Probably? "I felt Yoongi put his hands on my hips making the kiss deeper. He doesnt often get time to spend with you, let alone spend that time sleeping, but on the rare occasion that he does, hell do anything to convince you to join him. Please loves this article and enjoy reading it What is the chubbiest or thickest body part of each BTS? hell yeah and you look good as fuck too, the biggest supporter of whatever you want to do basically, late night dates with the entirety of BTS, like it was only supposed to be you and Hoseok but suddenly Jimins there because he heard you were going out to do fun stuff and Jin wants to go and then Jungkooks wandering out of him room in a nice outfit because suddenly hes going and Yoongi wants to get to know you better so hes tagging along and Taehyung doesnt want to be left out and Namjoon figures nows as good a time as any to tag along, taking real candid photos of each other late at night, Jimin knows all of your good angles, but Taehyungs more creative about capturing them, Jungkook likes to buy you snacks but he doesnt buy any for Namjoon whos literally standing RIGHT BESIDE YOU, so youre like oh no, guess we have to share and suddenly Jungkooks shoving his food at Namjoon because he really doesnt want to see that, Jin is the main culprit of taking couple photos of you two, especially when the two of you fall asleep together during movie night aslas;lkdf what a snek, hell use them as blackmail too he will send them to Jimin and Taehyung, Hoseok sometimes gets a little sad when you spend all of your time at the dorms with Namjoon so you make it up to him by doing whatever he wants to do the next time youre at the dorm, and you make a conscious effort to spend more time with him at the dorms because he is your best friend, dating Namjoon means gaining six other best friends, you already have Hoseok, but you also gain everyone else, Namjoon included, Namjoon likes to whisper that he loves you in your ear and usually its Yoongi whos around to hear it and he gets that gummy smile because its cute their leaders in love, seriously Namjoon would love you so much his heart would feel like it was going to explode because it would hold so much love for you, the other boys also love you, especially Hoseok. He would laugh to himself, trying not to bother you too much.Im going to have to get up, but if you stay so cute, I dont know if Ill be able to., Any time Jimin is sitting somewhere where you can lay with your head in his lap, youd be quick to do so. Youre too precious, (Y/N)!, How can somebody be so clumsy, (Y/N)? V: WILL YOU GO OUT WITH BWI? He didn't say anything but kept working until he was tired and looked down seeing you asleep. Shell come around., Thats fine. He wasnt worried about your loyalty to him, just a little jealous that you seemed to disregard him whenever you came over. He didn't say anything but kept working until he was tired and looked down seeing you asleep. Namjoon??? Hoseok didnt mean to upset you, but you would always mention to him how you would want to lose weight but clearly he mentioned it at the wrong time. Instead, hed simply carried you bed, climbing in beside you. Youre so cute~, You enjoy watching Jungkook play video games when you hang out together. Are you sure, IU isslim after all, unlike me, shes perfect you hissed. "Yeah, but this story is really good. What he does to see your beautiful smile, He catches you read/writing a fanfic about him, You fangirl over another member/ He gets jealous, You Text Them Early in the Morning for Food, When your child gets in trouble at school. Jagiya~ Why arent you eating? he asked as he placed his chopsticks down. However, when he replied to you and you said nothing, he realized you were asleep. Rap Monster: Okay, repeat after me Jimin has no jams As sweet as his smile can be, the scariest he can be when he's mad. Hi Im a Big fan!! Jungkook: IM AN APPA? Yoongi was at the studio with Namjoon. You looked at the clock, 12:58am. "You okay?" And if you want to get to know me leave a question and I will make a chapter answering them along with a full on face reveal. Thanks for the request but before we start, Id just like for you to know that youre beautiful just the way you are and you dont need no man, woman (or BTS) to tell you that! His grin stretches from ear to ear, stealing the rare glimpses of you sleeping. K bye.). You know how i feel about this. Taehyung was sleeping and you were hungry when you were reading a fanfic about him. NOT LADYBUG. Seokjin hadnt said anything when he noticed youd fallen asleep. He would then turn to his members and say Wellwell. Soon after you felt the bed dip down beside you as a hand wrapped around your waist. Lets just not get into any trouble today., You should really be careful. "ChimChim! J-hope: Agreed. "bts scenarios when he calls you fat tumblr". BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. *Hugs you tightly* The scenario was so moving you just had to show Jimin. Namjoon squats and stares at your drool as you inhale in and out with your mouth wide open. Jin: *Holds up a pink suit. Jin asked as he walked up to you. So Thank you for reading these. He hugged you and read the scenario. Jimin was woken up by your quiet whimpers, he slid his hand You: What? Rap Monster: *Breaks everything trying to gather things* ShitShitDAMMIT! I love you but Im disappointed., (Y/N), you reek. He gasped at your actions pulling his jacket tight around him "we haven't even been on a date yet!" You laughed saying "fine, just sleep in your clothes then." You read out loud, "he kissed my lips softly. Crap I have to peeuhm. Wife: What in the hell just happened. You missed your boyfriend. Jin: Hed been awake for some odd reason when he heard you mumbling. Yoongi could feel himself becoming worked up, tears threatening to fall as he heard your sobs without being able to hold you. PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT UNCLE NAMJOON! Taehyung barges into the room, unknowing you were fast asleep. V: Tae actually loves to sleep as long as possible so when you woke him up with a small kick in the middle of the night, he simply moved to the couch. You set the food on the counter and went to go find Tae but you found him with your laptop. Mm!. Jin: Hed been sitting on the couch with you, listening to you talk, when you suddenly switched languages. Do you think Jungkook has gained weight recently? He grabs his jacket and starts heading out. I think it would look better off a smirk quirked on his lips. , and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS. Sure thing, I hope you like it :D -Spice. You were about to snatch it from him until he stood up and it showed the scenario based on what your favorite things were about him. Yoongi: Youd fallen asleep on his studio couch waiting for him to finish what he was working on. Can you guys tell I went a little overboard? Jungkook: Dammit. Love me? A small giggled escaped him. You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Scenarios when he calls you fat. He has the best figure in BTS and a maintained figure which helps him to be the best BTS member and widely popular among the girls. *Flys at child without a shirt*, V: *Uses alien technology to heal the child.*. Jimin: *Places a arm around you. This is totally an insensitive question. As soon as you left the venue he pulls you into the first empty hallway, pushing you against the wall, trapping you with his body. You were a little thicker thank them and it made you really self conscious. Jin:Hey, so do you mind reading this? He understood that the two of you were good friends and that he always got to go over to your place and take you out on dates and hang out with you whenever he wanted to and that J-Hope couldnt do all of those things. Hoseok: All the horses died, so he destroyed the world. ", You were reading scenarios on Wattpad and there was a chapter where you were Jimin's girlfriend and you were helping him through the hate. Put some clothes on woman! He stops in front of you and squats, staring as youre away in your dreamland. Jungkook was home and he went to tackle you in a hug but you squealed. Jungkook: He first heard you speak in your mother language when you dropped a glass, swearing as you bent down to pick up the broken pieces. "I knew you actually liked me, deep down." *Passed out again* Originally posted by bangtanbaybs. It was just the first chapter, "this is interesting, can we keep reading." Today is no exception, although you want to curl up and take a nap instead of watching him work or doing work of you own as usual.Joon, dont you want to take a break? also, im hoping to put out a small teaser for my series soon! Before you know it, your eyes have fallen shut. He will live on through his music. this is BTSCLUB Korea again with a new reaction ". Thanks for your request! You were sitting on his lap listening to new tracks he created. He had never heard you utter a single word in anything other than Korean before. Theyre idols just get over it he snapped. Y/N, I dont speak that language, but I think you need to teach what you just said. Suga: He was having none of it. (8/100), (Y/N), of course I love you. I love you I mean, your dancing! Um, Jimin isnt here right? Before he could say anything you turned to walk off, but before you could you felt Hoseok grab your wrist and spin you back round. Your arms were wrapped around him loosely, your breathing deep and even, small puffs of air fanning his face. Rap Monster: TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!! Look at me!, Whats so great about her, anyways? You woulnt even bother opening your eyes. You were asleep when he left for practice and when he came home you were also asleep. Hello, Anon! How BTS would cuddle yourequest- Can you please do a scenario of how the members of BTS would like to cuddle you or what it would be like when they did (I'm feeling cuddly because it . BTS Reaction to Their Wife Trying to Cut Their Son's Hair While He's Sleeping ; BTS Reaction to You Falling Asleep Mid-Sentence ; BTS Reaction to You Dancing and Singing in a Goofy Way While Doing The Chores; BTS Reaction to You Having Another Member as Your Lockscreen; BTS Reaction to You Being a Rollercoaster Junkie Youre taking up half the couch by laying down the way you are, but no one seems to mind much or they dont want to say anything because of the content expression on Hoseoks face and the fact that youve already shut your eyes. How much Id give up for you? I DONT KNOW AUGHHHHH!!!! Just cause she got them legs and that hair and that a *cant stop checking you out but denies his feelings*, *mopes through his broken smile*Im fine, guys.. really.., *has no boundaries and shamelessly hits on you without even trying*, *thinking*How can i make them break up? It felt like forever when we parted just for air." He especially liked it because you would agree with everything he said. Namjoon rolled you over to face him, he could easily sense when something was off with you. Once he sees that youre asleep, he laughs and rubs your head.Y/N, you shouldve said something if you were tired. He looked at your laptop wide open with Wattpad on. Is she looking? Is it cause Im too pretty for you? This is such a cute request. *Ignores the fact that your asleep on his shoulder, pays attention to his ladybug*. Child: Bee boop? you and Hoseok were playing video games and getting really into it when the others came back to the dorm and Namjoon kissed his head as he walked by and the other members were like ????? Your body is perfect, I love exactly how you are, every inch he let out a soft sigh before peppering kisses over your face. Lets talk in the morning.. The clock, ticks close to midnight. We are not the owner of these BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat . You two made plans to grab dinner that night. V: He simply stared at the ceiling and clamped the pillow around his ears. NahOriginal idea? lol. You rolled over as if sensing his presence, a smallI love you coming out in-between breaths as you pulled yourself closer to him. Taehyung stayed up, wanting to see you fall asleep to make sure you were okay before falling asleep himself. Thank you for this random confession of love :). It's two am when you hear him entering your apartment, you greet him with a wide smile. Jimin, sweaty and tired, walks into the studio seeing you sprawled across the couch, fast asleep. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. The other members have just grown accustomed to having the two of you take up most of the space on the couch because either you are napping with you head in Taehyungs lap or the other way around. He showed you his square smile. You scoffed at his words, earning a confused look from Jimin as he turned you round to face him. The smug look on his face instantly falls off, a nervous caugh leaving his lips as he grabs your hand and gets up from his chair "Excuse us, we need to get some fresh air." dragging you to the door. Remember, it's important to love and appreciate yourself just the way you are, no matter what others may say. As all the BTS members are skinny and have maintained body figure that makes them look perfect and professional. Hed smile and cuddle you closer and fall asleep with the movie still playing in the background. It fails when he drops you back on the couch, hitting your head on the arm of the couch. You are nearly asleep when he pushes back from his desk with a deep sigh. He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it. Suga: Oh yeah Swag. I LOVE YOUUUUUU! HE took the cue and shut off the movie and carried you to bed and slept along with you. Namjoons eyes widened, his hand came up to caress your cheek, his body moving to hover over you. Im just quite not sure., How do you dance so well, (Y/N) teacher? How about this?, *just casually lifts up his shirt*Oh! If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay up to date with all of our latest content. Oh no. It was a very rare day for the both of you where you had no work or anything. And further, this is debatable and we don't want to go deep into it. BTS Imagine: When He Gets Home After You're Asleep - Jungkook he manages to get home from tour 15 hours sooner than he was supposed to he knows you're not expecting him yet, but he can't wait another second to see you (6/100), (Y/N) teacher, can we have a private lesson just between you and me, tonight? His nose scrunched from the strong smell of iron. You were clinging to him as if your life depended on him and you seemed to be having a bad dream. Why would you be so irresponsible? He sat with his back propped against the armrest of the couch whilst you lounged with your legs out and head resting in his lap. However, when he saw that you were fast asleep, he simply sat beside you, contemplating how he could get you somewhere more comfortable without waking you. *nervous laugh*. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. He wipes the trickling sweat from his chin with his shoulders and bends over to get a good look at you. Being Tae, he started dancing and trying to mimic what he was hearing. Its okay Taehyung you smiled, which caused him to smile and kiss your forehead. Would you care to show me how this is done? This simply resulted in him and J-Hope teaming up on you smh. A few quick reminders are I am running out of ideas so please make request. You finally seemed to calm down, your breathing becoming even and our face becoming calm, peaceful even. He would run up to you and scream. "In the bedroom!" Hed laugh quietly and grab you quickly before you fall. I didnt really want to take pictures either, anyways. I didnt know you were right in front of me!, *tries to impress her with all his amazing moves*, Hello, Anon! "They say when you fall in love you can't fall asleep, but now that I've met you I feel like I finally can." A University AU where Jungkook and Taehyung become roommates. I love you Y/N~. Baby, whats wrong? his expression now rather concernedI didnt even ask you anything, can I not even kiss my beautiful girlfriend?, You scoffed at his words, feeling a lump forming in the back of your throatBeautiful? Gifs are not mine, credits to the owners! You and Yoongi sat cuddled on the couch as you watched the live performances of other groups. But Jungkook has insomnia and can't fall asleep with other people and Taehyung can't fall asleep alone. It was late but you both still wanted the night to never end so a movie night sounded great. anon said :I would like to see bts reacting to their s/o cuddling them in their sleep and saying they love them (oh the fluff), A/N: this is so cute I hope I do it justice :(. He wouldnt tell you he was unhappy, but it would be pretty obvious, so you and J-Hope would invite him to do whatever the two of you were doing when you came over to theirs. <3. I didnt mean it like that baby girl, I love you, and I really do love your body he pulled away from your neck and tilted your chin to look at him. Jin: To many people were ugly, he just destroyed it. you two watch that movie and laugh hysterically because its like one in the morning and you both are exhausted, both of you falling asleep on the couch, slumped against each other. (Y/N) teacher! You'd been fighting sleep this whole time, so you had no trouble letting the music of the ending credits lull you to sleep. Its all because of me, isnt it? You could dance with me, it helps you lose weight he added, a grin still apparent on his face. Everythings okay*Breaks down crying cuz hes nervous*, Jin: *Gasps* My baby! Rubbing your shoulder gently, he said, "Hey, you can't fall asleep yet. Eh. Jimin: Aww I love you too Kookie. Jungkook: He woke up to the feeling of you nuzzling your face into his back, your arms wrapping around him lazily. Suga: Hed come home to find you watching a show in your mother language. J-Hope: Hed been talking to you when you stopped him and asked whatanjgi bulpyeonhan (uncomfortable) was. #bts He was working and humming or softly singing the lyrics of how they would go and his breathy voice made you very sleepy and tired. He took one too after you while you waited on his bed for him. Yes, Suga's skinny body is real and BTSClub is a big fan of BANGTAN BOYS' personality. Yoongi oppa, do you think Im as pretty as them? this had to be the tenth time you had asked this tonight, but you were insecure and couldnt help it. You and Taehyung would be play fighting when he started to tickle you, you became a wriggling mess beneath him as cries of laughter escaped your mouth. R.I.P Kim Jonghyun.Gone but not forgotten. Heck yeah, you're comfortable enough to pass out on him. Could you be so nice and maybe do a BTS reaction to their girlfriend shaving her eyebrows! Jagi, youre perfect to me, so what if you have a little more weight than others? he sighedYoure thick in all the right places he mumbled against the skin of your neck as his hands ran over your thighs. Rap Monster: Hed stopped and stared at you as you talked on the phone in your mother language, a small smile forming on his face. for a second, admiring the beauty and glow you exude. He grabbed your wrist and dragged your over to the bed, pushing you down into the mattress before he climbed on top of you. Oh wait, Jimin: Wait, KOOKIE, honey where did Jr. learn that word?(Jikook). However, when he realized you had been asleep the entire time, he simply laughed, wrapping his arm around you in return. (and yes i used taekook). Because Im not skinny, Im not beautiful Your words caused Namjoons eyes to widened. You were about to go to bed and he was staying the night but he fell asleep beside you cuddling your side. "What?" You're already getting to your feet, pulling on a jacket and looking for your shoes. Unsure if youre acting or really asleep, he calls out your name. Eyebrows are kind of important. Yes, BTS Jungkook is skinny in real life and BTSClub is a big fan of BANGTAN BOYS' personality. 1988 2021; jmthund valp till salu. Jimin soon walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. And once you had gone back to you room, he would yell at them for even staring. Sometimes, he would show you around and take you to all the places he wanted you to see. After reading many BTS reactions and scenarios, I felt the need to make fellow Armys laugh, cry, and enjoy imagining how BTS would be. Thank you for staying with me even though you were tired.. You would catch on pretty quickly, as he wasnt exactly trying to hide his unhappiness. "Hey Y/N." Jin is still mad at me for the whole oh man holy shit thing, TO YOU TALKING/KICKING A LOT IN YOUR SLEEP. Hello, Anon! slimperfectly slim something you werent. Ill finish the story later. BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this "BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarioswhen he calls you fat. As all the BTS members are skinny and have maintained body figure that makes them look perfect and professional. Jungkook: He was trying really hard not to wake you up to tell you to shut up. We are not the owner of these BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat . Suga: Suga would not be a big fan of you coming over to their dorm just to be loud with J-Hope. after Iron Man ends he finds a ridiculous movie from the 70s on t.v. J-hope: I'd like to request this reaction; BTS reaction to you being their new choreographer and they're crushing on you! Ummn ok Ill pick bts fluff Im here, I always will be ^^ I hope I didnt forget anything. What Having A Movie Night With Jungkook Would Be Like: BTS REACTION TO YOU HAVING A DREAM WHERE THEY DIE, DATING NAMJOON BUT BEING BEST FRIENDS WITH BTS, but I am rewatching the show. Somewhere midway you'd start . Jungkook: A CHILD, IM FINALLY A HYUNG! Oh and hello!" * Yup, I'm that boyfriend. * Yup, Im that boyfriend. See guys lookmy little princess is asleep. #bts-v although Namjoon texted Hoseok about what kind of food you liked and what kind of stuff you liked to do like would you die of boredom if he took you to an arcade for the first date??? Or sometimes, you would stay at their dorm and just watch some TV. He couldnt help but laugh, walking towards you to wake you up. In this video, we will explore different scenarios in which a member of the popular K-pop group BTS might call you fat, and how you might react in each situation. I would, but theres not much for me to do there your words mumbled. Then, when hes had enough, he yells out: (Y/N)! Do you not understand how much I love you? Wife: I AM HAVING A LIVE HUMAN!!!! Jungkook: He pulls you in tighter into his chest before falling asleep right next to you and where he always wants to be. He found himself staring at you, thinking about all of the reasons he loved you. Yup. Jungkook:Youd be sitting next to each other and slowly youd be falling asleep. Suga: Yes. Summary: BTS reacts to you falling asleep with you head in their lap Genre: Fluff Words: 998 Seokjin: Originally posted by tescodisxo The two of you finally had a moment of peace and quiet; no schedules, no work, no school - just time shared in each other's presence.