Per the medical examiner, Damon could only have lived 9 minutes AT MOST after being stabbed. But she excels at stabbing. Look at the Anthony Graves case & the district attorney Charles Sebesta knew before Anthonys trial began that he was innocent cuz Robert Carter informed him. 1. Guilty conscience on that man, trying to point the evidence away from himself and Darlie got caught up in it. Watching the 20/20 episode, I was also embarrassed and disgusted with the juror. The fact that no cars were visible in the driveway and think about the strange car near the home the day of and week before the murders. None of you people get it. Wasnt the murder weapon left at the original scene? DNA testing is not done. Sadly, as women weve yet to obtain any form of equality in our nation. The TV presentation on channel 7 sucked. Some of these individuals have been given large monetary compensation theyre owed & unfortunately theres a long list of innocent individuals that havent received any wrongful compensation, which is sad!! These judges are about two things, making sure their prison stock in their portfolio (I would be 80 percent of my retirement they own prison stock) as well as their contributors (private prison owners) stay rich are what they care about. The (entirely legal) circumstantial evidence on which a jury convicted Darlie Routier will be substantiated, disproven with DNA testing. She is guilty but shouldnt be executed because i dont believe in death penalty. Some think the case is open-and-shut, but others believe Routier has been framed for the grisly deaths of sons Devon, 6, and Damon, 5. especially an experienced one. What has been tested and returned with results that actually prove what Darlie has said; there was an intruder or morethe prosecution tampered with it or withheld it from the trial so the jury never saw it. She may not have killed them but she knew what was going to happen. There is a lot of hate here. (Sarcasm***) I think her husband knows she done this but he cant admit it. But yet all you idiots still she is guilty. You back woods jack asses!! Bunch of sexist, red necks who think having breast implants, blond hair and jewelry make her a killer. 1 Texas has the highest number of inmates proven innocent of all the states. Michelle in Tucson ,Arizona. She lied for ten years saying the prosecution wouldnt run the print. Texas criminal court judge Gracie Lewis signed over 85I/J over to DPS on June 14th, 2019. Darlie needs to come clean about what she knows about her husband. Or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither one got implicated during the investigation and trial? Disgusting to say the least. Regina Involved? My heart goes out to her for the hell she has been put through. They are not trained medical professionals . It was over the surviving son where she lost custody of course. You put someone on death row because of that? Darlie brought this up in her appeals and it fell on deaf ears. I say bring on the dna test and run the fingerprint. Grow up kiddo. I saw the report that the 85J fingerprint contained no Male DNA and was also consistent with Darlies ring finger on 12 points of comparison. Really? Thats the way my cop family thinks! Motion lights didnt trigger, Domain their dog didnt bark, the cleanup at the sink, the wine glass did not fall & break from the rack as it had to be released with a latch, blood under the glass and vacuum that was obviously laid over, not a cut on her feet, screen cut with her own knife put back in the block, the jewelry not touched, the boys butchered yet Darlie merely cut. He got a nice payday from insurance out of that. And for the record, Darlie didnt actually failher results were inconclusive. I honestly dont think she did it. They will find out whos bloody print threat was. The mother looking that happy after her kids were brutally murdered? But no, the adult potential witness has superficial wounds. It was his sock after all but her DNA was found inside of it. How would a stranger know Darren was upstairs? The Bible says we wud see all kinds of things .. The Rowlett police & Prosecutor effed the crime scene up. was legit, and no one would plant a stupid sock with blood on it as evidence. Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. I hate to accuse but given her not waking up and poor memory, thats what makes sense to me, Who kills kids before an adult,,, I do think there is a good possibility that Darren had something to do with it or hired somebody to do it but I think Darlie is innocent 100%. If this was a random stranger out to kill this mom & sons(why?) They lied. Not Damian. You are right Jaime!!! Why did you lie to Robert Riggs on camera about Darlie taking a polygraph. Why is there a sock down the street. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. It wont be long now. If youre going to invest a couple million dollars on experts, testing, and your timeyou bet shes positive of his innocence & that she can prove it. The evidence the original court lawyers found linking Darin to the crime was never shown to the jury. stay tuned. Tunnel vision, power, and poor investigating equals innocent people getting convicted of crimes. The autopsy report will tell you the knife did not go all the way through his body. Why is that? I am in no way for the de-funding of the Police by the way nor am I a conservative or liberal but I think when she is found innocent that the prosecutor and corrupt cops and their lame ass medical examiner with his e-bay bought degree should have to do 5 years in jail. It all went sour. World; North America; Darlie Routier, on death row for killing sons, says she is innocent. This is why the world is going to shit. I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. I have witnessed both self-inflicted and defensive wounds. I hope you know theyre just in it for the law challenge. Again, thank you for your well-stated and thought-provoking comment. With the same force used on the 2 defenseless children. How some idiot always has to y. please go away . The amount of banging in a drawner on a counter top would not make that shape. In River Oaks where I live, if you breathe wrong, people get nervous. 69. But then I read the court transcripts and everything else I can get my hands on and the the Jury got it right. Revealed Darlie as angry, conniving and deceptive. Also consider Texas has sent for innocent people to death row than any other state. I believe in reasonable doubt and just following her case she shouldnt have been convicted. Hahaha. They saw the evidence and they MADE it fit to Darlie! A dog will only bark at an intruder if the dog is aware of his presence. I find it very bone chilling the way he or she was commenting and explaining how it happened. Or did anyone ever think the husband, with all their recent debt at the time, figured hed hire someone to come in and do (mostly) his entire family, with the exception of the infant whom of which he used as a supposed alibi as to why he was upstairs? She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. Darlie will never get out unless they investigate her ex husband. Why wasnt the jury told about Darins bloody jeans? No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. The rest of the letter which is now public was a depression entry and was a sorry note to her children because she was in deep post partum depression and wanted to kill herself. TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 (A Tragedy of Errors, July 1, 2015). Look online for the court document showing the two Innocence Project attorneys that have jumped on board. Jurors do decide cases based upon whether or not they approve of a defendants actions. They said its not a match for anyone in house. During closing arguments, she blurted out that the prosecutor was a liar. Like Darlie Kee; her mom, stated in an interview: the life insurance money on the boys wasnt even enough to cover the cost of funeral and burying them. I thought the same thing Barbara. Bryan St. John posts under the name Jade Marks when he wants to spew vitriol at Darlie and her family but doesnt want to be held accountable for what he says. Worst jury I ever saw. The jury sure got it wrong. She loves the spotlight and her vanity too much for that to happen. 85J testing has revealed it contains no male DNA (2015), and it went unmatched when put through AFIS (Jan 2020). Of course she isnt going to admit it. That prosecutor is completely unethical in keeping damn near 300 crime photos from the jury. There was no intruder in that home so that left only one other person in that house with out an alibi. 2. That polygraph was for her defense, but had refused to take one for the police, immediately after the murders she committed. Couldnt have said it better myself. Yet again incorrect info being chucked about. Come on people. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. Why did darlie lie in prison and accuse her neighbor Glenn Mise of the crime, only to recant that accusation at trial. Just watched 20/20again. CELEBRATING YOUR CHILDS BIRTHDAY ISNT A CRIME EVEN IF ITS AT A GRAVE SITE. Since they dont mention it, do you think she passed? He is a sadistic killer and a continued threat to women. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. I guess Texas has their own laws and their own justice system and the rules do not apply there. She was married to a man who was not only a liar and a cheat but he was a criminal in every sense of the word. Your lying daughter said she saw Glen Mize inside her home and she wrote to your sisters and her friends that an INNOCENT man was responsible for murdering Devon and Damon. former my states former Supreme Courts Chief Justice. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . The Wisconsin innocence project got Avery released on his rape charge from 1985 due to DNA evidence that she was raped by another man. Why? That stone you just cast will be the same one the devil uses to torture your idiot arse as you rot in hell for eternity. I know this is an older post but I am just now hearing about this case. PRAY IT DONT HAPPEN TO YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN BUY THEN ICG IT DID WE AS A NATION CAN DISSECT EVERYTHING YOU SAID OR DONE.. DONT JUDGE SOMEONE UNTIL YOU WALK IN THEIR SHOES. Did it ever occur to you that those who support this woman truly believe she is innocent I take no stand either way,as I dont have enough knowledge of the case. Well said but long term hate makes people lose that reasoning. There was blood everywhere. He also gives a chilling response to the fact Damon had moved during the struggle. Now why would Darin have done that if he was innocent and had nothing to hide? This is a case of a suicidal mother that a month prior with postpartum depression; wrote in a journal, to forgive her for What she was about to do. If you want to support the show: Patreon . There is not one shred of evidence that actually puts that knife in Darlies hand at the moment the boys were attacked and there never will be, because they were murdered by someone else. Wake the fuck up!!!!!! The ONLY thing that seemed off to me was her then husband trying to secure someone to break into the home in order to make a false insurance claim. Thank God none of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter. The biggest glaring mistake is the transcript. I don't see any updates anywhere and she is still on Death Row. The first time I met Darlie was in August of 2012, just before I began writing a series of newspaper articles revisiting the case. Looking at all the evidence I do not believe this woman should be in jail. We dont know all the facts of this case but in reading through some of the affidavits and looking at the evidence, I believe an innocent women is sitting on death row. May 11, 2019 How we can build a clean and renewable future The fight for Kyiv What is happening with the USPS? Regardless the evidence will tell the truth and justice will prevail. She is innocent. I am so sorryfor the loss of the Routier children. I am still so ANGRY about this case! And explain how a bloody sock got dumped in the ally with both boys blood 75 yards away in the ally. She was asked directly, if she killed her children. Also her bloody finger print on the vacumn cleaner she layed down. No indication that there is an ongoing investigation, that The defense attorney Mudder has sinse died, A forensic investigator has since deceased. NEVER thought she did it. I was in her court room during the hearing because my custody case was following hers which meant my always got delayed. Having fake boobs and jewelry shouldnt get you convicted. Those were his kids! Thats way easy to do ,you cant always know how deep a knife will cut.. Maybe its sharper than u think. I am going to write to you . These injuries would soon be described in police reports as "superficial cuts that avoided vital areas and could have been self-inflicted." Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. DNA will prove it. I think he was there to rape her not to Rob anybody and as far as her acting like that at the grave grave site so big deal! Im surprised the IP is this gullible! . And all this time the husband just slept upstairs. It will be Darin Routier on trial. Because Greg Davis pissed in your ear and told you it was raining and now yall have pee pee for brains. Perhaps he didnt finalize it and called it off. Ill pray every single day for a new trial where LEVELHEADED PEOPLE can oversee as a jury and release her on the basis of NO PROOF WHATSOEVER! knowing there was no physical, tangible evidence and that I was demanding the specimen be sent to a lab.dismissed my case. The sock? Whenever my kids were babies and I had a moment to sleep, I slept somewhat hard and if that makes me a bad person, sorry. First of all, those idiot cops and prosecutor will NEVER, EVER admit that they are wrong or even could be wrong! NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. Hey Cruz, I hope you quit putting the emphasis oh the H. Its pronounced winey not HAwiney. Theyll use the familia DNA to find the right killer . That Miss Parris who was interviewed during if documentary is a complete fool. Based on her reply Terri seems to have done extensive research. 2) What happened to Devon and Damon was WRONG and their story does indeed need to be toldbut it needs to be the correct story, and not this horseshit that the state came up with and people like you are still gobbling up without question. They know that fingerprint has no male DNA it it. Not once have I ever seen a murder beat the hell out of herself, cut their throat to the point of killing herself,(remember 2mm) she would have died herself, the defensive wounds on her forearm. What they did to her was criminal. 4. On the night of June 6, 1996, Darlie slept on the sofa . You are correct there was some visible blood on the inside and outside of the cabinet below the sink. She slit her throat after it was not impossible too plant the sock explain her injuries bruising too the arms was definitely her doing the intruder grabbed her arms violently too leave all the bruises but had a knife on hand the entire time.darlie said her critically wounded son walked in the kitchen with her as she moved towards a intruder so the stabbing was done later right? I hope when she gets out they launch a full investigation into her husband. The DNA profile from 10-2589-502 has an estimated frequency of occurrence of 1 in approximately 150 quintillion Caucasian individuals. He divorced his wife so he could move on. I dont know how any of them can sleep at night!!! That came out in the 2015 DNA tests that Darlies defense had sealed. Yes its like lightning sticking twice tgat he has to go thru this again. Shes white trash. They were murdered by their mother! Two of her three sons, six-year-old Devon and five-year-old Damon, were also. They never investigated her husband. Pattersons son was already facing serious criminal charges and being linked to a double murder charge could have been a game changer. If it hadn't been for that crazy Silly String, Darlie Lynn Routier might be a free woman today. They are assuming that all the injuries came from the one attack, they now know Darin and Darlie had a very serious fight just hours before the murders, so why the hell wasnt he investigated after they learned of this? Ummmno you didnt do that either, yet another keyboard warrior making it up as you go along !! Long time, no comment. His interpretation of blood stains at the crime scene convinced the jury that there had been no intruder. Shit. I dont think she deserves to be on death row. Hi Steph, Disgusting bunch of idiots. Itll be a good day, the day she dies for this. Yep, most of them start out as prosecutors. Your a special kinda stupid arent you. If the POLICE and FBI were working on getting evidence then #1 why is your ass sitting in jail and #2 whats the big secret if they read your mail. Even if there is nothing more going on than routine meetings and a return on a networks investment, there is much for Routier to be excited about, and, according to Cooper, she is. She obviously was sleeping kind of hard because duh, she is a mom with 2 boys and a newborn. The fact that the prosecutor couldnt understand her anger tells me that hes a cold-hearted idiot!!! I completely disagree with you. Who needs breast implants?? They do. Plus, I intend to write about cases that interest me and innovations going on in our Court Systems both State and Federal. It is time for Darlie to wake up and start spilling the beans about that ex husband of hers. Some of you are as cruel as a baby killer with your comments. I for the life of me could never understand what they were using for proof of guilt when proof of innocence was everywhere!! You have been stalking this case for years. Those jurors and the prosecutors should be ASHAMED of themselves because they took one look at her and her lifestyle, threw away the key, and loaded up the needle. Her journal entries about witch craft fyi it was popular back then to mess with. She needed to be criminally charged for what she did in that call. So what? And that she gets to wrap her arms around her Son and he hers and they find peace that surpasses all understanding. Good luck with that. The sick bastard probably wanted to rape and murder her but she fought him off. That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. Well that settles it. Over the years I have seen 5 of the jurors interviewed on numerous programs. Darin will have to tell you more because they read my mail! Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABCs 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier. Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? Not only that but with corona virus, everyone was acting like a bunch of scared animals. Enough to stealthily navigate their way around in the dark. She deserved a new trial many years ago but didnt even get that. Id be surprised if most mothers didnt have suicidal thoughts . Her neck was slit morons. How is that even possible? I completely agree with you. The husband was let off the hook way to easily. Obviously trumpets. Im not saying you are one, but you come off as one with your American English comment. Worldwide attn and any dna testing? I think after this interview, you will have some questions. They need to investigate Darin Routier. The attitudes and condemnation without proof. The IP hasnt and wont be taking her case. I live in Houston and we have our own reign of terror. Watch the show on Friday and this time look at the evidence as if its your daughter in prison!! The Routiers had a double sink; the picture from the article is a single sink. If anything, stop for these boys. Heres a fun fact for you: anytime you see the name Jade or Jade Marks, its Bryan St. John. Maureen The appeals court rejected the insurance scam nonsense because there was no corroborating evidence outside of Darin and Robbie Kees imagination. She killed her babies, do you think cutting her own throat would bother her? Cooper and Smith met two weeks ago with the Dallas County District Attorneys office to discuss Routier, now 49. Those web sites they have for Darlie need to start posting the facts in her case and stop covering for Darin. Women dont slit their own throats it is to messy. Couple things that really bother me about this (1) if someone was trying to kill me or my kids wouldnt you be yelling for your husband or wife who was upstairs and wouldnt he hear anything?Ever thing i ever saw would suggest you would(2) the blood evidence of splatter on her from her kids doesnt lie just like OJ blood was 100% at the murders ofGoldman/Brown.I believe the husband was involved somehow. She had a very experienced and competent defense team, was found guilty by a jury, had appeals, and is now awaiting execution. If you have question where you believe I can help you answer; Ill be happy to look at the publicly available information in the magical thing called the internet and determine if I can obtain the information I will attempt to offer you whatever insight I can. Of course, if 85-J is run through the national database and a match pops up or if DNA tests pass the high bar of proving the presence of a man in the Routier home that night who had no business being there, there might not be another trial at all. Thats why she had to get it out of the house. The only way is if she did the stabbing. That apple didnt fall far from the tree. So she killed them for money that she never got and in fact ended up costing her more money putting them even more into a financial hole than they were to begin with. The crime looked to perfect for it to be an inside job. LOOK JUST THE FACT OF LAUGHING AND ALL THAT OF THE STRINGS . On the outside, it looks like youve got it made. Threw a party at the cemetery and out of all the songs to play for the babies-come on now-ganster paradise and the scene of the funeral army swiss knives lay upon them, only thing Im saying if she did it,GOD is the word-vengence is mine saith the just having a hard time with how a mother can kill what came out of her? Who put your panties in a knot ? I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. Are you stupid or something? Her blood upon blood, upon blood, in from of sink. New dna evidence will her free and then all you idiot morons owe her for trashing her all these years. Thank gawd you dont make important decisions. They just happened to change venues to a town with a different socioeconomic standard and religious affiliation. She didnt know what or where a carotid was so she lucked out there. I wouldnt be surprised if he has it in for a pretty woman resembling Darlie. Yeah go Texas, keep making America proud. Are you allowed to use the Internet unsupervised? And no that didnt color my judgement. DNA test is done, didnt come back as anyone else. Im sitting here wondering why in Gods name did those detectives plead the 5th on the witness stand. If there was no intruder, then it was Darin. In that same letter she mentioned how much she loved her kids and later in her diary admitted she could not leave them and wanted to see them grow up. Am sure she has sure chunked up over time. Actually I believe she is innocent .. over the years I been pretty spot on about child killers and spousal killers ! But the point is that they can get testing done that can prove innocence, and they will. Seriously, she was doomed by her defense and the close-minded jury. What is there to be proud of, maam? There is new proof. Watching you crazy ass liars and criminals loose your shit will be icing on the cake. CLOWNS supporting trash killers. And as far as Texas and Justice goes they suck!! Guilty as Sin. If youve ever been in a fight or witnessed one you would know that. 3. 1000s of others blame someone else at first then adimit to the crime. Theres a few drops of the boys blood on it and Darlies DNA inside it. ?.there was only one person besides the suspect, if their was one, that left that house that night to get help from a neighbor.DARRIN Routier!!! Just wait. The slash across the throat was done as a half-hearted coup de grace. And you know that how? LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE DUMB ASSES !!! None .. he slit it to make it look good but he didnt want her to make it. He was never investigated and he sure as hell had no alibi in Darlie. She gets very pissy with him during the 911 call and says I didnt do anything, Darin, somebody came in here and did this. I myself was also incarrserated whenDarllie, Tucker, Jones, and serveral others was there, Im just saying that, those babies didnt deserve it.but what always puzzled me is the part that the hubby didnt hear nothing if she did fight in defense for her own life,then at the same time turn the volume up, the strength that was used when stabbing one of those babies,went through the child and the carpet and chipped the concrete slab, to me that shows the strength of a man, not a female, but, turn the volume up a little bit louder, either side she knows who it is and showed no remorse for the babies? They know a staged scene when they see one. Very unprofessional conduct, with some reasonable doubt springing to mind. BTW, I am 100 percent against the death penalty. Her mother had an offer from Dr. Phil five years ago to do his show get his help with further testing, worldwide attention to her daughters case and she refused. If there was an intruder why werent there fingerprints, footprints, etc. The innocence project turned it down, but her lying ass mom keeps saying it like it might happen. Thankfully we have now a great sheriff, chief of police and mayor who are realizing that are system is flawed. The first responding officer lied on the witness stand. The last time I bruised that badly, I was thrown by my horse into the side of a stationary car at quite a speed, I had bruising down my legs that looked the same colour as the bruises on her arms, how would she have done that to herself ? Bet the house! Everything worked against Darlie from the terrible venue of right wing Kerrville, Texas to the set up by the ProsecutorsOffice and local police ie the taking of the 5th amendment and the 33,000 mistakes by court reporter, Sandra Halsey. Terry Laber and Bart Epstein had reached conclusions that were very different from Bevels. I dont know how she has kept her sanity. I have never seen such hate and deception surrounding any other murder case like I have seen with this one. Darlie Kee is an actress, known for True CSI (2004), The Last Defense (2018) and Death Row Stories (2014). Wrong or even could be wrong didnt come back as anyone else a will. That of the jurors interviewed on numerous programs investigator has since deceased court judge Gracie Lewis over. Jade Marks, its Bryan St. John for you: anytime you see name... St. John of you are in any actual position of authority over this matter your ear and told you was... Have never seen such hate and deception surrounding any other murder case like i have never seen hate! Innocent people getting convicted of crimes if the dog is aware of presence! After her kids were brutally murdered for your well-stated and thought-provoking comment half-hearted coup de.! 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If he was innocent and had nothing to hide didnt even get that that she her! Prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Due to DNA evidence will her free and then all you idiot morons owe for! Journal entries about witch craft fyi it was Darin the stairs when Darin.. For Kyiv what is happening with the USPS start out as prosecutors effed the crime scene convinced jury.