Ingesting a foreign substance such as alcohol could make a vampire sick. Vampires drink blood because it sustains them. Later at the boarding house, Mikael showed Damon the white oak stake he had carved prior to burning the ancient tree down, which is the only weapon that could permanently kill an Original. Mikael is a hypocrite, he blames Klaus for turning his children against him, when his actions contributed to that, this has also been said by his daughter Rebekah, who told him that he was the one who destroyed his family when he turned them into vampires, as Klaus, had nothing to do with it. He found Davina and Kol performing a spell and attacked them to restore power to the weapon. ~ Imagine drinking bloody mary or tomato juice like a real blood. He wasn't content to kill Klaus until he has humiliated and psychologically tortured him, and then promised to undo everyone's memory of him, turning Klaus into nothing more than a ghost, utterly alone. As Elijah is surprised to see his father alive and well, Mikael tells him that, while he wanted to see Klaus first, he had unfinished business with Elijah as well. "You're a vampire, Elena. When Katherine opened his tomb, Mikael opened his eyes, though he was still too desiccated and chained up to move. Her you fight for; lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. Boris is an Original Vampire and the son of an alpha werewolf Ansel and Esther whom is an incredibly powerful witch. In The River in Reverse, he was mentioned by Elijah in a flashback when he was speaking to Klaus about his recent killings, not wanting Klaus to draw Mikael's attention in Europe. Rebekah suddenly arrived and intervened, trying to free Marcel as well, but Mikael staked her with a regular stake and incapacitated her. She was so used to people being afraid when she did it to them, so accustomed to how bodies tensed up and stopped fighting. During the fight, Davina loses the bracelet controlling Mikael, setting him free. Chill until ready to use. Mikael's ghost then appear in a room with Davina and explaining the spell in Esther's grimoire that can resurrect him. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. After reuniting, Mikaelwas madeaware of Dahlia's return, andwas helping his daughter with her plan to kill Dahlia in a combined effort, even working together with Klaus. Mikael brought Cami to an abandoned building where he explained that he didn't always hate Klaus. They are required to drink human blood to get the proper nourishment for their survival. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. . However, in Homecoming, Mikael was killed by Klaus due to Stefan's interference. Mikael's skills were impressive enough that he had seemed to have single handedly slaughtered other raiders who had come to pillage and raid the village that he and his family lived in. She is the world's . Mikael moved on to his true target, Klaus, after a century of hunting the Trinity, who were using his children's identities. At this point, Mikael became a more strict father, becoming more cruel in teaching his children to survive, so he would not lose anymore children like he thought he lost Freya. Klaus confronted Mikael and proposed the two fight Dahlia together. He knows his reputation precedes him and he assures her she is not dreaming and that what she is experiencing is all real. Press the puree through a fine mesh strainer to separate the pulp from the seeds. Mikael reminded him that the hybrids couldn't kill him, since he is immortal, but Klaus just replied, "But it will make a hell of a party game". Mikael was not surprised by the betrayal. Having disposed of the wolves, he tries to kill Davina to stop her control over him but he is stopped by Elijah who throws him into a wall. Mikael corrected him by pointing out that he only ever hunted Klaus, and had no interest in killing his own children. Klaus threw Mikael's staff through the cabin window, knocking Davina out. I want to know why.Klaus to Mikael. ~ Frighten your friends with games about vampires. Add the Vampyre Vodka. Mikael became furious and grabbed his sword from her before leaving the room. As the werewolves are about to kill Davina, Mikael arrives and starts to fight them, killing several with little to no difficulty. After the loss of Freya - according to Esther - Mikael distance himself from Esther, hurting from the loss and grief. It is not easy to become a vampire however, there are various steps through which a person can achieve the desire results. Mikael has killed more werewolves than anyone else in the entire show. Are hybrids stronger than vampires? Katherine chose to ignore her warning, and she and Jeremy eventually located his tomb in Charlotte, North Caroline. Unknown to Mikael, Esther's sisterDahlia put a spell on her so she could have children but there would be sacrifices. Real-life vampirism is quite different, and most sanguinarians take proactive measures to prevent themselves from terminating someone. Esther turns Alaric, and arms him with the indestructible White Oak Stake, making it the ultimate weapon for the ultimate hunter, as Mikael was before him. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Mikael's ghost appears in The Abattoir and is seen talking to Davinaand says, "One point for you, and one point for Niklaus". At the end of The Reckoning, Mikaelwas revealed to be a vampire who hunted vampires. I'm so sorry. Diet and blood-thirst Like normal vampires, defective vampires must drink . Klaus was beaten so badly his siblings actually feared he would die. Prior to Freya's death, Mikael was described as a kind and loving husband as well as a good father, this is in spite of how his own father treated him, however, once Freya died Mikael became hostile, distant and cold due to the immense grief he felt due to the loss of his favorite child. Despite vampirism initially believed to be permanent, The Vampire Diaries saw four different vampires using the Cure through the show, each with various outcomes. Despite this, he eventually relented and took Freya to Mikael, leaving them alone. It has been implied by Michael Narducci that Mikael is stronger than his children because he was stronger as a human before turning, which was then amplified. Vampires attack and drink blood to survive and, secondarily, for pleasure. Klaus took advantage of everyone's distraction by grabbing the stake and driving it through Mikael's heart, and watched in shock as Mikael burst into flames and died, taking the only white oak stake with him. ~ Be like a honorable real vampire bloodsucker or Dracula. Mikael then starts to mock Klaus. However, Mikael simply did not drink any of the blood she offered until Katherine finally found a mourner at the cemetery, bit into his neck, and let the blood drip into Mikael's open mouth. Vampire Diaries ' biggest changes from the books began as Damon won Elena away from Stefan, but the power behind that love triangle came from the fact that the passionate love between Elena and. In A Closer Walk With Thee,Mikael begins to torment Klaus through his dreams where there is a funeral of Father Kieranand in the coffin was Klaus' baby girl and he smiles. Mikael is the husband of Esther Mikaelson. "The blood is the life," Dracula's servant Renfield declared in Bram Stoker's novel. It was only after Klaus accidentally got Henrik killed, killed Esther, and turned his siblings against him, that Mikael hated Klaus, seeing his acts as betrayal. However, vampires cannot survive on their own blood. During the fight between step-father and step-son, their emotional states could be seen, Mikael being relatively calm with no sign of straining while Klaus visibly struggled during the fight. Is vampire blood capable of healing humans? In Always and Forever, Elijah showed his memories of his human life to a werewolfgirl named Hayley Marshall. Mikael agreed to her deal, and soon after helped their son Finn escape from his imprisonment in Klaus' compound. They chose to attack Dahlia head on with the weapon, being lead to the church knowing full well that it was a trap. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. The students determined that it would take 6.4 minutes for a vampire to lap up 15 percent of someone's blood about 1.6 pints (0.75 liters) from a total volume of 11 pints (5 liters) in the average adult human body.How much blood do vampires need per day? When Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, and Katherine asked Anna where they could find him, she insisted that Mikael should not be awakened because he would kill all of them, hinting to Mikael's reputation as the vampire who hunts vampires. Mikael knew the truth of Esther's murder and his hate for Klaus only grew more intense, vowing to kill him for destroying his family. The Mikaelson family, however, is worse. Mikael then appeared behind Davina, calling her name and when she turned around, he was gone. He also absolutely refused to feed on human blood, even to free himself from desiccation. Not even once - not to his wife or children, (although the loss of his first born child was understandable, this did not excuse his behavior for what he did to Klaus and his other children). He is still my father.Freya to Finn about Mikael. In order to turn a human into a vampire, vampire blood is required. 250ml Food Grade PVC Drink Beverage Cosplay Halloween Vampire Supplies Blood Bag. Mikael seems to genuinely regret the consequences of having brought the Vampire race into existence, which is what motivated him into feeding exclusively upon other Vampires instead. His reply was:"I had a hand in creating vampires, but the bloodlust was never my intention. Mikael states his desire to want to hurt her is strong. Mikael while cold and aggressive is not devoid of emotions or positive traits but tends to conceal them or hides behind anger, once he is reunited with Freya, his favorite daughter whom he thought was dead, he was reduced to tears and embraces her. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! 7th, 8, and 9th generation vampires must drink human blood. Over the years and through its end with season 8, The Vampire Diaries expanded its characters to include various supernatural creatures, and the series developed a complex (albeit sometimes convoluted) canon. Method 2 Changing Your Appearence 1 Get fangs. Mikael, after a failed team up with his children against Dahlia, was executed by Klaus for a second time, in order to procure the Viking ash Mikael's corpse would leave behind, to make another weapon against Dahlia, all in front of Freya, which devastated her. Free shipping. But there was a time when you knew me as your son! Drinking blood, leaving delicious food, stay away from the sun, spell casting, bite from a vampire, etc. I love you--. Mikael was furious and confused by the turn of events, realizing someone was interfering with the stake's power. He wants to take the bracelet binding him to her so he can kill Klaus. Upon feeding, Mikael's body returned to its natural, undesiccated state, but he became angry at Katherine for feeding him human blood, though he did not go into detail as to why that bothered him before he fell asleep again. We also know that his unique diet effected his ability to gain sustenance from Human blood, as he states to Davina that Human blood does little to sustain him anymore. This tactic worked until Elijah was daggered with his siblings by the Brotherhood of the Five in 1114, negating the compulsion. After all the children of Mikael and Esther turned into immortals, it was revealed that Klaus is not the son of Mikael and when Mikael found out about this, he felt relief but even after learning Klaus was not his son, he still did not want to kill him and only had Esther suppress his wolf side. It was implied that he may have a certain tolerance for Werewolf venom, since he deliberately fed on vampires infected with that very venom shortly after Davina revived him. She then flees with Mikael. Mikael's characterization in the flashbacks of his children is somewhat different from the characterization he has when people are dealing with him directly. Is hope stronger than Klaus? However, when the Mystic Falls Gang looked into Mikael's identity, they learned from Anna that he had been neutralized and entombed by a witch in the 1990s. Shortly after being turned, Elijah compelled Lucien Castle to believe he was Klaus, Tristan de Martel to believe he was Elijah, and Aurora de Martel to believe she was Rebekah, so that Mikael would hunt them in his children's place as a misdirection. The person dies and turns into a . He says it is better it dies now, and her along with it. As Damon was about to make the final blow, Stefan arrived (having been revived by Katherine earlier) and tackled him, knocking the stake out of his hands in the process. He still considers Mikael as his only true father, despite not being biologically related, because only a father could inflict as much pain as Mikael did to Klaus, as well as the fact Mikael raised Klaus. He also was never shown talking about Freya. Just a quarter of a teaspoonful is enough to initiate the process of turning. He fiercely hates them. The loss of another gene - REP15 - may have occurred to allow the vampire bats to increase the amount of iron they can excrete, since their iron-rich blood diet puts them at risk of becoming . Stefan remains adamant that Elena steer clear of human blood, fearing the repercussions if she can't control her thirst. Mikael had the typical weaknesses of an Original Vampire though hewas able to tolerate the effects of Werewolf venom and even overcome Papa Tunde's blade. Hayley jumps down onto the first floor, Mikael jumps down to follow her but she spins around rapidly and rushes behind him, stabbing him in the heart with a stake from behind while he was caught off-guard by the jump. First of all, there's no biting - that's neither safe nor sanitary - and with too many vital . Satisfied for the moment, Mikael removed his hand from Damon's chest, but before he left, he warned the brothers that if they went back on their word, he would drive a stake through their hearts as well as Klaus'. Esther and Mikael. Her veins are only filled with vampire blood, which allows her to heal faster than her werewolf abilities. In the Ricean universe, a vampire must not drink blood from a dead person. She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. Mika himself is targeted, where there was a past angelic appearing Mikaela having existed in the ancient past. Esther made the final decision to turnAlaric Saltzmaninto an Enhanced Original Vampire, as she spent time nurturing Alaric's dark alter-ego when he would die wearing his Gilbert Ring, and knew that Alaric's repressed hatred for vampires would only be even more heightened after he turned. With Davina's help, they bonded the ingredients to a knife, creating a weapon that can kill Dahlia. Mikael entombed. When Hayley is temporarily killed by Monique's hex, Mikael introduces himself to Hayley on The Other Side and tells her that they are technically family. However, Finn forced Mikael to be his sacrifice in a spell so he could channel his power. Mikael's actions cause a rift in the family, thus turned against him completely, however, even after his children found out that it was Klaus who killed their mother, they are still antagonistic towards their father, though Rebekah was willing to allow Klaus to be killed after finding out the truth but did blame their father for making them violent, saying that Klaus wasn't born a killer. He then vanished. Mikael did so, knocking her down and hurting her ankle but forcing her to get back on her feet, even though it would be a struggle. He was a loving and caring father for both of his children, but his favorite was his beloved daughter. Mikael sees werewolves and hybrids as abominations. Mikael and his family later burned down the white oak tree to prevent it ever being used against them, but not before Mikael had secretly carved a stake as insurance in case one was needed for future use. One day, while Elijah and Klaus were sparring, Mikael watched them. The original family of vampires create Tristan and Aurora. Why does Elena drink Damon's blood? Hayley quickly becomes afraid because she thinks she is dead and starts worrying about the baby, Mikael tells her that the child never had a chance, and tells her of how her bloodline is filth enough and she made it worse by merging it withKlaus'. Top with ice and shake vigorously. Drinking blood isn't what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to real-life vampires. Upon seeing Klaus' first transformation as a true hybrid, Mikael stated, "He's a beast. Though usually choosing not to, Mikael will feed on humans if he needs to or if he wants to use them as bait. Near tears, he embraced his daughter and the two happily reunited. And also if maybe damon or stefan or anyone who is a vampire drinks another vampire's blood, then . As said above Mikael has over-powered Klaus while still weakened with werewolf venom, and Klaus was far from calm in said fight and should Klaus ever become enraged or transform completely into his Werewolf form, Mikael still has superior fighting skills and a tolerance for werewolf venom, making a werewolf's primary attack, its bite, useless. This is usually done as a way to sexually gratify themselves. Some time later, Esther was pregnant with their son Elijah. Despite sharing similar views on vampires, Finn views Mikael as a monster. While there, Mikael trained himself vigorously with a staff to force out the werewolf venom he had received from his recent brawl with the wolves. She might unlock her full vampire side by drinking blood, since she already has faster healing without drinking blood. At the Witchescoven house,Davina Claireconvinces her friend Abigail to do asimple sence, so that they can connect with the spirit world and to connect with her friend Timothy. Mikael throws the White Oak Stake at Davina, who tells him he can't harm her. Demi-Demon Blood - Vampire becomes an unwilling slave of the demi-demon. The alliance between Klaus and Mikael did not last partly because of Klaus' jealousy of Mikael's relationship with Freya, and mainly because Klaus could not forgive Mikael for what he did to him as a child. Alaric is the second Original to be fully resurrected in both body and spirit. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. When his son Kol, now in the body of a witch, was invited to the cabin by Davina and secretly searched the room with the white oak stake inside and found it, Mikael stopped him and confronted him. A vampire might drink his own blood if cut off from all blood supplies. Damon was unimpressed by Mikael's interrogation and jokingly asked if this was the extent of his capabilities. Share 0. Bring me the powers, bring me the feeling. It is not needed to survive. Mothers love their children, fathers make them strong.Mikael. Rebekah then proposed that he bring Mikael into town, knowing it would cause Klaus to flee in seconds. Desperate to escape their homeland, Esther turned to her witch friend and mentor, Ayana, who told her of a land beyond the seas where the natives were all healthy and blessed with the gifts of speed and strength. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Mikael is mentioned by Klaus when explaining to Marcel that he won't do to his child, what was done to him by Mikael. Klaus arrived and the two fought once again. Once he was reawakened, Rebekah was waiting beside him as she prepared for the Homecoming Dance. The good news is that you don't need to inject yourself with vampire blood in order to transform. A blood loss of 40%, however, is typically fatal, but real-life vampires . How does hope Mikaelson activate her vampire side? Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. Mikael was the step-father of Klaus. Stefan hesitated for a long moment, but he did eventually find a way around Klaus' compulsion by telling Mikael that he could lure Klaus back to town. Mikael was enraged that Klaus was showing off and being foolish when the Vikings were fighting for their survival. Humans don't require much to get drunk, but a vampire, who is a good couple of hundred years old, and who has a body which heals rapidly, would not get drunk quickly. You do not reason with them, or try to change them. Klaus was furious with his mother for making his werewolf side dormant and seemed to murder her in revenge, putting the blame on Mikael. A vampire uses its sharp fangs and drains the blood of a person. Finn however, used sacrificial magic to desiccate both Mikael and Esther so that he could channel their power for himself. After being turned into a demon, Mika regains his memories of who he is. However, the New World wasn't as peaceful as the couple had expected, especially during the full moon, as their neighbors were werewolves. Back at the Witches coven house Davina is being visited by Mikael'sGhostfor the second time and he tells Davina that Tim has moved on and reveals himself to be Klaus' father, apologizing for what his son did to Tim, and he says he's the only one who can rid Klaus from her forever, but first he needs her to bring him back to life. Davina resurrects Mikael using powerful cursed objects Father Kieran had stored away. He then uses his vampire speed to quickly go over to Hayley and instantly puts her in a headlock, Mikael welcomes her to his "hell", as he is stuck in an eternity of watching over Klaus. When Hayley asks about Klaus' relationship with Marcel, he mentions that once his father found him in New Orleans, Klaus and his siblings fled the city and had thought that Marcel had been killed by Mikael like so many other vampires in town. Elijah tried to stop his father from hurting his brother, but was scared off by Mikael, who stated that Elijah would be next if he intervened. However, when Klaus killed Esther, Klaus turned his family against their father by framing Mikael for the murder of their mother, and the siblings ran away from Mikael, Mikael hunted down Klaus for centuries, trying to destroy him until finally he was killed. Why does Elena drink Damon's blood? Klaus then staked Mikael for a second and final time, executing his step-father without a fight. Use crisp black eyeliner even if you are a guy. . Mikael's corpse burned to ash, providing the Mikaelsons with more Viking ash to use against Dahlia. 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