Lisa straight away jumps in. His trailer would suit them, but it would be a challenge for Amy to make that trip back and forth every day when her room was still there for her at home. By the way Soile, I'm late in reading PK but awesome fanfic. It was a lovely summer day today. However, Sarah - Next Steps and the car guy- Four Months are very good too. Amy was in her room intoxicated by images of her first time with Ty so she pushed her jeans and panties down to her knees she then massaged her entrance. Okay? "Amy calm down. Those arent the kind of things anyone can buy or give to you without it coming from the heart." Maybe it was the events of the last few days lowering her guard. Jack gets frustrated and tells her to get her nose out of it and that Amy and Ty are . "IM WHAT" Amy yelled. Rating: PG. Ty managed to get his hands between Tims to knock his arms away then gave him a hard shove in the chest to drive him back and create enough space to put some power behind his arm as he drove his fist hard into Tims jaw. The days had become unbearably drawn out for Ty Borden. "Yes Georgie it does take time you know, he's still a bit antsy" Said Amy. Heartland under used her talents.o, Soile, I see that you are passionate in your opinion of Ahmed and you have done a great job of standing up for his character. The Long Way Around - Heartland Fanfiction. It was hard for Ty to stand by and watch her work with this animal that had hurt her so terribly, both in mind and body, but hed rather be there in case something happened again. I pretty sure it has to do with Ty promised to not make anymore decisions without her and she is probably so wrapped up with the prince guy to bother talking to Ty about it. "Ty I'm pregnant. I think there was even a year when they aired the last episode before they knew if they were getting renewed, so in that sense they couldnt have chosen an alternative ending, for example. Amber Marshall as Amy Fleming fanart. and chase walks over siting next to her . " Ty started to rub her back soothingly. I have found some time to read the new story but started over to freshly comment. Then later had Jeremy getting her drunk, mostly because she did not heed Ty's warning about him. Hahahahahah! K: Content suitable for most ages, usually those aged five and older. Funny how you can not like a character that an actor is playing in one show but then love their character(s) in another show. I dont know/cant remember if he was given only for the audition. Jessie & Amy working out whatever they agree to about Ty's situation and he asks her "Why did you choose some delinquent jerk who is never going to amount to anything over me?" I'm just mad Ty, i don't hate you!! (In which there is a Truck, a Kid, and a frozen pond.) "Can someone get Katie dressed" says Lou from the front door trying to find Georgie coat. There were some instances in his little speech that Amy was ready to cut in and once again put him in his place. Life at a Canadian Boarding School. Amy was tired, she could feel it long before now but pushed herself though it, knowing she used to be able to last hours chasing a horse around this pen. #fanfiction I know you want what is best for me, but you dont know what that is anymore, Dad. Amy your going to be fine and don't even talk about You dieing because your very lucky you didn't ok Amy. Why do you think that wouldnt make him notice how extraordinary Amy is and begin to want her in his life as his own companion? (Are you still with me? Your going to be fine I'm not leaving your side ok" Ty said letting a tear slip down his face by looking at Amy in so much pain and suffering and getting told too much stuff to handle in her conditions "This is too much to handle. I'm scared of losing you Amy!! Pairings: Lou/Scott, but mostly, eventually. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Amy F., Lou F., Ty B. If you don't like the story, or the content, then why are you continuing to read it at all?! Working with horses isnt the only thing I love anymore, Dad. Ty sighed as he hung up with the real estate broker, crossing off another farm listed. I hold out for Jack calling his Momma to set him straight. The Next Step. "Oh and also umm your pregnant" Ty said. This is a Heartland fanfiction set after 7x11. Amy just held on to Ty and cried more. 9. and I know that you feel useless right now due to you not being able to ride and that but you can still do things around here . " You know Babe you shouldn't of came outside like that . It might not be entirely too late for Shane, but he was certainly old enough to remember life without Tim and living the lie Miranda fed to him in his younger years. But we will find out in FOUR MONTHS, pun intended. I love you so much but I have to let you go. A Heartland story Ty's younger sister comes to Heartland with Badger and Tara. Amy tried to sit up when she did she screamed. Ty Boarden - Amy's fianc. The birds were chirping, the bees were buzzing everything seemed alive and happy, Mallory thought. One minute, they were on the couch kissing, with Amy straddling Ty. "Amy are you ok" Ty said looking at her. Amy recently got in a horse fight and a horse kicked her in the back of the head. It says fall 2015, 18 new one-hour episodes! "AMY" Lou exclaimed as she was crying and went to hug her and then remembered about her surgery that and didn't. and Amy starts recalling, one after another, some of the things he has done to show how much he loves her. *Heartland characters belong to CBC, but the story line and new characters are mine* Mentions of injury and pregnancy loss, you be the judge. Im sorry. Come on, Amy. Why cant Ty and Amy decide to buy the ranch even though Amy is in Europe. Secrets and Lies: Directed by Bruce McDonald. Is it possible that they do the same every year? Tim didnt know what it took to raise a family because he missed out on a lot of his childrens lives. "what's wrong with me like what happened" Amy asked Ty. And I get why hes not likable for many many people for different reasons, but I for one dont actually agree with those points. as for what brought me to your blog was that I had read about the opening to season 8 and was curious what was going on and was keeping up with the current episodes while I was catching up on Netflix (I'm kinda late to heartland lol), Early or late, still part of the community :). Heartland Fanfiction. Or she was finally in a place to start healing and taking back control of her life. YOU CAN SIGN IT IF YOU LIVE IN ANY COUNTRY, ITS VERY QUICK AND IT WONT ASK YOU TO VERIFY YOUR EMAIL OR ANYTHING. Nicole - manager of Maggies feed and diner and Heartland Equestrian connection known as the dude ranch. "Amy that's what's your worried about! She got a call so she answered it. "Well I'm glad your ok Amy but you look like you got beat up" Georgie said. I am betting that she has been in close to the Prince and Amy when they are together, and knowing that she is an experienced snoop, I value her opinion as an informed source for gossip. This has turned into a lot of work! Going Back Chapter 1, a heartland fanfic | FanFiction. That was awesome Sarah. At dinner that night, Amy informs everyone about her going to Pike River for a few days. I'm going to bet Ty & Amy DO go through with the elopement. *Heartland characters belong to CBC, but the story line and new characters are mine* Mentions of injury and pregnancy loss, you be the judge. Owns Hudson Vetinary Clinic. Search this site. There is going to be a fanficito n where Amy and Ty are best friends with each other and they tell each other everything and they both has feelilngs for each other, they winded up having sex with each other one night and Amy winded up being pregnant and Ty is would be the father, and there problem both Amy and Ty are dating other people, Amy is . Im not trying to change peoples minds, but maybe this little rant of mine will give you some insight of how I see the character and why I think he is interestingly flawed and layered. "Ty did you tell her" Dr. Norman asked. violence, killing, etc., etc. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 58,214 - Reviews: 235 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 25 - Updated: Dec 26, 2016 . Summary: Ty receives devastating news, Amy tries to help him cope with the pain. He muddled through most days by going through the motions of finishing his classes at the University of Calgary or at his job at the Hudson Veterinary Clinic thinking it had to be later than the time indicated on his watch. After dinner Ty and Amy were doing night check on the horses when Jack walked up and asked if things were okay now with the two of them. They both fell asleep quickly._______________________________, And they all lived happily ever after.._______________________________, Just kidding Just Kidding lol did I scary youPlz LIKE, COMMENT, REVIEW, VOTE AND IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY PLZ FOLLOW ME BECAUSE THEIR WILL BE LOTS LIKE IT and hey no cliff hanger today now there is a HUGE cliff hanger later in the book, you guys will hate me for it, Chapter 32- Always Something Behind That Next Corner. "Everything seems to be good" she said. Home. Thats enough for you? I have most of the story written Chapter 5: The Road Ahead_______________________________ 2 week later_______________________________Amy woke up the next morning feeling sick again. Amy had a weird face on her. You my want to check out the Highlandians site because there is a wonderful fanfiction (Promise Kept) in the making and I have not seen you comment on it yet. "And Amy no matter what you can tell me anything ok, if ever something's bugging you ease tell me, you worry me when you don't because I know something's up, especially if you think your pregnant" Ty said rubbing his hand up and down her arm. But the past 2-3 haven't and that's thrown me off a bit In having to find it elsewhere. Amy didnt know what was wrong with her, why she was so shaken with trying to work with this horse. Georgie came running out of the house to Amy " Summary: Amy knows her feelings for Ty are fading and she can't get that kiss with Chase out of her head. Rebekah is. Thank you guys! #horses "I believe this is yours" Ty said and took Amy's left hand and placed her engagement ring on it. "I was going to get out of the way Ty Ok Don't worry about me and just so you Know Just because I am Pregnant dosent mean I cant help out here ok . Part 13. They only brought his character into the mix to stir the pot. On the road still trying to fulfill my own dreams and I regret that, I do. "I can't believe that I'm pregnant still" Amy said and placed a hand on her stomach. Amy and Ty were fully moved into their new house. bishop england high school lawsuit. Then what ?'' Ty Texts Lou Hey Lou my truck broke down again be there as soon as I can._______________________________Amy was off the airplane and got into a van from Hillhurst stable to take her home. "No way" Jack said. Tamy will turn the Ty's loft space into proper apartment (doors that lock, a bathroom with running water, a small kitchen, a living area, not to mention a real bedroom). Here is another variation of the previous request of using the letters from the word HEARTLAND. I needed more letters, so I decided to use HEARTLANDIANS! It takes place after 7x10 - Darkness and Light. Being closest, she was the first to get herself between them, both Tim and Ty hesitating to throw any more punches with Amy there in the line of fire. Maybe her fear was rooted deeper than she realized, but that didnt make sense. "Ok Amy in going to look over you and then do an ultrasound to see how to baby is and then a blood test ok" Said Dr. Norman. It takes a lot to raise a family, Amy. The prince guy DOES NOT NEED TO BE THERE. _______________________________ Back at Ty's_______________________________Ty got home from school and seen the ring and then the note. Amy and Ty- Alternative Universe Fanfictions. "Bye everyone" Amy and Ty said. When Scott and Ty go missing in S3, he is there hugging and helping Amy. Just a fanfic that takes place ten years after season eleven from CBC's TV Show Heartland. I have seen it, it has many simularities to CarguySteve ' FOUR MONTHS. We have never seen how much room for growth there is in the back yard. I felt another change of body weight and her head slowly tilted up to meet mine, I quickly leaned . Amy survived but near mother did not. Fleming I'm your doctor Dr. Norman. Amy's next job was going to be work with Ace. "Ok" Amy said. Amy walked over to see Spartan, Phoenix and Paint. They just continued their non-verbal assault by piercing each other with their enraged glares. Use this time to reach your highest potential, take that road trip to Vegas you and Ty were talking about, expand your clinics find your dream ranch. FEEDBACK, LIKE and VOTE it please!!! "Well let see, Amy put your feet into the stirrups". You won't loose me Ty!! They seen a tiny blob on the screen. - A year after Ty and Amy are married they face an unthinkable tragedy. #amyfleming Its not that we dont trust you we just arent so certain youre quite ready to face those demons just yet, Ty told her cautiously, his green gaze studying her as her blue one lowered. "Amy please stop crying your going to make me cry" Ty said starting to cry a bit himself. If I can get 5 reviews, likes and votes and comments I will post the next part By The Way Please Follow Me! I so agree, Soile is so gifted at writing as well as a person she is awesome. They both suck at being broken up. Soile, you write what your heart desires to write and the hell with any one who doesn't like it. After my accident at Hillhurst, I seriously thought I would never regain my sight. /jpnightrun, I know that you are a great fan of the Heartland tv series. Tim, out of loop as usual, invites Ahmed to Heartland for dinner that ends in a fight between Ty and Ahmed after Georgie reveals that the Prince is in love with Amy. The place was just becoming more and more cramped with very little opportunity for privacy. "You were going to jump Ace and instead of jumped he bucked you off" Ty said and grabbed her hand. Well, Dad, you certainly werent the greatest before mom died and you arent much better right now either, Amy scolded him, not even feeling the least bit guilty at the slightly wounded look that crossed Tims face and made his scowl falter. At the trailer he (Jesse) was clearly trespassing before Caleb was in default but at the bar both Ty & Caleb had been thrown in the tank. "Ty" Amy said. It felt like theyd been out there for hours when Ty noticed Amy growing tired, her movements slower and her mouth opening with her labored breathing. "Amy you need some sleep to get better" Ty said. I'm just mad about everything!! #amyborden It was going to happen eventually, why not now?, Ty jumped in then. It took a lot from Amy to sit up. Prior to theHanley House burningdown in S6, he was always giving Lou and Peter grief about the old house. Youre loving husband just called me a shitty father. Tim rolled his shoulders, straightening his shirt and getting the little bulge that was pulled up tucked back into his jeans. This fanfic is the sequel to "Four months.". She came back to Amy and Ty and said"your family is waiting in the waiting room and wants to see you". She opened the door and all the the lights were off and no one was there "Hey guys, I'm home you can come out now" Amy yelled. Amy mounted Ace and walked him around the jumps. "Amy what's wrong" Ty said and kneeled down beside her. Lou Amy's sister thinks something is up with Ahmed and that he looks at Amy with more than just a professional eye. By this time Amy had puked again1 minute"OMG just finish already"It had finally been 9 minutes. Stop it! Shed been in a come then too, but somehow this felt different to her. 372 Stories. #amy I am so Zen right now. :o). Amy recently got in a horse fight and a horse kicked her in the back of the head. As always brilliantly written. Yes but Ty You need to lay off ok And she is right she can still do stuff around here that wont risk the baby . Amy reached underneath her . Glad, sad, disappointed but mostly relived. "AMY" everyone said. Tina was at her place looking at stuff for the baby . They were moving Spartan and Harley there today and doing their groceries shopping. I think it is because of the Geneticsthat stems from the Bartlett family tree. No way they are not renewing after the numbers they have put up this season. Every farm he and Amy looked at over the last year since their engagement had yet to compare to the deal they found in that first. GO HOME PRINCE GUY !!! 100% agree, I really like the episode but frustrated with Ty. "Tim, um, we were just-" Ty tried to explain, nervous at how his future father in-law will react. Heartland - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 20 - Words: 38,539 - Reviews: 338 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 7/25/2017 - Published: 7/27/2015 - Amy F., Ty B. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. #grahamwardle I think not!Yes, men and women can be friends, (I am not really that big of an asshole, honest!) [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7]. Most of the time he causes problems for Lou and Amy and grief forJack. THERE WILL BE SEASON 9????????????? He still has that initial "nothing wrong" response until she has to poke and prod him to confess. Ty just held her as close as he could without hurting her so she didn't have to hold her our weight but she kept pulling him closer. A Few Weeks Later. He was verbally attacking the man and outright condemning him for his past mistakes. Amy was upset, everyone was by Tims harsh words by some degree, but Ty ripping open those old wounds in Tim made him no better. Hey guys, I'm a new writer I have never wrote a story before like this so please don't judge if it's terrible lol! You know Id never give that up, but Ty and I want a family. were going to make it work, I promise" Ty saying trying to calm her down because that's the least thing Amy need right now. "Well you have a sprain arm, broken rib cage and your rib cage was going into your lungs and you were having trouble breathing and almost stop breathinggg.." Ty was having a hard time saying that and tried not to cry. *Heartland characters belong to CBC, but the story line and new characters are mine* Mentions of injury and pregnancy loss, you be the judge. "Omg look at me" Amy said and gasped. Then the memories begin to overwhelm her. "Ok we are taking you to the recovery room now" she said. Is that what it was like for you? But you havent been there! While Badger and Tara are only there for the summer. I do not own these characters! lancera_luso. Ty quickly called Lou and told her the news. ~. Amy feel a tear run down her face "why does no one care what I say since I came back" Amy thought. Ahh Soile, I was almost 100% over this whole prince Ab, caught myself, and then I read this. A light snow had fallen the night before, but it was perfect for riding. You have plenty of time to have children. I do still check and reply to messages, it may just take a few days for you to receive a reply. She swore as she tried to make her inherent the food. "It was always something he would do or say. It takes place three months after Ty left Amy in Europe, and now Amy is back home in Heartland. Dragging the lead shank along the dirt, Amy shot a look over her shoulder at Ty. Amy and her mother one night went to rescue an abused horse. Makes me sad. Ryan, Zeus new handler and the one charged with the stallions care while he was at Heartland to ensure Amys continued safety, walked up beside of her, stepping onto the rail and climbing up the fence. Amy counted her strides in her head"1,2,3 Ju.." "AMY" Georgie Yelled. Which means the marriage is still going ahead. An alternative universe where Ty and Amy meet by chance and end up learning that lives can actually begin more than once. Yea, I always liked that idea but I guess since in my culture it is not a big deal to live in a home with multiple families. And I'm 16. Her mother died trying to save Spartan and shed gotten through that even though ever time she looked at the horse she envisioned the accident and the terrible pain that came from it. Who would care, unless Amy comes out of the closet in the middle of the season for a plot twist? I don't know, I'm not so sure. He knew he wasn't really happy with her decision to leave for college, but he had to wonder if she would ever forgive herself for that. by Lost-Sheep. It was our pleasure. Read it on if you haven't. We lay in bed entangled in each other's rich scent and warmth. e.g. He offered Amy the job as trainer at Hillhurst while she was still miffed at Ty over the Charger deal. "Amy I Love you soo much and I still want to marry you and have this baby with you, out if all this it's made me love you more" Ty said looking her in the eyes. The driver came and opened the door for her and she got out of the car and ran into the house. So Amy's plan was to walk him around the jumps and then ride around them and finally see if he would jump them. I have said this more than once this season, but the next episode offers a chance for the writers to make up to us fans for what they did to us in the first half of se8. How much?" Ty frowned down at the real estate advertisement in his hand, the other holding his . She makes a list of people to come, caterers, looks up dresses etc. Amy started to wonder if she was just maybe pregnant. As she passed the door of the room her dad was resting in she could not resist checking on him for one last time. Amy went and grabbed Spartan and tacked him up and rode off to Ty's, she knew he would be at school._______________________________Amy soon arrived at Ty's trailer. Can we stay at the Dude Ranch and you all. But Amys voice broke through the rage, his eyes dropped from Tim to hers, air heaving into his chest. Amy will help many horses and ride lots. "Bring them in" Ty said. "No" Amy bursted into tears trying to sit up. Instead, Amy picked up the end of the rope, coiling it in her hand and walked to the gate, leaving Zeus to pin his ears and swish his tail when she stepped too close on her way by. Happy Heartlanding! I know he is probably trying to protect both his feelings of insecurity and Amy's worries for him. Heartland fanfiction is likely the only original content I will continue to share. The characters in this TV series are : Amy Fleming - main character. "Ok what about" Grandpa Jack replies. #amyflemingborden Blog Whisperer has said that if the show would get cancelled, they would most likely wrap things up with a movie - so we wouldnt be left completely hanging.I feel like everyones pretty chill about the renewal too, which makes me calmer as well. Amy went downstairs and finally Lou, Georgie, Katie and Jack came running in. I see all these postings by "Anonymous", does this represent one person or many individuals. I've always been your father, whether I've been there or not." How could a guy NOT be in love with that beautiful, stubborn blue-eyed cowgirl? There was a silence, and then Ty laid in the floor, with his head next to Lucys feet. . Since her accident, shed been determined to get back to her horses, feeling useless keeping to the house and "resting. It wasnt resting if all it did was agitate her to be confined inside. Yea, Soile do your thing and we will be here when you come back on. Enjoy it. it had nothing to do with feeling useless . HEARTLANDIANS - Fanfic. No need to bring him in. She knew he didnt approve of this, but he knew that she wouldnt quit until she figured out a way to help the horse, even after he nearly killed her. Nooooo, they cannot elope !!!!! Tina was watching the Horse eating . Who else is left besides Jack, and he was preoccupied with Lisa during all of this, so he wasnt paying that much attention anyways.Ok, having put the proverbial stick through the spokes and sending everyone who is pro-Ahmed over the proverbial handlebars, that is my humble counterpoint. Other than a few goo-goo eyed looks toward Amy on screen, thats all we have to base our thoughts on.I would bet you the Miracle Girl saddle that he sneaks a peek at her when he thinks no one is looking, and maybe Lou has caught him at it, just sayin!-Didnt Caleb warn Ty, and EVEN TIM as she was leaving on the helicopter for crying out loud? Ty/Amy. "I'm going to look over you now Amy" Dr. Norman said. Ex pro rodeo star. He's a good guy, come on writers, help him out. He proposed to her in Season 6 and they are still yet to have their wedding. "This gel will be cold" Dr. Norman said as she put the gel on her stomach and then remote. 8 minutes left Amy started to "there's no way I'm pregnant"7 minutes leftAmy thought about the time in the loft with Ty and when she got back from Europe6 minutes leftAmy thought again "omg I could be pregnant"5 minutes leftBy this time Amy was pacing around the bathroom. That Amy was ready to cut in and once again put him in his place - manager Maggies! Then the note that up, but you dont know what was with. Seen it, it has many simularities to CarguySteve ' Four MONTHS are very good too beside.... Of the story written Chapter 5: the Road Ahead_______________________________ 2 week later_______________________________Amy woke up next. Amy and Ty go missing in S3, he 's a good guy, come on writers, him... To Heartland with Badger and Tara to use HEARTLANDIANS have seen it, may. 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