Do religious differences and partisan politics exacerbate social distance between members of the Indian American community? Twenty-four percent of Indian Americans report seldom or never praying. The number of naturalization applications has climbed in recent years, though the annual totals remain below the 1.4 million applications filed in 2007. While 86 percent of Hindus report identifying with some kind of Indian identity, 71 percent of Christians and 52 percent of Muslims do the same. Data from the Center for Migration Studies shows that 78% of immigrants in California were either naturalized or had some other legal status (including green cards and visas), and about 22% were undocumented as of 2019. Second, while respondents suggest Indians hold somewhat greater responsibility for engaging in discriminatory practices along religion and gender lines, here too they point mainly to non-Indians or a combination of Indians and non-Indians as primary sources of discrimination. The states with the largest number of immigrants from India are California, New Jersey, and New York. A quarter said legal immigration to the U.S. should be decreased (24%), while one-third (38%) said immigration should be kept at its present level and almost another third (32%) said immigration should be increased. Homophilythe tendency of individuals to associate with people similar to themselvesis a strong determinant of social networks.41 But which dimensionreligion, region of origin, or castedrives ones associations? Mexican immigrants remain Minnesota's largest immigrant group, but the number of Mexican immigrants living in the state declined over the past decade. Forty percent of respondents born in the United States report being a member of an Indian American organization, compared to 29 percent of those born elsewhere. Table 2 presents results of the most common languages among respondents, restricting attention to languages identified by at least 2 percent of respondents. 43 The survey asks respondents how comfortable they would be having close friends from various backgrounds. It Depends on the Measure, Pew Research Center, June 17, 2014, By the 1980s, Mexicans became the nation's largest immigrant group; by 2013, they were the largest immigrant group in 33 states. Immigrants convicted of a crime made up the less than half of deportations in 2018, the most recent year for which statistics by criminal status are available. If the rate of population growth and influx of new immigrants from the region continues in the next couple of years, Asians will be the largest immigrant group by 2055 according to the Center. By race and ethnicity, more Asian immigrants than Hispanic immigrants have arrived in the U.S. in most years since 2009. 9 Nicole Hong and Jonah E. Bromwich, Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. Many states have large immigrant populations from India. Indian Americans exhibit high rates of marriage and low rates of divorce. A very small minority, around 10 percent, strongly or somewhat disagrees. This study is the third in a series on the social, political, and foreign policy attitudes of Indian Americans. Given that only 5 percent of IAAS respondents report being victims of caste discrimination, any subgroup analysis must be interpreted with due care given the small sample sizes involved. Nineteen percent of them are not comfortable having close friends associated with the BJP. Respondents can select from one of three responses: very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, or not comfortable. CORRECTION (Sept. 21, 2020): An update to the methodology used to tabulate figures in the chartAmong new immigrant arrivals, Asians outnumber Hispanicshas changed all figures from 2001 and 2012. The survey furthers asks respondents to assess whether they believe that domestic politics in India might be creating or exacerbating divisions within the Indian American community. Pew Research Center estimates indicate that in 2065, those who identify as Asian will make up some 38% of all immigrants; as Hispanic, 31%; White, 20%; and Black, 9%. Forty-eight percent of respondents report that most or all of their Indian friends share their religious faith, while another 36 percent report that some of their friends are coreligionists. Millions of people are polled annually as part of the American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau to learn more . This section reviews some basic characteristics of the social networks of Indian Americans. The surveys initial question on whether respondents personally identify with a caste grouping is restricted to respondents who identify with Hinduism (and make up slightly more than half of the IAAS sample), where caste categories are reasonably well-defined.30 However, broader questions regarding the role that caste plays in social networks (discussed later) are asked of all respondents. The number of apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border has doubled from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2019, from 396,579 in fiscal 2018 to 851,508 in fiscal 2019. Based on these portraits, here are answers to some key questions about the U.S. immigrant population. Thirty percent of Congress supporters are not comfortable having close friends who support the BJP; this is double the share of BJP supporters who are uncomfortable having close friends who are Congress supporters. In eight states, Canadian immigrants made up the second-largest group, and in four states, the second-most common country of origin was the Philippines. On average, an H-1B visa holder reports living in the United States for eight years, although 36 percent of H-1B beneficiaries report spending more than a decade in the country (that is, they arrived before 2010). Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Business Insider identified the country of origin of the largest group of foreign-born residents in each state. The data for this study are based on an original online surveythe IAASof 1,200 Indian American U.S. residents conducted by YouGov between September 1 and September 20, 2020. Young people place less importance on being Indian, even after controlling for how long they have been in the United States. YouGov recruited respondents from its proprietary panel comprising 1.8 million U.S. residents. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare?, New York Times, March 18, 2021, We are grateful to Tobin Hansen of Carnegie for his assistance with the design and the analysis of the survey. But religion only narrowly edges out the role of Indias political leadership (56 percent) for the top spot, and political parties (47 percent) are not far behind. One should treat these findings with caution. . This too mirrors the American political context, where supporters of smaller parties or those who are unaffiliated hold more favorable views toward Democrats.46. In fact, that is precisely what the data suggest (see figure 10). Follow. Business Insider/Andy Kiersz, data from US Census Bureau, NOW WATCH: Here's how the map of the United States has changed in 200 years. Hindus who recently arrived in the United States are just as likely to identify with a caste group as those who have been here for a quarter-century or more.31. Figure 30 provides the geographic distribution of survey respondents by state of residence. The next most common responsethose claiming no religious affiliation (a category that includes agnostics and atheists)accounts for 16 percent of the sample. 51 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?. Check your email for details on your request. Finally, volunteering or working on a political campaign appears to be the least common form of political engagement. The top countries of origin for immigrants were India (11 percent of immigrants), Mexico (8 percent), China (6 percent), the Philippines (3 percent), and Canada (3 percent). This suggests that the evidence of polarization, while real, should not be overinterpreted either. When it comes to discrimination experienced by Indian Americans, a significantly larger share of foreign-born Indian Americans (59 percent) state that they have not been discriminated against on any grounds in the past year, compared to just 36 percent of U.S.-born Indian Americans (see figure 27). Fifty-eight percent of Christians report attending church at least once or several times per week. 47 Andrew Daniller, Majorities of Americans See At Least Some Discrimination Against Black, Hispanic and Asian People in the U.S., Pew Research Center, March 18, 2021, Devesh Kapur is the Starr Foundation Professor of South Asian Studies and director of Asia Programs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). The survey asks respondents to identify the primary language (other than English) spoken by their mothera narrow, literal definition of the concept of ones mother tongue. One-quarter of all respondents self-identify as Indian while 7 percent choose the term Asian Indian.. Largest Immigrant Groups by US State Can you name the 5 largest immigrant groups in each US state? 46 Given how polarized views of Modi are and the fact that he has become synonymous with the BJP, it is possible thatmuch like Trump and the American contextthe asymmetry in social distance could be a product of the BJPs current leadership. The largest immigrant group in the United States is the: Italians French Germans Irish Germans The second largest immigrant group to settle in this country is the: Italians French Germans Irish Italians By the time Greek people emigrated to this country, the demand for labor had decreased. However, there is marked variation by place of birth. Existing research has found that among major Asian American communities, Indian Americansboth men and womenhave the highest rate of endogamy (the custom of marrying within ones community) in both the first and second generations, although there is a noticeable increase in marriage outside of the community among members of the second generation.21. Fifty percent of respondents who have been in the United States for ten years or less say that being Indian is very important to their identity, compared to 42 percent for those who have been in the United States for more than twenty-five years. However, non-citizens and foreign-born citizens report nonparticipation at roughly twice the rate of U.S.-born citizens: 47 and 41 percent, respectively, compared to 22 percent of U.S.-born citizens. The results are displayed in figure 11. Bookmark Quiz By using this website, you agree to our cookie policy. The first table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net domestic migration, while the second table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net international migration. On the other hand, Muslims are much more likely to self-identify as South Asian (27 percent compared to 7 percent of Christians and 5 percent of Hindus). Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. Sixteen percent identify as a member of OBC and 1 percent each identify as Adivasi/Scheduled Tribe (ST) or Dalit/Scheduled Caste (SC). To what degree do Indian Americans engage with American politics, their civic community, and Indian culture? This section reviews respondents views on discrimination against Indian Americans. By the 1930s, Italians were the largest immigrant group in the nation and in nine states, including New York, Louisiana, New Jersey and Nevada. The survey also queries respondents about whether they participated, over the past twelve months, in any of five political activities: volunteering or working on a political campaign; posting comments online about politics; discussing politics with friends and family; contributing money to a candidate, party, or campaign organization; or contacting their elected representative or another government official. In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens. At the time, most immigrants from what was then British India were in fact Sikhs, not Hindus. Other regions contributing smaller percentages of immigrants included the Middle East and North Africa (4%), sub-Saharan Africa (5%), South America (7%), Central America (8%), the Caribbean (10%), and as well as Europe, Canada and other North America (13%). Sixteen percent of Indian Americans report being discriminated against by virtue of their Indian heritage. How might non-Indians discriminate against Indians on the basis of caste if caste is not a salient category for them? the United States issues immigration visas to 2 . All the analyses in this study employ sampling weights to ensure representativeness.15. As one might expect, the composition of respondents social networks varies by their birthplace. Respondents were allowed to skip questions save for important demographic questions that determined the nature of other survey items. Data from the ACS show that the share of married couple households in the community is 50 percent greater than the U.S. average.20 In the IAAS sample, 66 percent of respondents were married or in a domestic partnership. According to data from the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS)which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureauthere are 4.2 million people of Indian origin residing in the United States. Second, the survey asks respondents about their own lived experience with discrimination. Lawful immigrants made up the majority of the immigrant workforce, at 21.2 million. In all, 52 percent of Indians in America completed their education in the United States. 44 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Will Indian Americans Vote?, 1617. Visit for more stories. Forty percent of Hindus say they pray once or several times a daysubstantially less than the 58 percent of Muslims or 66 percent of Christians who answer similarly. My dad and mom told my brother and me that we came to America to be Americans. Since 1975, Koreans have ranked among the top 5 groups of . Followed by Cushite-Beja-Somali, Hmong, and Vietnamese. Diwali and Holi are largely celebrated by Hindus, while very few non-Muslims commemorate Eid. Milan Vaishnav is a senior fellow and director of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Follow. Overall, one-third of respondents report membership in an Indian American organization. As the figure demonstrates, foreign-born Indian Americans are significantly more likely to have a spouse or partner who is of Indian origin and born in India. 20 According to the 2018 ACS, 73 percent of Asian Indian households are married-couple households compared to the national average of 48 percent. In 2017, about 29 million immigrants were working or looking for work in the U.S., making up some 17% of the total civilian labor force. Nearly one in two respondents (45 percent) report discussing politics in the past yearby far the most common activity. We are grateful to Ashley Grosse, Alexander Marsolais, and their colleagues at YouGov for their help with the design and execution of the survey. Pew Research Center estimates indicate that in 2065, those who identify as Asian will make up some 38% of all immigrants; as Hispanic, 31%; White, 20%; and Black, 9%. What is also striking is how relatively small the differences are between respondents who identify with a caste versus those who do not. For instance, the social networks of an Indian American in Wyoming (where there are very few Indian Americans) will likely be dominated by non-Indian Americans. 21 Chakravorty, Kapur, and Singh, The Other One Percent, table 4.4 and figure 4.14. The Census Bureau combined survey results from 2013 to 2017 to enable the organizations statisticians to estimate the numbers of individuals who made up the foreign-born populations of each state and the District of Columbia. Eleven percent finished high school elsewhere, while only 8 percent had less than a high school education. Fully one-third of respondentsa large proportiondo not express an opinion either way. First, respondents overwhelmingly blame non-Indians when it comes to discrimination on the basis of country of origin or skin color. 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