people whispering my name. Cute baby talk voice for something good im sure. I believe we are just gifted, chosen if you believe. Requested by somnath, My mother in law talking to my kids saying Nana Can Take Care of It. They might feel something crawling over theirskin, tickling them or pushing them. I can hear voices n see visions n i can also feel it.i cant explain it. PTSD often causes extreme physical and emotional distress, so it can have a big impact on daily . Call ended abruptly. We watch you all! You are such a loser, my god! Hearing, seeing or sensing things that you realise other people dont can be confusing but it is relatively common in young people (around 1 in 5 young people your age will experience something like this). it is hard tho. do you see like a black showdow that is moving fast and you feel like its following were you go? People use to come to my mom to help with different types of spiritual entities that were either roaming around them or bothering them. Little Demon Girl singing hush little baby dont say a word. So if you hear your name being called, the most common metaphysical reason for this is . hi my name is amber rae im from Wisconsin and I hear voices mine is not fun it stresses me out some times to the point where I cry and just want shit to end!!! McGee (Artist, Record Producer and Executive Vice President of Grind Time Official Records, founded by Killer Mike) to give independent creatives access to high quality content for film and audio projects.FAQ:How can I grow my YouTube channel?Get resources to grow your channel here - How do I download this sound effect?Follow the link and head over to for free download. Woman screaming at the top of her lungs in fear or horror. The trick is to discern which spirits you are hearing, or at least their intent with regards to you. - mp3.mp3 - spectrogram. This may involve hearing a voice speak to you, and could be positive, negative, or neutral. You might also find Lucy Johnstones book A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis an interesting introduction to the debate. Women on my mothers side of the family have been gifted the ability to see, feel, and hear things that can not be explained. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others. Someone who feels lonely and hears a reassuring voice may feel comforted if they feel a hand on their shoulder. Female voice saying: how are you doing. Access Now sound effects Sorting Default Newer Length 0:00 - 10:00 0:00 10:00 Tags All Categories All Libraries All Libraries Update Results (0) Without these people, the world would be a very different place. It feels different to a disability, I think that it is something else. If Corsica_S or anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it very much. Other times these voices become quieter, less intrusive or even disappear altogether. Its good to hear that reading other peoples stories has helped. These couldbe like the voices of people they know, or complete strangers. or "Can you hear me? The good news is that people can, and do, find ways to deal with (and recover from) distressing voices. All music & SFX are now also available through our subscription plans. It left for a long time and came back years later. Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Girl free from Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates! Hello darkness my old friend. Spooky Girl or ghost saying mommy. People can hear other types of sounds too, includingknocking, rustling, crying, screaming or music. God Bless. Two versions included: But other than that it was identical to the one op describes. The voices you are hearing are the voices, of Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Master, Fairies, Elves, and Loved Ones on the other side. Young Female Saying Hi 02 . Im 11 and I sometimes here voices that are muffled and sometimes one or two words, I also taste metallic things out of no where. There are a small amount of people especially very close lovers who have telepathy.. No one likes to believe it cause it is not a science. A day and a half later she passed and he was there with as she took her last breath. It is like the wind. Someone walking quickly in high heels. Click here for more information. A little girl, my daughter to be precise, saying hello. Download and buy high quality Girl Hello sound effects. ! This page contains some basic information about voices, visions and other unusual sensory perceptions. 2 min read. Other people dont see/hear/feel these things which, to me seems odd. A female english actor saying "Hello there". You might want to talk with the people at Voice Collective a specialist youth project that supports young people who hear voices about it to get some ideas and support. I'm all yours. It starts with a question like, "Are you a homeowner?" or "Can you hear me?" The point of these questions, it turns out . I think it helps me to see the nature of the phenomena but to ignore the content. Great for phone conversation, or scene. Does anyone here have any ideas? All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats. Contact our creative partners at. 24 ) }}. My son will say that they come in pairs, some talk non stop where you cant understand what they are saying, others scream, others want to touch him. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. It is important not to impose your own belief on someone elses experience this is fundamental to the Hearing Voices Network approach. It sounded automated too and very run-on sentence-like. Then he said i can go back or continue forward. Thanks to Kyanna for the sound effect. Great little kid sound effects. Young lady asking can you hear me now. Its a female voice, probably middle aged or oldervery wise and melodic sounding. Indian under the water. There are ways of making sense of, and living with, these experiences. Female Child Saying Hello 01 . Im not too sure what to do about it. There are lots of different ideas about diagnoses like schizophrenia and how much they run in families some people think there is a bigger chance of being diagnosed with schizophrenia if you have family members with the diagnosis, but other people dont believe that at all and say it depends on the things you go through in your life and the support you get. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); National charity supporting people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory perceptions - and all those who support them. sometimes it is a very close soul and they eventaully find each other. . , For the user "1337 1", my girlfriend saying "hello". It wasn't from my laptop as I had the sound muted and sitting idle on the desktop. Its getting really frustrating for me. The visions, and voices became too much for me to handle. Its hard to say when Ill hear it next. This can be extremely frightening, especially if they dont recognise that this sensory experience comes from the past. For example, someone who survived a house fire may smell smoke when they feel anxious. This scam has previously targeted businesses but is now allegedly going after individuals. Companies don't normally just send a message that sounds like that with no advertising at all. So I pick up, I say hello, I here a "bloop" sound and then an automated/text-to-speech female voice saying "Hello, can you hear me?" {{ thousands_separators(currentCategory.count) }}, {{ thousands_separators(currentSubcategory.count) }}, Showing results {{ thousands_separators((getBasicPages + 1)) }} - Hi, I would just like to let you know that you are not alone. Lots of young people around your age hear or sense things that other people dont. Post your questions here and have them answered by people who are knowledgeable about all types of scams. The sound of a woman blowing her nose. I got up turned the lights on rolled my husband out of bed and told him its time! But if no one on their end picks up it just kills the call. Cop car sire and a police helicopter sound recording. Great for a fight or death scene in a movie. Talking about this stuff isnt always easy, but it may be that you find it helpful to speak with a someone from Voice Collective a youth project that specialises in supporting young people with a range of experiences that come under the voice-hearing umbrella. As always, check your bank and credit card statements regularly for unauthorized charges. Im 16 and my family is aware I hear voices in my head but I never told them about how weird they are acting exactly like normal and even having names to even having full conversations with them but now Im thinking this isnt just voices that effect all senses but instead can some how control me as if it was like Dissociative identity disorder but instead of just switching between them and being sometimes unaware like the stereo types I can interact with them and even go into like a dream world where I can actually meet them like normal people but even then I can still see them like illusions that nobody else sees If youre worried about talking with them, though, perhaps you could start by telling someone else you trust (a friend, or by finding a Hearing Voices Group). Take care. my mom has schizophrenia and I am scared of getting it. Hi everyone, i hope someone could benefit from my experience. Sometimes I hear a voice that is not mine whisper my name like a thought through my mind that was not my own. Recorded with an AT2020 microphone into an Apogee Duet and edited . Sometimes they have names, but not always. Little girl sighing sound effect,or sigh of a little girl. Shes a good lady even if she is my mother in law :). "Boom, Baby" - 4 different attempts if . I received a call and picked it up against my better judgement and the dude said "hello my bluetooth isn't working wait second okay hold on wait a second" and as soon as I said hello they hang up. It was probably supposed to connect to a person or otherwise continue but the system flaked out for one reason or another. Have not had night terrors or anything of that type but then as a child I would fly in my dreams to any destination and wondered why none of my friends could? This sound was requested by July. If there's a better subreddit to post this in or it's breaking any rules please let me know. Even if you do eventually get a diagnosis like that, it doesnt mean its the end of things. They can speak in sentences or say single words. Sounds like he's fumbling with his bluetooth, then says, " Got it"! If youre looking for someone to talk with, perhaps you could try a Hearing Voices Group as a first step to reaching out to people and making sense of all this. After it says "Speak now," say what you want to translate. I cannot communicate. My wide a female counting to ten in english. Ive experienced the exact same thing several times. Sound of someone in pain. Diagnoses like these are a hotly contested area with some finding that they are useful and others finding them a barrier to healing. A super psycho scream that is blood curdling to say the least. Online, offline, email, or postal. It can be hard enough to deal with voices that talk of violence at the best of times but hearing your children going through such horrible things sounds horrible (and, like you say, it makes sense that you feel you need to check out what the voices say in case it is really happening). I began to fall through the floor of the heavenly white clouds and began to fall faster and faster, it felt like i was falling forever and then back through the galaxies and back to the solar system and back to earth then back into my body. I tried to get out of the room, as in open a door as i would physically and my hand went right through it. I have been hearing, seeing and feeling these unexplained thing since I was very young. Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more. This was requested by Scott. For some, these experiences can be comforting. Of the unembodied and disembodied, there are good and bad spirits, just like among us embodied spirits. My little girl doing her high pitch daughter laugh. I looked and then immediately looked away cause of how bright and full of light his face was, i tried again and did the same thing. I hope somebody can gives us some advice and light with this, since we dont know what to do or where to take him. Someone who was hurt by someone wearing a particular scent may, sometimes, smell this when there is no-one there to account for it. Website-, AGM Conference Creativity Diagnosis Hearing Voices Hearing Voices Groups Hearing Voices Network Intervoice Local Event Media Peer Support Personal Experience Psychosis Recovery Research Schizophrenia Training Trauma World Hearing Voices Congress Young People. You can use these sound effects in your videos without infringing copyright. Are these sounds Royalty Free?Yes. Thats a lot to be dealing with (not just the diagnoses you have but it sounds like youve been through lots of trauma). Sometimes these are called triggers and some people who have these experiences see them as linked to emotions theyre finding difficult. Hi Im 13 whenever Im alone or upset I always hear voices whispering my name or saying negative things about me and my friends, feel a tingling on my face and my back/neck Or see ghostly figures or people I dont recognize. CBS News reports that authorities in Pennsylvania and Virginia have issued warning about the phone scam. I would immerse myself in scripture and prayer and good works. Many people who hear voices simply dont need to recover they are already living lives that they love. Like someone from a different dimension. And nobody is gong to need to construct an elaborate recording just to make you say "hello" when you pick up the phone. I could hear the people in the room, see the people and colors were very,very bright and full. These voices are getting in the way of me starting the day and finishing off. Some people hear voices talking when no-one is around. However if you already know the basics and would like some more detailed information, check out the other pages in this section. Two versions included: 1. A very sad woman or lady crying and sobbing because of something very sad. As the experience is so diverse, its likely that there are a number of different explanations. Feb. 1, 2017 4:15 p.m. PT. Something i hear often to tell you the truth. In proverbs it talks about mockers and i took inspiration from that to the point it seems i know frustrate the voices themselves. My eyes changed colour to yellow then switched back to normal when I was in front of the mirror, wierd thing is none of this frightens me one bit, Im generally a positive person I really dislike negativity. Sometimes people feel somethingunderneath their skin, and this can lead them to feel really worried aboutwhat is happening to their body. This could besomething nice, like a loved ones perfume/aftershave or a favourite food. You might find them irritating or distracting. Could be used for a sports sound or similar. Ive been talking about it but not dropping it off straight away as Im unsure how people will react with it as it seems like such on odd case that would make me sound crazy Ive heard the same things. We have witnessed many amazing journeys of recovery in the Hearing Voices Network. They have an email support service and an online forum that may help you figure stuff out too. Snippets of female voice recorded from a phone call on Radio shack cassette recorder. Its actually my son.. he is hungry, and we are waiting in the drive through for food. The vast majority of people with experiences like this dont get a diagnosis of schizophrenia. They can speak in sentences or say single words. Hello there, Everybody. We'd like to ask you a few questions to help improve AudioJungle. My daughter saying Bye Bye. Those who become overwhelmed, distressed or struggle to cope in some aspect of their life may receive a range of diagnoses including: anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder (also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder), obsessive-compulsivedisorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, dissociative identity disorder, eating disorder, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Sometimes these are a number of different explanations is true unless you believe it yourself can post your here. My experience my own no advertising at all from ) distressing voices or sense things that other people.., a technology writer for more than a decade, is a sad... The unembodied and disembodied, there are a number of different explanations mom schizophrenia! Bluetooth, then says, `` got it '' for one reason or another counting ten... Voices of people with experiences like this dont get a diagnosis of schizophrenia intrusive or even disappear.. 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