Thomas Acklin , your name sounds familiar to me my husband Richard was stationed at Ko Kha 74-75. My original records were burned in a Saint Louis fire and my copies were lost during a flood. We had a well and filtering plant for our water needs. Message for Karen Whitfield who posted on September 12, 2022 at 6:04 pm, I was at 6908 Security Squadron NKP July 1974 to June 1975 and made a successful disability claim for Agent Orange (Parkinsons and Type 2 Diabetes) and PTSD. Squadrons of F4Cs, the coolest plane ever. I have not filed as I dont live in the USA. Our area was not declassified till 2010. Please share. Merry Christmas, huh? I served in Ubon Air force base late 70-71 as a mechanic. After leaving Saigon, Vietnam on Feb 15, 1973, I served at Ko Kha Air Station, Thailand (Feb 15 to July 1973.) I served at Udorn RTAFB from 4/74-4/75 looking for info on F-4 that crashed during training mission, pilot punched out WSO went down with the plane. I know its another long shot but you never know till u find out. In turn, Oxidative Stress is shown as the primary cause for VITILIGO to occur. Within a week, at most, The chain of the dog-tags Id been wearing constantly since boot, started causing my skin to blister and weep. I was stationed at RTAFB Nam Phong from June or July, 1972-April 1973. I dont think we ever cleared customs etc. Lived and jogged on perimeter everyday. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Was in ubon 1968 497th tac f4 crew chief tail #823, Any body from 325th signal bat. Stationed at Korat Thailand 1974-1975. The first base of operations for American forces was at Takhli Royal Thai Air force Base, which is located approximately 144 miles northwest of Bangkok. I am considered 90% disabled with UI, so I get all benefits of 100%. Im now on the docket for a hearing on that appeal with some fairly compelling photo evidence which I hope Ill never need. After the AF, he was a Physicians Assistant for over 27 years. I worked our normal 7 day 12hour shift. I contacted the VA over a year ago about a ID card and possible benefits. Edwardo Perez, Jr asked about the Klong running through Utapao. Other key basesfor USAF operations included Korat, Ubon, U-Tapao, andDon Muang, andUdorn. My primary posts were: The MARS hill (it was devoid of any high grass for about 30 to 50 yards down from the fence line. I served at Udorn in 68-69 on flightline as an instrument technician . I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 I actually never thought we see this overdue justice. may 2019 filed with va but never connected service with all these complications and now have to prove everything is service connected. I have gotten 3 Thailand vets approved and am working on 3 more. The VA says its not possible for Dioxin to cause this skin ailment. VA still wont recognize AO exposure is my understanding. I have filed with the VAMC, had an interview, and was told my squamous cell carcinoma was not on the list. I was only on the ground for 8 days with my C-130, and I remember walking each day thru tall weeds between my barracks and the flightline. I worked at the AGE shop. Often worked End of runway. I say plus regarding all of the Air Force locations because they we were plush compared to Nam Phong. I was there 1969-1970 as hydraulic mechanic. I have diabetes, had prostate cancer, heart disease requiring open heart surgery and a brain tumor. 1967-1968. Udorn was the site of the Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB). They will guide you on the process. Does any one have any advice on how to proceed with yet another appeal. I think we all be assured that herbicides were used to kill foliage all throughout that base. Was diagnosed with Parkinsons with lewy body dementia. I was stationed at Camp Vayama, Sattahip, Thailand. Why is it that I do not know any of your names.Agent oj, Same time, Da Wolf Man! I was stationed at korat rtafb 1969-1970 Fire dept do remembered sawnee club my hooch was across the street I got my 100% rating in 2015 it took me 4 yrs I worked with my primary dr and dav to help me I sent pic of agent orange 55 gal drums on base and stated how every day we had to patrol perimeter as part of my duty I have lost all balance,and heart problems, all my nerves are shot hands ,feet, are numb my advice get all info on your bases where you were stationed and then tie your duty to exposed AG and be nice to all drs and secretary who help you it will pay off big. I was stationed at Utapao afb. During my tour, we would get called out to check the sensors located around the perimeter if there was a problem with one of the units. I had heart surgery in 2017. They are requiring proof that I was exposed to agent orange. 3967 the Veteran must prove he/she was stationed at a base in Thailand, have a least one AO presumptive condition, and have current medical records filed with the claim to back it up. Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. Udorn Air Base was located in Thailand. Applied for turned down. Royal Thai Air Force Bases. I am trying to file one more time. 1964-1965. Reunion Photos. My husband still has his drivers license because he was one of the drivers. The base issituated in the upper leftof the map. I was stationed at Udorn in 1967. I was 20 years old and after Thailand I had acne until I was about 25 I develop hypertension and hypothyroidism at about 40.I will be contacting my VSO as soon as possible to the inquiry about a claim. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. Thank you. My husband was stationed at Ubon RTAF I was stationed in namphong Thailand from 1973 to 1974 I was attached to the airwing and we supported the war from there. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. The 355 Tactical Fighter Wing which was station at McConnell AFB was transferred to Taklhi, Thailand PCS. Sqdrn. Since I was originally TDY and then loaned out to the 123 my records dont show me as having served around AO. These idiot think that when agent orange was sprayed on the perimeter an around our barracks that it just stayed in one pot and was never air born. Only e4 n above were exempt or guys transfer in. I served @ HHD 9th Logistical Command, in Korat, Thailand Jul 1964-1965. Air Force units closed operations 26 February 76. He was 72, far too young to die! We walked the perimeter with no knowledge of the contamination in our mist. The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. I was part of a TDY B-52 crew out of Beale AFB Flying missions out of U-Tapao. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014 and learned shortly after about the direct correlation between prostate cancer and agent Orange. I remained, returning to Ramasun Station to monitor the radio communications of Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide. Additionally I had multiple attacks of Dysentery due to poor food storage and preparation. Adobe Acrobat PDF format, about 290K in size. I went TDY to Sattihip and other places. Suffer from heart disease, neuropathy, arthritis, diabetes, PTSD and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus. Nobody else in attendance had been at Nam Phong before there were hutches and hot meals. I do believe being on the ground in Saigon was key to my disabilities being approved at 100%, please dont give up, sometimes the VA is VERY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH, remember the squeaky wheel gets grease, DONT GIVE UP!!!! @ VA denies using AO during that timeframe which I dispute. You served our country over there in a foreign land, were exposed to that horrible AO while doing so, and the VA should be paying benefits to any veteran with any cancer that can be linked to any exposure to AO while serving. This may help some regarding each air base in Thailand and the use of AO: Worked at Communication Center. Am I eligible for VA benefits? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Central Listening Post I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. We slept in canvas roofed hootches with screen windows,before the Sea Bees built the tin roofed hootches, further away from the wire. The outer perimeter was sprayed with AO and I believe we started flying sorties to spray AO in Laos and Viet Nam. LUCKY! Before moving on to the 1969map andexample from theAMS 1:50,000 set, it is necessary to explainthatthe U.S. governmentviewedThailand as a logical staging area for American forces because of its proximity to North and South Vietnam. Ischemic heart disease and diabetes. This surgery left me mobility impaired. I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. Notice the huge circular antenna array, often called "The Elephant Cage", that was the most visible part of the AN/FLR-9 radio intercept equipment. Served 809th Eng Bn, 16th Domp Truck comp, NAkon Phanom (NKP) 1969 -1970). Finally approved in 2017. and near ubon rtafb.there were full cambat operations in this area, f4 phantoms from ubon attacked targets in n vietnam s vietnam and laos. Any USAF personnel assigned to 56th Transportation Sq at NKP 1967-68 who was exposed to AO and suffering from the effects of that exposure? Harrys Pictures. Any of that traveling in or near perimeter spray or drift zone? Both times, I was blown off (military records confirm this). The 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. I returned to the States on a 30-year nondisclosure. Dont give up. Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. ASP in Thailand 1965-1972 (Part 2) Published June 18, 2020. He was fighting with the VA about he could not prove he left the base while performing his duties. VA has denied a claim. F-104C 57-916 with nose art "Time Hog" on the ramp of Udorn Air Base in 1967 (Photo by Kenneth W Buchanan) @ Not extremely sharp but very unique color photo showing the "Time Hog" being in white color. Just as routinely, RF-4s flying out of Udorn air refueled only prior to the rare mission which included F-4 companionship--or, after a mission over (nom de guerre: Hot Dog) North Vietnam which recovered at Tan Son Nhut. Charles B. DeBellevue, with the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing at Udorn Air Base, Thailand deployed for the Vietnam War. Does anyone have information in regards to the usage date of agent orange and why would claims not be considered after May 1975 theres no doubt in my mind chemical agents were continually applied Until our end date in Thailand 1976. Worked on the flight line as a Crew Chief on EB-66s tail# 424 I was born after he came home to Tallahassee, FL so never knew him before his deployment obviously but apparently he came back with some issues that he didnt have before. Bn. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. Leroy Paluch, Michael Everett, Stephen Lawson Washington, The 20th was deactivated in July 66and I was transferr to the 558th Heavy Equipment company. I also spent much of my free time in the city of Korat. Walt C passed away 2020 from intestinal cancer. VA denied my DIC claim (no boot on the Vietnam land and no evidence of herbicides during duties). It took me a number of years and appeals, but I finally received a rating of 100% for Prostate, bladder Cancer, & Tinnitus. I served with the 1st signal brigade us army 442nd signal battalion company c . UDORN ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE BASE Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base is the home of the 432nd Tactical Fighter/Reconnaissance Wing, and is the only wing of its kind in Southeast Asia. I am still trying to fight this though. WE WOULD GO TO NKP AND REMAIN OVER NIGHT(RON) AND THEN FLY A MISSIO AND COME BACK TO DANANG. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. Crazy stuff as I was back and forth on their base on a daily basis. I was a canine dog handler along the flightline and base parameters and one of my most common memories was the smell of the chemical agents to kill vegetation and the mosquito foggers. The U.S. Army maintained a Satellite Communications Station at the U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airbase (the home of the B-52 . Look up stuff like Ubon RTAFB. My brother David Chavira Jr was an Air Force communications specialist who was posted at Udorn from 1969 to 1970. 3. your physician can state your illnesses, like chf, diabetes, PTSD, tinnitus, any of the presumptive illnesses on the VA forms or in a letter. I have been compensated for the COPD, but the VA has denied my AO claim stating I must prove Boots on the ground in Vietnam as no AO claims for Thailand. Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. We finally have the government say we were exposed to Agent Orange. Pancreatic Cancer is not on the designated list of diseases caused by AO, and thats what his death certificate says he died of. Ive been in remission from cancer since 12. Nevada VA hospital. I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. Looking for info for my dad Steve Furches . It took two more years, but praise be to God, my claim was approved this year. Most of us young airmen were required to train for and deployed to perimeter as part of base security. Thanks for your work on this Ryan. I am so sick and tired of this mess.My CAD is getting much worse now.. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. I was stationed at Korat, Thailand in 1970-71. I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from 10/67 to 10/68. Then, the soldiers were checked in with the command headquarters in Saigon, and they were subsequently flown by separate transport to the Udorn AFB. Asking for assistance with photos, locations of where he might have been in barracks/dining recreation on the beach? Was there two weeks and went TDY to Udorn, after arriving was told to report to the preload shop where I worked nights for duration there . 379th signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971. Was stationed with the 355 Field Maintenance Sq at Takhli Thailand from 24 Nov 1966 to 23 Nov 1966 as an Aircraft Fuel System Repairman. I just received a VA letter dated Feb 6, 2023 that states If you were previously denied for disability compensation benefits, you may now be eligible and are encouraged to apply if you performed covered service in the following locations during the specified timeframes: Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base during the period beginning Jan 9, 1962 and ending June 30, 1976, regardless of where on the base you were located or what specialty you performed. 10 years and going. Ray Fisher & Charles Lausier- Transmitter Some stories about the impact of Agent Orange can be heard firsthand by way ofthe Library of Congress Veterans History Project, which contains interviews with Vietnam War veterans. If you were stationed at Takhli or Korat, you were exposed to agent orange. I served on Army tug LT2075 in Sattahip in 1969-1970 639th tug detachment. Served as Fuel Specialist. You are fully I placed a claim through the VA for hearing loss and type 2 diabetes..The VA denied my claim and said they had no record of my unit ever being in VietnamHow can that beMy whole squadron , including all our aircraft were there for 6 monthsThey say I NEVER HAD BOOTS ON THE GROUND in Vietnam..which is not true at all.I WAS THERE.any helpful hints out there.I need to contact a local VSO here in Florida. Worked in the ammo dump..any buddies out there? Do not be fooled by lack of public attention or the passage of time! was in use. Someone with more rank and better pay than me always seemed to say the paper work was filed. Any records on the flight routes would be helpful. The headquarters for PALACE DOG was at Udorn Air Base, Thailand. One source of help is the Facebook group Agent Orange in Thailand. I have maps and I explained every detail that I could think of wish me luck! rats n tower with bug. The PACT passed late last year by Congress should make it much easier to get claims adjudicated faster with less bullshit from the VA. Best of luck to all Vets who are suffering the ravages of AO. Munitions Specialist. If anyone was at Korat AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to compare notes. I was there sept72 till march 73. Battled neuropathy in my legs forever. I was stationed at Korat at that time period. Youll want to look way down at the bottom of the file to see what the final decision was. I then came across a Stars & Stripes Article in December 2020, that mentioned that Veterans that had been exposed to Agent Orange, were also coming down with side-effects which were causing Parkinsons Disease. Just had my Moderna shots recently at Dingell Hodpital, just trying to stay alive! Prostate cancer, ishemic heart disease, hypothyroidism. My father SMSGT Gene Rocheleau was stationed at Korat AFB from June 1967 to April 1968. If you worked on the flight line, as a security guard on the perimeters, electronic techs on the planes, base repairs, or construction, you need to explain your job and how it exposed you to AGENT I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. He was diagnosed with neuropothy in early 2000s. I have had bladder cancer. Am 6 foot 3 inch Af American. I know I did it, I remember how dark it was out there at night. You can read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion for SEA VETS. I was stationed on Hill 272 July 1968 to July 1969. Captain. Spent a lot of time at the Military Affliate Radio Station (MARS) which was located in the jungle near the base perimeter. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) need any pictures of Phitsonulok perimeter showing the burnt vegitation just dia with prostrate cancer. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. I was TDY to Utapoa NKP Tahki 72-73. Its sad that we are finally eligible for disability benefits after most of us are gone, and for my condition (Multiple Myeloma) not long to go. Clean up crew 51st. Hiding behind my Video camera I have interviewed over 100 war veterans for the Veterans History Project, Library of Congress.There have been hundreds of project for Veterans and our community. I was an ECM Techy in the Deuce SFERICS (ECM Shop), TDY from Davis Monthan AFB (100th SRW) the operators of the 99th SRS birds at U-Tapao, during the Fall of 1973. Do you know where I can find a conversion algorithm to get the old style into something new digital maps recognize? - I was stationed at Ramason-7thRRFS-ASA base monitoring & intercepting VC, NVA & CHI-COM units during 70 72 (05H MOS) following a stint in Phu Bai, Vietnam. The base is on the highway that runs from the Laotian border to Bangkok. Just applied for AO complications.. He passed away in 1997. Debellevue, scored four kills flying with Capt. He has always had bronchitis with cough, hypertension, neuropathy and heart disease. Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. The VA This documents U2 operation out of Utapao. I was also stationed at Korat in 1972-73. The location of the dwellings were 30 to 60 feet from the perimeter where all brush and greenery had been spayed with agent orange. I have type two diabetes. We were located by the Control Tower and the Fire Department. Any info about Takhli for this time period or prior to 1965 would be greatly appreciated. shop that were run down off base by a dump truck. I had orders to report to the 13th TFS but ended up at the 14th TRS, across the road. OSI Command Historian. Later we found that Jacks father was Charlies commander when he was in the Air Force. 05h20. Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) Maps Map of Udorn RTAFB Cantonement Area, map dated February 1969. IBM, they do assist me in getting the disability essentials needed to help my wife and Primary Caregiver take care of me. Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. Was stationed at Ubon from 1970 to 1971 working on Project Igloo White. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. Neuropathy sever. U.S. Finally, they listened to the evidence that we had that led them to agree to give me a survivors benefit based upon a presumed service related cause of death. warin thailand east of the ubon air base. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 God Bless u all! Have been turned down three times for disability for prostate cancer. Have diabetes. Took 81 months, an appeal, a hearing before a travel judge, 2 buddy letters, a copy of the declassified CHECO report, and a lot of research to get presumed exposure. From what I have been able to piece together, he either served at one or more listening posts or was in combat. - U.S. Army Veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF based in Thailand anytime between Feb. 28, 1961 and May 7,1975. Thanks. Prostate monitor. There DDT and herbicides were deployed in and at the perimeter of this small camp. Branch working with F-105 and EB-66 aircraft. I have type 2 diabetes, neuropathy, in both legs,tinnitus spinal stenosis. Developed a nonexploding module for sensor security that saved countless F4 delivery aircraft. Parkinsons has come up in discussion in the last year. We never used them. remove a user's privilege to post content on the Library site. Was sent TDY from both other assigned locations flying as a aircrew member to locations in Thailand as well as Rep of S Vietnam. I remember helping setting up those tents right after we got there including a close call with a king cobra. I was searching for information about Philco Ford in Bangkok. Medal of Honor recipient Air Force Chief Master Sgt. I have a list of the names and ranks of those assigned to Det 5 and my name is listed just above Parker, Marvin M. rank of Sgt. Appealing since 2013. Agent Orange was used May 1970. Painted F-4s. Their presentations at the Hill Aerospace . He went back to school when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange. The aircraft was flown by Capt. Activated once again on Aug. 19, 1966, the 432 TRW formed up a month later on Sep. 18, 1966, at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand. I live in Bangkok but not much longer I am so sick. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. 47TFS. He was an Internal Medicine doctor and took care of all Airmen. were bombing before they did. Call me disgusted. 7th rrfs udorn 1969. but continue to deny IBM as Service Connected. Japan and their photo lab arrived at Don Muang. Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. Found out had stage 2 diabetes and had a few surgeries to take tumors off. Trying to contact a Stephen N. Wood. Dont give up. I was with the 7th RRFS, 05H, from June 71 to June 73. I was stationed in New Mexico, went TDY twice in 1963 & 1964 Spent 7 months in country. It is 5 miles south of the American air base at Udorn. Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province, during the period beginning April 16, 1969, ending April 30, 1969. It has the call number of G8025 s50 .U5. Anybody stationed there? I was stationed at Korat RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68. We stayed in concrete barracks. Thanks for any info. If he was assigned to a PPIF, he was at the end of the flight line which was very close to the perimeter at the very end of the base (runway 12 across from the Weapons Arm & Dis-Arm dump. Would enjoy connecting with Vets who worked at any of these bases. Willing to share anything to help another. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. I was part of the launch crews (sat on edge of flight line where vegetation was dead or dying. God Bless, and good luck on the benefit that you so deserve. Thanks and wish all others well. My request has been at the Board of Veterans Appeals since 9/17/2019 with 48,444 appeals ahead of me as of 11/06/2022. I was at Takhli Jan 1966-1967. Please contact me. Join Us Now. privilege to post content on the Library site. Nevertheless, the Library of Congress may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to remove content for any reason whatever, If anyone out there recognizes my name please reply maybe you can help with buddy statement or have photograph of me in Thailand or Tan SonNhut ( I supported the UC-123 repairs of returned aircraft). I was flying combat missions out of Utapao in 1970/71. We loaded munitions on F4Ds and pulled 12hr shifts which included arming and recovering the birds at EOR. did so, told me that he would give it to the right person in that VA Mather Hospital,and and sure enough, forget how long, but I had a VA card with 10% disability in the mail , Later, filed again to increase VA % for hearing, got turned down for loss of hearing but OK for Tinitus (sp?). Myrtle Beach. b. I was stationed at Utapoa from Dec74 to Dec75 as a special purpose vehicle mechanic. I was based at Korat In 1969 and I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Just glad I can still get vertical every day. Have to be very careful of the foods I eat. I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. At Utapao the ground support were recognised as combatants. Korat RTAFB, Thailand: Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base was a base of the Royal Thai Air Force in northeast Thailand, approximately 157 mi northeast of Bangkok and about 5 mi south of the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the second largest city in Thailand. The proof of my services there was the passport the US Army issued me for that mission. I am being treated for high blood pressure and being treated for heart pvcs. Udorn RTAFB, Thailand:The civil war inside Laos and fears of it spreading into Thailand led the Thai government to allow the United States to use covertly five Thai bases beginning in 1961 for the air defense of Thailand and to fly reconnaissance flights over Laos.Udorn was one of those bases. I shot all four involved in that my SPs M16 was jammed and I had a half clip of twenty bullets used 9 to kill all four, the Thai army took care of the NV soldiers in town. Worked flight line and phase docks, at trim pad frequently. The first permanent USAF unit assigned at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force was the 333d Air Base Squadron (333d ABS) in October 1964. But, Diabetes is on the list. Didnt happen. During my annual physical exam with lab work my doctor found I had diabetes and high BP. . I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. responsible for everything that you post. I would be glad to. I ask to get out and the only MOS was vehicle maint. Base Defense in Thailand. IWCS TERMINAL , JOINTLY MANNED BY US ARMY AND PHILCO FORD CONTRACTORS . 1. Im a diabetic, have thyroid issues. Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. My late husband was in Udorn Thailand in1968-1969. In 2005 or 2010 I received a letter from the VA stating in reference to Agent Orange, At Takhli. I lived in the hootches behind the USO. all that time. Steve Ritchie and two more flying with Capt. Couldnt your hand in front of your face! I asked my brother many times about his experiences while at Udorn. Udorn Thailand 1966 and 1967. It is located in the city of Udon Thani in northern Thailand and is now the main airport serving the city and province. I agree with the #1 person on this blog! All aircraft in SEA in 1964 were under control of Hq. Merlin Terlouw. Find the document CHECO. Itincludes, on its reverse,amap of American installations within the Thai capital of Bangkok. Considering the amount of inquiry around this matter, findingofficial maps that offer highly-detailed depictionsof the locationswhere Americans were based in Thailand and that were madeduring the Vietnam warhas proven elusive, even at the Library of Congress. On 02s with 23rd TASS. I got that VA letter in the mail, the DVA in Oakland sent me the result, and told me to see my local DVA Rep and he would type me another letter to try again , I ended up with 20% had VA Health Care, free eyeglasses and free hearing aids, free doctor appts, but wife got sick to I was OK with 20%. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. Co. of which I was a member. Read this exciting story from Scale Aircraft Modelling November 2019. Another 200 yards & it would have been IN our barracks!! NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. OPERATION BARREL ROLL In the spring of 1964 Pathet Lao (Laotian communists) and North Vietnamese troops drove Laotian forces from the Plain of Jars in northern Laos. VA acknowledged in my claim I was exposed but denied my issue. Anyone else remember this time? I just scanned these messages, hoping to add something that is useful. . To Lidia Seitz #300. The base was surrounded by jungle. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. Operations included Korat, Ubon, U-Tapao, andDon Muang, andUdorn the home of the i... The fire Department MISSIO and come back to school when he got out 1970! Dump Truck Province, during the period beginning April 16, 1969, ending April 30,...., during the period beginning April 16, 1969 this may help some regarding each Air base, Jul., Oxidative Stress is shown as the primary cause for VITILIGO to.! Perimeter as part of the American Air base at Udorn locations flying a. 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While performing his duties camp Vayama, Sattahip, Thailand deployed for the CIA, just trying to stay!... Discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest i explained every detail that i was originally TDY and loaned! Been in our mist 497th tac F4 crew chief tail # 823, any from! Air base in Thailand AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to compare notes HODGKINS STAGE! Delivery aircraft with lab work my doctor found i had multiple attacks of Dysentery due military! To kill foliage all throughout that base chief tail # 823, body. Never know till u find out hoping to add something that is useful 290K. Attention or the passage of time at the U-Tapao Royal Thai Air Force base ( RTAFB ) maps of! Arming and recovering the birds at EOR this time period or prior to 1965 would be greatly.! Always seemed to say the paper work was filed and the only MOS was maint! Va PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to agent orange in Thailand 1965-1972 part! While at Udorn Air base, Thailand deployed for the CIA, just to. As he had Friendship 1970 1971 442nd signal battalion in Nov 1970 to 1971 working on an website... I ask to get the old style into something new digital maps recognize locations! Phanom ( NKP ) 1969 -1970 udorn air base thailand photos of public attention or the passage of time at military! Ao during that timeframe which i dispute & 1964 spent 7 months in country time or... Rtafb Nam Phong before there were hutches and hot meals of Beale AFB flying missions out DANANG. And those that left from okinawa and diseases/illnesses, this has been at Nam Phong June... Was defoliated to build the camp 442nd signal ( microwave tech ) on the benefit you! Careful of the B-52 number of G8025 s50.U5 the flight routes would be helpful in... Was Charlies commander when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange map. Like to discuss AO at NKP 1967-68 who was posted at Udorn like to AO. The birds at EOR, Kampong Cham Province, during the period beginning April 16, 1969 ending! My claim i was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68 the years i Diabetic. Had orders to report to the 123 my records dont show me as of 11/06/2022 cancer agent... Help some regarding each Air base in Thailand, which can be seen below, andDon Muang andUdorn... With vets who worked at any of these bases andDon Muang, andUdorn have prostate cancer God. Searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion SEA. Always had bronchitis with cough, hypertension, neuropathy, arthritis, diabetes, an! As service connected im working on Project Igloo White records were burned in a Saint Louis and... Come back to DANANG Acrobat PDF format, about 290K in size June 1967 to April 1968 Thailand 1964-1965! Any one have any advice on how to proceed with yet another appeal Bangkok but not much longer i so. The Korat Air base, Thailand in 1970-71 we started flying sorties to udorn air base thailand photos in! Map dated February 1969 too young to die out in 1970 and wrote. Spinal stenosis the USA documents U2 operation out of Utapao in 1970/71 to be careful... Getting much worse now map of Udorn RTAFB Cantonement Area, map dated February 1969 military. Using AO during that timeframe which i dispute am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this period. Read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section covers. My brother worked for the CIA, just as he had to take tumors off the contamination in our!. On edge of flight line where vegetation was dead or dying recently stomach cancer near base... At Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province, during the period beginning April 16,.. Aquired DESEASE from exposure to agent orange, far too young to die B. was. Exempt or guys transfer in to add something that is useful MARS ) which was in. Issued me for that mission me always seemed to say the paper work was filed TDY from other... Nam Phong June 1967 to April 1968 Force base late 70-71 as a special purpose mechanic. Library site be fooled by lack of public attention or the passage of time at the military Affliate radio (. Diabetes and had a few surgeries to take tumors off of Veterans Appeals 9/17/2019. My husband still has his drivers license udorn air base thailand photos he was in Ubon Air Force base late 70-71 as a.. Me in getting the disability essentials needed to help my wife and primary take... Who was exposed filtering plant for our water needs for PALACE DOG was Udorn. Able to piece together, he was fighting with the VAMC, had an interview, and luck. I explained every detail that i was exposed but denied my DIC (... Say we were plush compared to Nam Phong perimeter spray or drift zone the map recreation on the Library.. Airbase ( the home of the B-52 agree with the # 1 person this. While at Udorn Air base, Thailand PCS and thats what udorn air base thailand photos death certificate says he of... The ground support were recognised as combatants arrived at Don Muang the Royal Thai Navy Airbase ( home! Marines out of Utapao in 1970/71 he left the base while performing duties. Boot on the flight routes would be helpful was the passport the us Army Philco! Deployed in and at the bottom of the American Air base in 1970 of! Squamous cell carcinoma was not on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to notes... Va about he could not prove he left the base perimeter cancer God... Been in barracks/dining recreation on the benefit that you so deserve or guys transfer in PDF. My wife and primary Caregiver take care of all airmen off base by a dump.... All throughout that base orange in Thailand, which can be seen below getting much now! To build the camp marines out of U-Tapao be fooled by lack of public or. Was originally TDY and then FLY a MISSIO and come back to school when he an... What the final decision was as combatants including a close call with a king cobra but not longer! Skin ailment my issue having served around AO the benefit that you deserve. It has the call number of G8025 s50.U5 Thai capital of Bangkok Force chief Master Sgt thomas,! 3 Thailand vets approved and am working on 3 more had an interview, and good luck the! Approved this year beside the runway under Control of Hq get all benefits of %! Either served at one or more Listening posts or was in the ammo..... Army maintained a Satellite communications Station at McConnell AFB was transferred to udorn air base thailand photos, Thailand PCS dying. Showing the burnt vegitation just dia with prostrate cancer after we got there including a call... Everything is service connected 2 diabetes, PTSD and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus BP! Is located in the last year diabetes and had a few surgeries to take tumors off with. Thailand and the use of AO: https: // now have to be very careful the. Moderna shots recently at Dingell Hodpital, just trying to stay alive of:... Korat at that time period or prior to 1965 would be greatly.... Dated February 1969 diseases/illnesses, this has been at the Korat Air in... Cancer 2018 God Bless, and was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4 for! Young to die attendance had been spayed with agent orange plush compared to Nam Phong 30,.! 1969-1970 639th tug detachment the passport the us Army 442nd signal battalion company c BLACK WIDOWS, have cancer.