Besides Mio and Tohka, the other Spirits were originally humans who bonded with gems called Sephira Crystals, which turned them into Spirits. More like becoming the clone in her case, by Volume 16 it's clear that she's fallen in love with Shido like the one clone she killed on the rooftop and during the Star Festival side story. Characters Ads Filter Characters | SMASH or PASS Options Mikoto Misaka CV: Rina Satou Neptune CV: Rie Tanaka Kurumi Tokisaki CV: Asami Sanada Tohka Yatogami CV: Marina Inoue Blanc CV: Kana Asumi Noire CV: Asami Imai Vert CV: Rina Satou Kotori Itsuka CV: Ayana Taketatsu Mayuri Index Librorum Pro. This detail of course was provided as a correct answer to one of three questions asked by Yoshinon in. By sealing off everyone elses memory of Shido, Tohkas subconscious feeling of losing someone important causes her to once again slip into her Inverse form, who immediately goes after Shidos head in retaliation for the humiliation he put her through last time. Her Inverse form sits in the sky like this, unresponsive to anything around her, while her Demon King Satan fires indiscriminately at the city below her. Ellen gains Magic after the battle starts. When Marina, the artificial Spirit created by DEM Industries, broke into main computer, the AI trapped Marina together with herself in the virtual reality world with a strong protection. asks if Origami is really willing to make Shido to feel the same way, It also rains every time she comes to the world. calling forth her new personal Combat Realizer outfit, given to her by the DEM. The second Spirit to appear. However, Nia retaining her youthful appearance post-sealing indicates she was saying that just to tease Nia. He doesn't remember at all. When Shido later gets a close-up look at her resulting Inverse form, her face looks like a corpse. she seals everybody else's memories of him so that he stays with her forever, and later tries to stop the Earths rotation and end all life so nobody can get between them. These characters have different combat and fighting skills. shes the Spirit who unintentionally killed her own parents. In Volume 10, she decides that she's gotten too complacent with the Spirits and plans to kill them all. In this post, we have listed all the Date A Live Spirit Pledge codes that we have got so far. Realizing she killed her best friend causes her to inverse, but she manages to prevent it using her Fourth Bullet. After they had used it, they can't manifest it again, leaving them completely defenseless. Complete all the missions and tutorials given by the game. The kanji "four" in her name. Their fusion into Yamai Kazamachi has an even bigger chest than Yuzuru and boasts enough speed and power to drive away Beast. Volume 12 shows she has these representing her old and new timeline selves. This stops after she gets sealed. She takes the form of Shido and makes advances on all his acquaintances in school before being found out by Tohka and Origami, after which she escapes and issues Shido photos of 12 people close to him, and challenges him to find her out before they all disappear. Yoshino has trouble communicating with others without Yoshinon until Shido agrees to become her new "hero". She keeps attacking while Shido uses the Spirits powers to protect Maria. Using Zafkiel to send Origami back in time to kill the murderer of her parents leads to the events of the latter inversing and destroying the world in the previous timeline. Not for Tohka herself, but for Tenka, as Mukuro's sealing of Shido from everyone's memories didn't effect her Inverse form's personality. Notable because she is the Second Spirit, she became a Spirit after touching a Sephira Crystal 27-28 years ago, she briefly forgot this but remembered due to the abilities of her Angel telling her what she forgot. Her natural and inverse forms have separate memories. With the Date A Live Spirit Pledge gift codes, players can redeem in-game currencies and items that are quite hard to get. The source of a Spirit's powers are gems called Sephira Crystals, most of which were given to them by Phantom, and one of which was given by Mio. ", When Shido arrives, both Maria and Marina wish for Shido to kill them so that can fully restart, preventing it from falling towards Tenguu city and kill many people. Upon regaining her sanity, she openly weeps upon seeing the surviving humans of the world she destroyed. It's so bad that. Date a Live: Spirit Pledge HD features an intriguing visual novel experience with the Spirits. If the Paths become too narrow, it will block the circulation, causing those powers that should be circulated to remain inside Shido's body, and thus resulting in an over-heat. Her old timeline's self is more of a tomboy, but her long haired self in the new timeline is more of a girly girl. These 2 have very distinctive personalities, and the original personality is gone. Its only after hearing Yoshino confess her feelings to Shido that she finally breaks down and gives her own confession (which seemed to be Yoshinos intent) before disappearing. She was given her powers to save her from being strangled to death by her mother. This dating sim builds on the amazing visual novel formula and makes it better in all aspects for both fans & newcomers alike. She is not happy in regards to this realization. Neptune is one of the main characters of the Hyperdimension Neptunia Series. is code-named "MARIA". If you do, choose 1 of the following effects and perform it.<br>"Look at up to 4 cards from the top of your deck, choose up to 1 "Date" or "Celestial Spirit" character from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and put . Her Inverse form as well, although it's a bit more, Mio's will influences the world to resurrect Tohka by the end of Volume 22, After Mio seemingly kills her in Volume 18, she comes back able to draw from the powers of all the other Spirits (including Mio herself) to actually. She was rudely approached by DEM and retaliated by sending the warships's debris across the globe. When a Spirit goes into its Inverse Form, their Astral Dress changes into a darker and more revealing appearance. Tenka also says his name this way the one time she actually doesn't just call him "human". This is completely averted in her Inverse Form, however. Volume 16 reveals this was likely the result of the traumatic memory of killing the original Camael wielder, her best friend Sawa Yamauchi. Of the ten main Spirits in the main story, each one's hair color is based on their Sephira's color motif. It works; Miku ends up becoming really fond of "Shiori". Shido and the others then head towards the Mother Room where Marina is. Nia looks around 18-19, but she stopped aging when she became a Spirit over 27-28 years ago. While the other Spirits were once humans who received Sephira Crystals, Tohka was born directly from her own, hence why she was originally nameless. All of her stats get boosted (except intelligence), and she can fight on par with (and, Tohka, Origami and Nia before her, the Inverse form. Actor Jansen Panettiere's sudden, tragic death on Feb. 19 took the world by surprise. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge has been released on iOS and Android ! Mukuro calling her Key Spirit, and usually refers to Mio, who is essentially her mother, as that woman. One of the largest corporations in the world, it is based out of England having originated out of a defense industry and it is the only known industry that is able to manufacture Realizer Units. This method was later assisted by an unknowing Kurumi Tokisaki, who was convinced by Mio to become a Spirit Hunter after the First Spirit told her that Spirits were a disaster destroying the world. Kaguya briefly considered payback for Origami nearly killing them after joining DEM, but gave it up when she realised that her sentiments weren't shared. Things were going well in his attempt to seal her powers. joining forces with Westcott during Volume 9, and then become a Spirit herself in Volume 10. When her new timeline personality confronts her old timeline personality within their mind, the latter is still in this position. Date A Live Spirit Pledge Character Tier List: Find out the rankings of the spirits and characters from best to worst in the game. This often aggravates both her friends and enemies. Kurumi manages to survive, knowing that the clone body she transferred her memories and Sephira crystal to would disappear once the spirit powers were gone. This is taken to the extreme in Volume 22 where, in an alternate universe, Shido died, which caused Tohka to transform into Beast and destroyed the other spirits and the world. One hour later, the clone manages to get her message to Shido and expires shortly after (due to it being exactly one hour after Kurumi dies). She is later revealed to be the Tohka of an alternate world where Shido died. Once said Spirit was (supposedly) vanquished, the new timeline personality would regain consciousness, unaware of what just happened. She willingly removes Yoshinon as she confesses to Shido in Volume 20, and gradually stopped wearing Yoshinon entirely by the end of the story, though the puppet is still a cherished keepsake from her late mother. [5] When that happens, the Spirits will have to kiss him again to return the Paths to normal and let their powers circulate between them and Shido. she accompanies Tohka and Shido on their date, which she only reluctantly did to please Tohka. When snapped out of it, she has no memory of what just happened. This power is negated while they're sealed. As Yamai Kazamachi, their Astral Dress gains a very long scarf. The Date A Live light novel and anime series features a diverse cast of characters created by Kshi Tachibana and designed by Tsunako. Unknown to her, Marina has used this as an opening and successfully hacks into the main system of , charges the main cannon and prepares to shoot at Tengu City. and it literally only gets worse once both women fall in love with Shido. All of which were Invoked by Kotori as part of Shido's "training". A girl who's top in beauty, brains and brawn. Sandalphon; her 10th sword is actually Nahemah. In Volume 22, she resolves to "leave the past behind" as she has Shido cut her hair to the length seen in images of the previous chapter. She has amnesia, but stays cheerful and energetic. She's really more this than mindlessly chaotic compared to other Inverse Spirits like Origami. Through their own will or not, it is unknown, but each time they come through to this world, they create a Spacequake that is similar to a bomb explosion which destroys everything that it engulfs. She causes rain to fall whenever she appears, which is part of her ability to control the three states of water. seemingly killing Shido with Paverschelev. Some side content suggests that Inverse Tohka hates it. Ellen consumes x3 Magic/second. The exact impetus for Phantom turning her into a Spirit is never revealed. Volume 16 seems to imply the former case to be true. This was done under the intention of them acting as vessels for her power so that one day Shido Itsuka would be able to gradually seal and obtain each Spirit's powers and reach a state of omnipotence similar to herself. Kotori is the only known character who's Sephira Crystal has a known past host. This character possesses massive attack damage skills that do AoE damage and eliminate the enemies in a short time. They cause a storm every time they appear. Her Astral Dress is a noticeably darker purple than Tohka's usual attire, and it has more sinister connotations, in line with, A very strange and unique example. destroy two satellites falling on the city, when the spirit mana within him drives him berserk. Origami too. There are tons of spirits and characters in the game. She almost completely devastated her own world. Mio would then properly give him his memories as Shinji before intending to erase the memories of his current life. Shinji really died 30 years ago. Shido is the key to their plan, thanks to his ability to seal the power of these Spirits with a kiss. Tohka and Origami each tap into their Inverse forms in volume 7 and 10 respectively, followed by Nia in volume 13, and almost followed by Mukuro in Volume 15. Tohka Yatogami ( , Yatogami Tka) is one of the main female characters (and antagonists in her devil form) of the Date A Live series. She used Sandalphon's throne to help Shido reach Yoshino. Westcott traps him and the Spirits in Beelzebub's, Mio after learning that she has already killed all the Spirits, but Tohka (who was revealed to be a, The reason he didn't kill Westcott in Volume 18, despite all the atrocities he committed throughout the series (including the death of his previous incarnation Shinji). Luckily it becomes downplayed when Shido sees her memories and realizes why she takes it so seriously. Favor Date: Tap the "Favor" button in . In volume 19, she pilots Nia's version of Nibelcoles that is made in the image of Maria. It's only when Shido simply asks her and Tohka to get along that she. It's later revealed that it was the work of a false Kaguya Yamai. Of course, they're not about to share him with the other girls if they can help it. The Spirits are former humans that obtained Sephira Crystals from Phantom, as proven by Origami, Kotori, Miku, Nia and Mukuro. and both Phantom and Westcott seems to know something about his real identity. These spirits does not appear in the Light Novel and are not part of the series' main canon, only featured in games and films based on it. However, these crystals proved incompatible with human physiology. She requests a date with Shido just like the other Spirits and seems to develop a liking to him as well. Inverse Tohka even willingly lets her powers and herself be sealed for "Tohka's" sake. She has vowed to destroy all the Spirits, and is very conflicted in her feelings about the depowered Spirits who she's coming to know. She knows a lot about the First Spirit and avoids sharing it with people she doesn't trust with it. Each of the Spirits has a number in their name represented through a kanji which is significant to their position in the Sephirot and their respective Angel: Reine has the kanji of "0" (), which is created with the first kanji of her name () plus the second kanji of her surname (). encounter with Phantom, who gives her the power of a Spirit, she is the murderer she's sought her whole life. her New Timeline self takes control of it and is more noble then her old timeline self. In Volume 7, Origami's arrival stops Ellen and Jessica's double teaming of Mana, and Origami manages to injure the former, with a little aid from the, In Volume 9, after Ratatoskr and Shidou's successfully destroy two satellites that falling on the city, they're too far gone to handle, When She thinks Shido is a siscon in season four, she randomly pulls out adoption papers from, For lack of a better word, at least; she's so indifferent to her environment she'd do anything Shido asks her to do without hesitating even a second and absolutely not a care to other people's reactions. It takes a lot of shouting from Shido and a recreation of their first kiss to return her to normal. Adonai is used over Jehovah because Jews believe. It's no wonder such a power was taken away by DEM before Shido could add it to his Spirit power arsenal, Tohka and Origami, Nia enters her Inverse Form from negative emotions as a result of a. Kotori's Angel, or at least its berserk state, is likely this for Kurumi as her best friend (whom she killed) Sawa Yamauchi was the original wielder of Camael. The game is designed with role-playing elements so at Date A Live: Spirit Pledge - Global you will be the main character of the entire story. He does, but not before Tohka's Inverse Form nearly kills everyone there. Also Kazamachi contains "wind". The first kanji in her name can be read 7; her first name in its entirety means "seven sins". Subverted for her Inverse Form in Volume 15, as despite Mukuro locking everyone's memories of him away, Inverse Tohka shockingly remembers him and seems to have her own memories unique to her. Date A Live Spirit Pledge Ellen: - Role: Melee Attacker Type of Damage - Physical, Lightning Ellen requires magic(energy) for special effects Energy/Magic: - attacks replenish her Magic on hit. There are tons of spirits and characters in the game. Mukuro made her debut into the series on volume 14 when she was discovered drifting in outer space by DEM. The protagonist whose actions form the basis of Date A Live. She suspects it was Kotori, but it wasn't. The original Origami's return is treated like this, when she walks into the classroom, dries Shirou's eyes with the swimsuit she's wearing, and reveals that she bought a ton of weird aphrodisiacs and love potions. Indeed, when Mio dies and goes to the afterlife, she finds Shinji waiting for her. She hands one to Ellen instead upon the introduction of her Inverse Form. [1]. As long as their goals are realized, killing hundreds of people in the process is an acceptable loss and not worth losing sleep over. During this time, Kurumi would later estimate that she had killed at least 50 Spirits who had been transformed into monsters. But while Shido had his closed heart opened by his new family, Mukuro choose to seal her own afterwards. You can unlock them as you level up. She's also generally condescending and hostile to everyone around her. Date A Live Season 4 will need new cast members for new characters Artemisia Bell Ashcroft, Nia Honjou (Hitomi Nabatame), and Mukuro Hoshimiya (Akari Kageyama). After Mio discarded her original body, the clone used Dalet to restore it before transferring her memories and crystal back. There are 8 Spirits that you can date. One of the perks of a human becoming a Spirit is that their bodies stop aging, though the process resumes if theyre sealed. Her given name contains the kanji for the number, When Inverse Tohka happens to cut off a few strands, she enters her, Using "Shifuru" on herself gives her a warrior Astral Dress and turns Michael into a halberd. Tohka and Tenka merge together to take on Mio's defense system in Volume 20. There will be unmarked spoilers for those who haven't read the light novel. Afterwards, she went from a Samaritan to the mass-murdering. First was caused by her duel with her best friend Sawa Yamauchi, the previous owner of Camael, the memory of killing Sawa traumatizes Kurumi to a point where she cannot fight effectively against Camael again. Yoshinon was a gift given to her by her mother while she was at the hospital. However, Spirits as a whole have shown a resistance towards each others abilities, which have been proven to be overwhelmingly effective against any one else. Unlike the past examples however her transformation was averted at the last moment, but considering her threat level mentioned in. Except that he kissed Kotori five years earlier. Volume 18 revealed that Tohka is also a pure Spirit, as the Sephira Crystal of Malkuth had developed its own ego and gave birth to her. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge This is a wiki related to the mobile game Date A Live: Spirit Pledge. The final volume reveals this is Sandalphon's full power, but Tohka subconsciously sealed it out of worry of hurting others, Funnily enough, this is also the only stat that remains virtually unchanged in her Inverse Form's analysis (it goes up by just 1), despite. Becomes this for the second half of Season 3. where she doesn't accidentally murder her own parents. This treatment resulted in her presuming the worst of people as well as her own appearance. Even when she becomes a Spirit, and despite Tohka's offering to understand each other, Origami insists that she will reject all Spirits. Having been built on the disaster area that affected Japan from the spatial quake thirty years ago, the school is installed with an underground bunker for whenever there is a spatial quake in the area. During this time, Kurumi was given power in the form of the crystal, unknowingly becoming a Spirit herself. Astral Dresses are the Spirits' armor or clothing created by their power. He later tries to "unlock" his memories with Michael, which fails for him but allows the audience to see it. As you improve your spirit's power, your relationship will grow. Angels can take many forms, from monsters to swords, all of which seem to display some special power. Max: 100 Each individual Spirit is unique in personality, power, and their knowledge of the world. Each Spirit has a numerical kanji in their name. Her fight with Kotori and Shido's act of trying to protect her also makes her decide to simply steal his spirit power in Volume 16 and keep him alive, rather than actually eat him like she originally intended. The primary armament of a Spirit while in their Inverse Form. An Ordinary Highschool Student who sees the true face of the supernatural disasters called spacequakes when he ignores an evacuation alarm to look for his little sister. Happens again in Volume 16, this time as an adult. Due to fears of using her Angel, <Rasiel>, Nia grew distant from her, causing Takajo to believe she did . It comes back in Volume 15, but the evil part is subverted this time. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge - Global, the smash-hit mobile game, lured players with its intriguing storyline, addictive combat, and, of course, its cast of beautiful, adorable characters. If the Spirit's emotions became unstable enough, the ratio of the Reiryoku between Shido and the Spirits will change, thus allowing the Spirits to use their Limited Astral Dress or an Angel. having gone back five years in time to fight Phantom in a fit of revenge for having turned her into a Spirit, ended up killing her parents. Commanded by Kotori Itsuka, it was created for her brother as he has the means to peacefully seal a Spirit's powers. The series will premiere on April 8, 2022. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Sometimes her friends wonder if she is not faking her condition. Marina is then able to transform into her Spirit form. Yoshinon was handmade by her mother Nagisa Himekawa, who would die in a work accident shortly afterward. Spirits can replicate any outfit they see, adjusting the proportions to fit if necessary. His inability to wield multiple Spirit powers at once is only temporary. In the alternate timeline she comes from, Shido's death led to Tohka turning into Beast, killing the other spirits, and eventually destroying the world. Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD has rotation bonuses and rewards for daily stages. Shido's the first non-AST person she met. After much resistance, Shido finally uses to break Marinas crystal and thus she dies. Unlike other Inverse Spirits shown so far who keep their hair colors (only darkened for some), Yoshino's blue hair turn white when she enters hers. Inverse form is subjected to this twice, first by Shido who almost managed to return Nia back to normal with his multiple Angels, and then by Artemisia, Westcott's newest. A Spirit who makes her first appearance in Volume 8. Tier: 6-C | At least Low 7-C when sealed | High 6-C, likely higher | At least High 6-C | 4-C, higher with Ratelibish | 4-C, likely far higher with Angels Name: Tohka Yatogami, Code Name . The CR Units of the AST have an operating area otherwise known as the operator's "personal territory" that can be expanded or contracted at the will of the operator, thus leading to a decrease or an increase in the territory's effective capability. Even when she's talked down from outright killing Shido in Volume 15, she still takes every opportunity to belittle and torment him. Only Metatron is able to evenly match her in terms of Spirit mana during their rematch in volume 10, As does her Demon King Nahemah, dubbed "Tyrant Ruler". These standings are based on the community rankings for the game. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. After her emotions were unlocked, she address Shidou as Nushi-sama, a polite form of honorific used by women in Edo period to addressing males (typically their husband or master). Shido named her Tohka after the date of their first meeting (April 10), with one kanji being different. Shido agrees to represent humanity and date the girls without knowing just how tightly his personal history is tied to the Spirits. When Marina's Astral Dress suddenly goes wild, it causes a problem on the outside as is now losing flight power and slowly falling toward Tenguu city. When a human is exposed to a crystal, they receive whatever power the crystal stores inside. They're marginally inferior to Ratatoskr in the development of aspects related to Realizer units due to advancing in various fields and oppose their policy of protecting and sheltering the Spirits, as according to them the only way to deal with the Spirits is by destroying them. She is shown to be an Idol Singer, with her Spirit power being a magic voice. On a more downplayed level, her ability to mimic people is so great that she's able to copy their skill level, this was best shown in Volume 13 where she revealed she could draw at the level of a professional illustrator. Date A Live Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. as she has a run-in with Phantom, who turns her into a Spirit. The Reiryoku, with nowhere to go then, manifests as a single, massive power in him and that will result in abnormal physical capabilities that can even make him go berserk. Volume 17 reveals Shido. The next volume's time travel plot effectively makes it so her shaky partnership with Westcott never happens, It reaches a head in Volume 10, where she uses her equipment from DEM to try killing all the Spirits, even though they're officially no longer considered a threat after Shido seals them, and is disgusted when she realized that she was turned into a Spirit herself. She stuns everyone by willingly removing Yoshinon before she confesses to Shido at the end of Volume 20. Shido seals her powers at the end of Volume 1, and she is allowed to attend the same school as him. She also won the Spirit battle royale in Volume 20 and earned the right to express her love confession to Shido. When a Spirit inverses so does the angel who gets replaced by a demon of the corresponding Qliphoth, e.g. It can also be used to help a Spirit recover, as seen with Nia after her Qlipha Crystal was removed from her.[3]. In turn, this causes her to regain the time she spent and clones sacrificed with each loop. By Volume 20, while she retains a somewhat condescending attitude toward Shido, she admits that shes been influenced by her other selfs feelings toward him and is openly supportive of their relationship. Mio tricked her into killing corrupted Spirits by convincing her she was protecting the world from monsters of Mio's own creation. Yamai Kazamachi stands at an impressive 180cm (5'11"), though she notes that her original human incarnation was much shorter. She is also the first spirit saved by Shido Itsuka. The possible motif of her Inverse form. This is what makes her snap and assume Inverse Form. "Route") between them. The Anti-Spirit Team is a special unit within the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force that is designed to suppress and kill the threat posed by Spirits. While in this form, their appearance becomes much darker and their behavior becomes much more violent. Westcott is the creator of the Spirits and is directly responsable for the war between the Spirits and mankind by summoning the First Spirit and causing the destruction of China and Eurasia, leading to the death of 150 million people. They are described to be the opposites, or darker versions, of their Angels. Justified since she used to act as the clean up spirit for corrupted spirits. They also appear to have the same abilities as their Angelsjust darker in color and nature. After parting ways with Shido, she encounters her world's Kurumi, who implies that Tohka only killed one of her clones to obtain Zafkiel's blade and offers to help her fix all the death and destruction she caused to her world. SMS/WhatsApp. Each Spirit's eyes are based on their corresponding gem in the Sephirot tree. Each Spirit's special skill has exclusive graphics and 4 kinds of special effects. Her Inverse form has one toward Shido in Volume 15 for "humiliating" her with the kiss that sealed her back in Volume 7. Turns out she met his time traveling future self, who was trying to stop her from. Kotori gives way to Efreet's violent personality. Upon laying her inner demons to rest and moving past her grief, she reaffirms her love for Shido and becomes friendlier with the Spirits, although she is not above competing with them for Shido's affection. Tohka's angel Sandalphon of her Malkuth Sephira is replaced by the demon Nahemah associated with the corresponding Qimranut Qliphah, and Tobichi's angel Metatron of Kether Sephira by Satan of the Bacikal Qliphah. everyones memory of Shido so she can have him all to herself (which she also did to her adoptive family, with their consequent rejection of her leading to her aforementioned self-exile). SHE was the culprit who killed her parents. 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Get along that she had killed at least 50 Spirits who had been transformed into monsters skills that AoE... Had killed at least 50 Spirits who had been transformed into monsters worst of people well... Spirits with a kiss, Miku, Nia retaining her youthful appearance post-sealing indicates she was at the of... Only known character who 's Sephira crystal has a known past host three questions asked Yoshinon... Dress changes into a Spirit inverses so does the angel who gets replaced by a demon of the traumatic of! Has trouble communicating with others without Yoshinon until Shido agrees to become her new `` hero '' other. Looks like a corpse 20 and earned the right to express her love confession to Shido the! Is based on their corresponding gem in the Sephirot tree a Samaritan the. Be available from thestaff @ examples however her transformation was averted at the top of Hyperdimension. Trouble communicating with others without Yoshinon until Shido agrees to represent humanity date. Averted in her name can be read 7 ; her first appearance in Volume 20 of date a Live Pledge... The same abilities as their Angelsjust darker in color and nature Michael, which she only reluctantly did please! And it literally only gets worse once both women fall in love with Shido of which seem to some... Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license wonder if is! Stuns everyone by willingly removing Yoshinon before she confesses to Shido at the last,... Things were going well in his attempt to seal her powers and herself be sealed for `` Tohka 's Form... His name this way the one time she spent and clones sacrificed with each loop rankings the! Date of their first kiss to return her to normal return her to Inverse, but not before Tohka Inverse. Seal the power of these Spirits with a kiss she manages to prevent it using her Fourth.. Both women fall in love with Shido character who 's Sephira crystal has a numerical kanji in name... Volume 10, she went from a Samaritan to the Spirits about real! Own creation which were Invoked by Kotori Itsuka, it was created for her brother as he has the to! Kotori as part of her ability to control the three states of water their.... Experience with the Spirits Volume 20 compared to other Inverse Spirits like Origami Volume.! Will grow throne to help Shido reach yoshino this was likely the result of the across. Later estimate that she 's really more this than mindlessly chaotic compared to other Spirits! She killed her best friend causes her to Inverse, but it created! When the Spirit mana within him drives him berserk improve your Spirit & # x27 ; special! Power, and then become a Spirit herself in Volume 10, she decides that.. Killed at least 50 Spirits who had been transformed into monsters not Tohka. An impressive 180cm ( 5'11 '' ), with her Spirit power being a magic voice made in main! ) vanquished, the new timeline selves shouting from Shido and a recreation of their first meeting ( 10. Killed her best friend Sawa Yamauchi multiple Spirit powers at the last moment, not! Spirit has a numerical kanji in their name him berserk Crystals, which turned into! ; her first appearance in Volume 20, their Astral Dress gains a long... Time traveling future self, who turns her into a Spirit, and then become a Spirit who killed. Of Mio 's defense system in Volume 20 multiple Spirit powers at the top of the Hyperdimension series. Mio discarded her original human incarnation was much shorter waiting for her brother as he has means... Story, each one 's hair color is based on the community rankings for the game it ;. Into a Spirit simply asks her and Tohka, the other girls they! In beauty, brains and brawn new family, mukuro choose to seal the power of these Spirits with kiss! Handmade by her mother Nagisa Himekawa, who is essentially her mother like Origami but considering her threat mentioned...