The +1 rider is great on a lot of units and the 18 range without line of sight means your Legionaries holding a backfield objective can toss this out on a large number of units that benefit from it. They tend to lack some of the long-ranged shooting options of other factions but make up for that with the ability to hit hard quickly. Stratagem as well. On the flip side, this unit can be incredibly annoying to remove thanks to its Accursed Horde ability, which prevents it from doing actions or being in a Transport but gets you back either 3 destroyed mutants or 1 dead Torment each command phase. Not only is a new codex coming that brings much-anticipated updates to the rules for Heretic Astartes, there will be a slathering of new miniatures to reignite your blasphemous fervour. In this section, well discuss using each of these units outside of their parent legions. On top of that, the Mark of Slaanesh gives you the, Stratagem, letting you change a die roll for a hit/wound/damage to a 6 in the Shooting or Fight phase, while, lets you punish enemy units attempting to Fall Back by consolidating 3 or shooting the unit leaving. If youre going this route, your best option is likely going to be taking a trio of War Dog Executioners. Its not amazing but its just pretty good for its cost and if you wanted to run one in Black Legion or Iron Warriors well, its not a bad play. This is. Unfortunately for Horus, his uprising did not go quite according to plan. Use in the Shooting or Fight phase to give a DAEMON ENGINE in your army +1 BS and WS. Emperors Children Sonic Dreadnought Credit: That Gobbo. prayer and may know a number of others. Whatever their beginnings, Chaos Space Marines have become one of the most well represented forces in Warhammer 40k. Your army will typically have a lot of strong melee threats but a savvy opponent can still divide and conquer those individually if you arent careful. We suggest you read this article first, and you can find specific information on the other legions in these articles: Note that there are two Chaos Legions that have their own Codexes and arent subfactions of the Chaos Space Marines. After the death of Horus at the hands of the Emperor aboard his flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, during the Battle of Terra that saw the conclusion of the Horus Heresy, the remnants of the nine Traitor Legions fled, along with the other Traitor Imperial forces that now served Chaos, into an area of the galaxy where the Warp bled into . When you pick a legion, you replace your keyword with a Legion of your choice (it cant be Death Guard or Thousand Sons, who have their own rules). The long wait is over. Possessed got new models with the 9th edition codex and immediately became superstars in the new book. All rights reserved. If youre taking Warp Talons, the ideal method is a five-model squad that starts on the board and can harass and tie up key enemy units and trade up against potentially nastier targets. At 100 points less than the Lord of Skulls its a bit more reliable and solid than the Kytan for only a few points more, and if youre trying to fill out a Superheavy Detachment, its not a bad option to save points. Upgrades a melee weapon to be a Relic and adds D3 to the weapons Damage characteristic. On top of that you can give him a Techn-virus injector (do this), to give him +1 damage against VEHICLE units. Its particularly valuable in Emperors Children, where you can almost guarantee a charge out of deep strike with Honour The Prince, but there are plenty of other units you might want to put forward, like Havocs, Noise Marines, or Obliterators. In case you missed the news from AdeptiCon, Games Workshop snuck this one in late last night. Theres typically no reason to take this over Banners or even Retrieve Nephilim Data. My favorite one is running it alongside your Word Bearers and using Hexagrammatic Ward to 0 out of the damage from a Railgun into your un-obscurable KLOS. New Knights, New Horus Heresy! Geezand if their Terminators also get another wound? Pick an enemy unit within 18. Network N Media earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. When enemy units take morale tests within 6 of your warlord, they roll 2D6 and take the highest result. Theres an open question as to whether you can use this to chant a prayer the Priest doesnt know; Im of the mind that this is unintended, but some TOs allow it. The Master of Executions is a great unit but generally CSM have a lot of great options crowding the HQ slot, meaning its difficult to fit everything you want/need to take in a single detachment. Free shipping for many products! At the end of the battle round, score 2 VP for each Character, Monter, or Vehicle model destroyed that round by a Traitoris Astartes Character from your army. There are also stratagems locked to each mark. And speaking of gross. Which trait a unit get depends on which legion theyre from. KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, or SLAANESH. That said hes perfectly capable of raising banners, and thats half his value in some of the Chaos Knights lists he showed up in alongside Abaddon. The Chaos Land Raider got a massive overhaul in the 9th edition codex, getting an entirely new profile that its cousins in Codex: Space Marines and even Death Guard/Thousand Sons lack. Pick a non-Cultists TRAITORIS ASTARTES INFANTRY unit from your army that is performing an action that unit can shoot this phase without failing the action. Flamers and Bloodletters love getting close to the enemy, but do note he is restricted to Warp Locus-ing units from the same God if he is anything besides Undivided. Use when a TRAITORIS ASTARTES INFANTRY or BIKER shoots or fights. Free shipping for many products! Last update was at 2020/10/06 14:02:58, This message was edited 1 time. waiting on Chaos rules for the Kratos. Not enough value because they become invalidated so quickly. Also great to use on your opponents attempts to Interrogate. They come with a missile launcher and twin heavy bolter by default but you will never use this loadout; instead youll either opt for full shooting (twin lascannon or multimelta + missile launcher), the midrange hybrid (multimelta + power fist), or the all-melee variant (fist + scourge or double fists), putting the Helbrute at between 105 and 125 points in cost. Havocs work best in Black Legion (+1 to hit against closest eligible target), and Iron Warriors (ignore cover), and have some play in Emperors Children, though in that case youll take Blastmasters instead. On top of that, the Mark of Slaanesh gives you the Murderous Perfection Stratagem, letting you change a die roll for a hit/wound/damage to a 6 in the Shooting or Fight phase, while Excessive Cruelty lets you punish enemy units attempting to Fall Back by consolidating 3 or shooting the unit leaving. This replaces a power maul, accursed crozius, or accursed weapon with one thats S+2, AP-2, 3 damage and its excess damage spills over to other models. After the legion fell to Chaos, he continued his quest, facing down many in single combat to prove that he is the finest swordsman who ever existed. Roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if the psychic test was an unmodified 10+. Because they have no weapon options to get higher AP or more attacks, Raptors do their best work in Creations of Bile lists, where the +1 Strength and Movement gives them a lot more value, or in Black Legion lists that run Haarken, where you can get full re-rolls to hit for the unit. What good is a melee unit if you cant get it into melee? If psychic powers arent your thing, what about praying to the dark gods for help? If you do this they get. Generally speaking, the effectiveness of most prayers is blunted by the fact that Dark Apostles are slow unlike their loyalist chaplain counterparts, they get neither bikes nor jump packs, and so auras abilities they may get are much less useful given how likely it is that their beneficiaries will quickly outpace them running toward key targets and objectives. After that enemy unit has finished the move, your unit can either consolidate up to 3, or if its no longer within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but only at the target falling back. Last update was at 2020/10/06 11:11:02, This message was edited 1 time. On the whole, the Enforcer is just OK. By default, a Dark Apostle knows Dark Zealotry, which lets CORE/CULTIST/CHARACTER units within 6 re-roll hit rolls in melee. We recommend you start by reading this article first, then visit the individual legion pages to learn more about the rules for those subfactions. You also dont have to put it into deep strike its tough enough that if youre taking multiples they can just roll forward against some armies and weather the damage, though how much you can get away with this will vary wildly by army. Why wait for GW's ponderous feels-bad rules system? Although a bit expensive for a transport, the Chaos Terrax-Pattern Termite makes up for it by being a hilariously annoying target once it arrives on the table, demanding opponents deal with it as well as its deadly contents. Use when an enemy unit within Engagement Range of a TRAITORIS ASTARTES SLAANESH unit form your army Falls Back. This is balanced out by a restriction on the amount of Cultists units you can take, with them prohibited from outnumbering Traitoris Astartes Core Infantry (your proper chaos marines). Lastly, the Slaanesh relics gives you perma-transhuman and +3 to your aura abilities. Hes not a particularly strong fighter in melee, and his axe, while solid at 2 damage, isnt good enough to really make him worth it. Night Lords Master of Possession Credit: RichyP. It used to have some play when it could target a Daemon Prince or Lord Discordant, but now youre limited to Infantry characters with it. Its 10-model transport capacity is great for moving a unit of 10 Chosen, Plague Marines, or Rubric Marines. This is a massive blow to anyone who wanted to soup in non-traditional ways. Chaos itself has existed in the setting as long as sentient beings have drawn breath, but for Chaos Space Marines we have to look instead to three select individuals: the Emperor, WarmasterHorus Lupercal, and Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers legion. They are mini-terminators. The rules presented in the 8th edition (printed 2018) version of Codex: Space Wolves are no longer supported, and cannot be used. If youre taking Obliterators, theyre best used in Black Legion and Iron Warriors or Word Bearers, and theyre the platonic ideal of a target for Pact of Flesh. Were also. Pick a NURGLE unit within 18. TZEENTCH model only. At T5 and 3 wounds with a 5+ invulnerable save, Possessed have enough durability to weather a bit of shooting, particularly with help from. If you see something, or if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us at, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), James "One_Wing" Grover, Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo, Lowest of Men and Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson, Jackie Daytona, Aaron "Lenoon" Bowen, Perigrin, Marc "Ilor" Renouf, Daniel "Zuul the Cat" Rucker and Michael "Enzo" DiCianna, Matthew "Rockfish" Herrington, Colin Ward, SRM, MasterSlowPoke, Jack Hunter and Liam "Corrode" Royle, Mike Bettle-Shaffer, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and BuffaloChicken, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and MildNorman, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and Mike Pestilens, Strategies for Playing Chaos Space Marines, Build Armies that are Difficult to Pick Secondaries Against, Getting Better at Warhammer 40,000: Upping Your Game, Getting Better at Warhammer 40,000: Understanding Probability, Start Competing: 40K Deployment Tactics Surviving Turn Zero, Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics (Updated 12/8/2022), incredibly official Goonhammer store on RedBubble. Unlike a regular drop pod, the Dreadclaw needs to be dealt with after it lands. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Chaos Space Marines Master Of Posession, Primed, Warhammer 40k at the best online prices at eBay! able to push out a crazy number of bolter shots, Chaos Bikers can make a great addition to an army as a mobile fire base capable of putting out heavy volumes of mid-range, mid-strength shooting. The Lord of Skulls comes with the Khorne keyword baked in and comes with a big axe and two guns a gorestorm cannon and a hades gatling cannon. You typically want Lasher Tendrils over Magma cutters if you run them. Warlord Trait, and his Chainglaive is an excellent target for daemon weapons like Ulocca or Ghollax. This is just too situational to matter and will only even be on the table if you have missile launcher havocs. While your Legionary unit cant Psychic Interrogate or Warp Ritual, this does give you an extra cast and some mortal wounds to throw out on the move, and that can add a lot of casting utility to your army, plus you get an extra deny attempt. This is pretty solid, and helps a unit that otherwise just doesnt have enough damage output. Giving Terminators T5 is great, and giving a Land Raider T10 is hilarious. Its also one of the few ways to get hit re-rolls on your characters. This is reason enough to take the mark of Tzeentch on some units, since it helps you cast one of your key spells. Night Lords can also get some value out of them, where the Legion Trait combos with the Fearsome aura for a -3 Ld debuff that can put units with Ld 8 on 5, triggering the +1 to wound bonus. The attrition benefit is OK, but given your traitor guardsmen are 7 Ld and only come in units of 10 its not super likely youll use it in most games. Do you think that Imperial space marines are kind of lame? Non-Cultist UNDIVIDED CORE or CHARACTER units in CHAOS SPACE MARINES detachments can be upgraded to have a Mark of Chaos, and every DAEMON PRINCE model. If youre trying to make them work, consider large units as a replacement for large units of Chosen, where you trade off the extra wound for the toughness boost and damage reduction. Each one comes with the. This lil daemon engine comes with S/T 7, 9 wounds, and 6 attacks base, and a solid damage profile, both ranged with its pair of 2-damage excruciator cannons, and in melee. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Pact of Flesh is a reliable way to recur and heal bully units like Possessed and Black Rune Terminators, while Cursed Earth keeps your Possessed on the table and makes them harder to charge. If psychic powers arent your thing, what about praying to the dark gods for help? Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. The final architect of the Horus Heresy and the Space Marines fall to Chaos was the Primarch of the Word Bearers, Lorgar. At 6/7 Leadership theyre also less likely to flee or kill you on Dread Tests and for 10 points more getting a unit that can actually ruin someones day with a meltagun and plasma gun is pretty solid. This is a very good ability to have, and helps dramatically improve your damage output by helping you score additional hits. Im not going to sugarcoat it; the biggest challenge Chaos Space Marines face is that their secondaries are just Not Very Good. Leader of the loyalist Red Corsairs, he was assigned to patrol the Maelstrom, a much smaller area of warp instability like the Eye of Terror. Its a fine include in a World Eaters army, though if you want to get it a legion trait youll need to take three of them, which is, uh, a lot. Now he is Khornes fury incarnate, always where the fighting is thickest, wielding his Primarchs long-forgotten axe as he hews skulls for the Throne of Skulls and spills blood for the Blood God. While not a competitive option, it will be fun for aspiring Warpsmiths to be able to add one of those new tanks for their army in casual games if it gets its keywords updated. Scourge of a thousand tables. Again, another unit thats just OK but lacks the raw power to make your list. Benediction of Darkness, Litany of Despair, and Omen of Potency. At the start of the first battle round, pick an enemy unit. Games are so much better. . This is a massive blow to anyone who wanted to soup in non-traditional ways. units in a CSM Detachment, using their datasheet from Codex: Thousand Sons, in which case they are always Elites, their faction keywords become CHAOS, TZEENTCH, HERETIC ASTARTES, TRAITORIS ASTARTES, and . This is a fun way to tie up an enemy unit with a screen and still be able to shoot them, though it depends very much on a unit not just mulching a unit of cultists in a single go. This is just a quick introduction video into my background and channel direction as well as a review of the latest CSM teaser. Of a TRAITORIS ASTARTES INFANTRY or BIKER shoots or fights ; the biggest challenge Chaos Space have. This is just a quick introduction video into my background and channel direction well... Channel direction as well as a review of the Horus Heresy and the Space Marines have become of., well discuss using each of these units outside of their parent legions thing what. Result if the psychic test was an unmodified 10+ is just too to... Well as a review of the Horus Heresy and the Space Marines have become of! In late last night start of the latest CSM teaser is great, and his Chainglaive is an target! 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