Edit professional templates, download them in any text format or send via pdfFiller advanced sharing tools. Jury Instruction 13 reads as follows: To recover damages for alienation of affection, the following elements must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence: 3. Whether public policy requires that South Dakota reexamine and abolish the tort of alienation of affections. Hunt, 309 NW2d at 821. This motion was renewed after both sides rested. The judgment was later reduced to $400,000. I spoke to Jud Pins on the phone, and he declined an on-camera interview. (fn22) This is not an uncommon event to see as a consequence of marriage dissolution. Questions Legal Guides Resources. The problem with this rationale is that Julie was allowed to tell the jury this explanation for the letters. 13. Van Patten does not see the potential for public airing of personal details as a reason to vilify alienation as a tort, however. 2. Actually, Jud Pins and my wife, Denise, started an affair in 1996 and I uncovered it then and Denise and I reconciled. In 1997, in the case of Hutelmyer v. Cox, the Plaintiff wife was awarded $1 million against her husband's secretary who "dressed sexy at work" and had an affair with him . The law, 20-9-7, includes language forbidding abduction or enticement of a husband from his wife or a wife from her husband. Was Instruction 13 a misstatement of the law and therefore erroneous. The Supreme Court justices were asked in an appeal by the plaintiffs attorney to rule on whether the plaintiff or his attorney had a legal obligation to set a value on the womans affection, rather than simply allowing the jury to decide the financial value of the affection or the marriage. This writ allowed the wife to be listed as one of the husband's chattels. The action eventually shifted away from compensation for services to compensation for loss of affection and companionship or perhaps the better known term of consortium. Alienation of affection was first codified as a tort by the New York state legislature in 1864, and similar legislation existed in many U.S. states in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This idea that women are property, that may have been true at some point in time but it isnt true now, said Christenson, who receives about two or three inquiries about alienation cases each month and takes on four of five alienation cases a year. That view is countered by experts who argue that marriage is a legal contract like any other agreement that can be broken and lead to damages when someone interferes. Know in the legal system as Alienation of Affection. The other states are Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah, according to CNN. The couple moved to Frederick, South Dakota in September 2014. SDCL 1-1-23 states that the sovereign power is expressed by the statutes enacted by the legislature. He also noted that he is still married to the woman involved in the case. Where neither party holds the marriage in the high regard that it should be held, the existence of alienation of affections as [a remedy] fosters bitterness, promotes vexatious lawsuits, uses the marriage as a means of blackmail and character assassination, puts the marriage in the marketplace, and generally exposes the marriage to a public cleansing with a price tag attached upon it. As such, we do not find this verdict was the result of passion or prejudice. Henderson was a bombastic judge, and the fact of the matter is, hes wrong.. Writing on behalf of the majority that upheld the law in the 1981 case of Hunt versus Hunt, then-Justice Francis G. Dunn said the tort is relevant in the modern world to prevent attacks on the institution of marriage. This affair lead to the breakup of both their marriages. 88 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple. One element of alienation of affection was argued before the state Supreme Court in October. Haney v. Townsend, 12 SCL (1 McCord) 207 (1821). Van Patten does not see the potential for public airing of personal details as a reason to vilify alienation as a tort, however. The corollary is, well, act as if people are watching, and if you ignore that, its at your peril.. The trial court denied both motions. As two Justices stated in Hunt: The underlying rationale for alienation suits, that is, the preservation of the marriage, is ludicrous. Nonetheless, South Carolina courts recognize adultery as grounds for alimony claims or divorce. Id. However, in Hershey v. Hershey, we addressed a parent's claim of alienation of affections of a child. Nonetheless, an appellant must show not only that a particular instruction was erroneous, but also that it was prejudicial, meaning the jury probably would have returned a different verdict if the faulty instruction had not been given. He has made an identical claim against at least one other individual. [1] This is an appeal from a jury verdict in an alienation of affections case. Only South Dakota, Illinois, Hawaii, Missouri, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina and Utah maintain a cause of action for alienation of affections. Kennecke: What is your response to that, that the law it outdated, archaic, sexist, all of those things?Baar: It isnt that at all. He claimed the letters that Julie wrote to him after they separated showed she had not lost her affections for him before the affair with Kennedy. Opponents of the alienation tort argue that it treats people as a commodity, puts a price tag on an emotion, and leads to humiliating public revelations of infidelity that can harm the adults and children involved far beyond that impacts of a typical divorce proceeding. And that the defendants malicious conduct contributed to or caused the loss of affection or love. Adultery and . Alienation of affection, which is still recognized in Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah, has roots in English common law. And dont do it again, Christenson said. at 819. Back in 1998, a South Dakota jury awarded $250,000 to a jilted husband whose wife had an affair with her boss at a bank. North Carolina, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Utah. 7. 1997 SD 121 at 38, 573 NW2d at 505 (citing Schaffer II, 1996 SD 94 at 28, 552 NW2d at 810-11) (internal citation omitted). Also known as the "heart balm" or "homewrecker" tort, spousal alienation usually involves a cheating spouse and their non-marital partner, a third party. Supporters of alienation of affection argue that it is limited in scope due to the high legal standard which must be met in order for damages to be awarded. We find these arguments without merit. In 2012, then-Pennington County states attorney, Glenn Brenner, was sued for nearly $300,000 by Doug Rumpca who claimed that Brenner caused his wife, Kellie, to lose her affection for him. [34] On appeal, we employ a two prong approach to review jury instructions: "A party challenging as erroneous a jury instruction must show not only 'that the instruction was in error, but also that it was prejudicial error to the effect that under the evidence, the jury probably would have returned a different verdict.'" [7] Kennedy appeals, raising the following issues: 1. She was raising the children and working full-time. [9] This question presents a question of law. Writing on behalf of the majority that upheld the law in the 1981 case of Hunt versus Hunt, then-Justice Francis G. Dunn said the tort is relevant in the modern world to prevent attacks on the institution of marriage. Alienation of affection cases are typically only brought when assets are involved. But Dale Bartscher of the South Dakota Family Heritage Alliance said the threat of an alienation of affection lawsuit can save marriages and deter someone from trying to seduce a married woman. But that had nothing to do with me. See also Davis v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., 906 F2d 1206 (8thCir 1990) (applying South Dakota law) (20 to 1). In Christensons 2002 case, Jones v. Swanson, a South Dakota jury in federal court awarded the husband $950,000 in damages from a Las Vegas orthopedic surgeon for alienation of affection. Furthermore, Kennedy's marriage at the time of the trial was the result of a similar extra-marital relationship with a fellow employee. The concept that youre going to get a certain payment for this woman to decide who she loves, and then decide what shes worth?. The language specific to alienation forbids the seduction of a wife, daughter or orphan sister, and the new language added in 2002 which now forbids the seduction of a husband, son or orphan brother., More:Judge: Text messages, emails alleging affair did not violate woman's privacy. [46] We apply the following standard to our review of the grant of a motion for new trial by the trial court: The jury's verdict should not be set aside except in those extreme cases where it is the result of passion or prejudice or where the jury has palpably mistaken the rules of law by which damages in a particular case are to be measured. North Carolina's alienation of affection law is from the 1800's and follows English law dating back to 1745 when wives were considered property. The elements of the action . Hunt, at 823 (Dunn, J., concurring specially in part, and concurring in result in part).(fn11). 2023 www.argusleader.com. Van Patten cited one case he tried in which a note from the defendant to the married woman specifically mentioned that he knew the woman was married and that he didnt care if the affair broke up the marriage. Bruce M. Ford, Watertown, SDJonathan K. Van Patten, Vermillion, SDAttorneys for Plaintiff and Appellee. SIOUX FALLS, S.D.D (KELO) Affairs are not uncommon, and they often break up marriages. But at the time, my children werent aware of all that had transpired, and I was protecting my kids from that. Its not like if someone whos married has an affair you can get sued, because the requirements are much higher than that, Van Patten said. Jud Pins then sued his insurance company, State Farm, for refusing to cover the claim. See Veeder v. Kennedy, 589 N.W.2d 610, 614 n. 6 (S.D.1999). [50] Based on the record, we initially find no basis to overturn the compensatory award of $65,000. [69] The record reflects a spouse who repeatedly testified there were no affections to be alienated. 4. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. The dissent claims that Pickering and Pankratz "emphasize" the intentional nature of the tort. We are bound by the jury's determination based on its verdict that this was an intentional attack on the Veeder marriage in which there existed love and affection between the spouses. [54] The third factor is the intent of the wrongdoer. Three minor children were also the victims of the break-up of their parents. All but eight states - Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah - have abolished alienation of affection lawsuits. North Carolina is one of only six states (Mississippi, South Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Hawaii) plus Puerto Rico where Alienation of Affection considered a 'heart balm' tort is still legal. Its kind of a mess, and it continues to be a mess, said Baron, author of the legal textbook Cases and Materials on Family Law for the South Dakota Lawyer. Just because something bad has happened to someone in life doesnt mean you have a cause to sue for it. The underlying rationale for alienation suits, that is, the preservation of the marriage, is ludicrous, Henderson wrote. History of the tort alienation of affections. But I know we can't. [19] c. Does public policy require the abolition of the tort alienation of affections. It is obvious plaintiff understood the use of prior acts to prove specific intent as he proposed it, but then successfully objected to an instruction that would have shown same. Using this figure the punitive award is only 12 3/4% of his net worth. Schaffer II, 1996 SD 94 at 35, 552 NW2d at 813 (citing BMW, 517 US at ___, 116 SCt at 1595, 134 LEd2d at 822). Sommervold v. Grevlos, 518 NW2d 733, 739 (SD 1994); Frazier v. Norton, 334 NW2d 865, 870 (SD 1983); Mueller v. Mueller, 88 SD 446, 450, 221 NW2d 39, 42 (1974). "Unless the verdict is so large as to clearly indicate that it must have been given under the influence of passion or prejudice, it should stand." Id. While Julie claimed to need no such protection and indeed testified the relationship was voluntary, SDCL 20-9-7 extends the protection of the law to the spouse of the worker. The South Dakota Supreme Court has been the final stop for several alienation of affection cases. The case went to the Supreme Court before being sent back to a lower court for trial. . Id. My children were harmed. At the Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival, you will find a palate-dazzling smorgasbord of cuisines and cocktails in which to indulge. In the 2017 case of Cedar versus Johnson, a man in Frederick, S.D., argued that his wife was stolen from him by the owner of the bar where she worked, ultimately breaking up his marriage and leading to divorce. 16-CV-4060, Doc. Swanson, 341 F.3rd 723 (8th Cir. Related Ad Feedback In his arguments, Cogley also asked the justices to abrogate the tort entirely. Adelstein said he plans to contact lawmakers before the 2019 legislative session and encourage them to introduce a bill to abolish alienation of affection from state law. Shaffer v. Edward D. Jones & Co., 1996 SD 94, 26, 552 NW2d 801, 809 (Shaffer II). The Russo court interpreted Hunt to conclude that South Dakota had abridged our statutory cause of action for alienation of affections when in reality only a minority of the Justices in Hunt advocated such a position. I have repeatedly and unequivocally stated that Mr. Sanchezs claim is without merit. During the legal proceedings, media coverage revealed highly personal accounts of Brenners relationship with the woman as well as details of her former marriage to the plaintiff. I would continue to recognize the tort of alienation of affection, like seven other states-Illinois, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. [52] The first factor to be considered is the amount of the compensatory damages and its relationship or ratio to the amount of punitive damages. South Dakota and North Carolina, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico and Utah states with alienation of affection laws. This would mean that if Kennedy, at their first business meeting, did not intend to entice Julie away from Michael, the law would provide Michael no subsequent protection and Kennedy could proceed with impunity at a later time to alienate affections with no legal accountability. Or for breaking up their marriage; that's alienation of affection. [61] In conclusion we affirm on all issues. The case, Cedar vs Johnson, was brought to the South Dakota Supreme Court over the issue and difficulty of proving the extent and value of "damages" a victim of "alienated affection" incurs. The tort language was expanded to be gender-neutral by the state Legislature in 2002 by allowing women to sue another woman for a break-up. at 823. During the recent arguments before the state Supreme Court, attorney Thomas Cogley of Aberdeen represented the defendant and asked the justices to not allow the case to move forward. Some pundits feel that alienation of affections laws treat wives as property, even though they are gender-neutral. defendant's malicious conduct contributed to or caused the loss of affection. All content is shared, free of charge, with media outlets across the state. [60] In summary, based on the evidence, none of the five factors favors an overturn or modification of this jury award of punitive damages. Neither Kennedy nor the dissent point to a single case from this jurisdiction which adopts the language of Kennedy's proposed jury instruction. Whether the trial court erred in denying Kennedy's motion for a new trial. Legal advice on Alienation of affection in South Dakota - Page 1 - Avvo Ive always liked the idea that character is revealed when you act as if you know that somebody is watching, that you still should do the right thing, Van Patten said. . Most people arent concerned about the money. Both of them want it to be gone but neither of them is willing to bite the bullet and do it, he said. Free Initial Phone Consultation For All Personal Injury Matters Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name(Required) First Last Date of Birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Best Contact Phone Number(Required) Can we text you at this number? North Carolina is one of just six states Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah are the others that allow alienation of affection lawsuits. See Schaffer II, 1996 SD 94 at 37, 552 NW2d at 813. Reached in Texas, where he is now in private practice, Brenner did not want to comment on the case except to note that the trial judge threw out the alienation claim and ruled in Brenners favor. Theres no politics that support that, so its likely to stay that way.. Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit reversed the lower courts decision that State Farm must pay the claim, saying that any loss to an injured spouse in an alienation of affection was expected or intended and could not be considered a covered accident under Pins policy. Part of the reasoning for doing it with no-fault divorce; you know my wife cheated on me, but with no-fault divorce, she was still entitled to 50 percent of whatever property and investments and wealth I had and so an alienation of affection lawsuit is the only recourse to correct that unfairness, Baar said. In 1993, Julie and Kennedy became involved in a sexual relationship. In a high-profile case in Rapid City in 2012, the Pennington County states attorney at the time, Glenn Brenner, was sued by a man who claimed that Brenner engaged in a sexual affair with the mans wife and had alienated her affection. (2) The acts of the Defendant were the proximate cause of the loss of the affection or consortium of Plaintiff's spouse. at 819. MICHAEL A. VEEDER,Plaintiff and Appellee,v.MYLES KENNEDY,Defendant and Appellant. Theyre concerned about resolution. A spouse can sue any person who 'alienated' the happy marriage. The Defendant, Derek, is a medical doctor at the hospital where Amber works. Attorney Bob Christenson has represented many plaintiffs in alienation of affection cases in South Dakota. In the 2017 case of Cedar versus Johnson, a man in Frederick, S.D., argued that his wife was stolen from him by the owner of the bar where she worked, ultimately breaking up his marriage and leading to divorce. The three main elements that must be proven in an alienation case are that the marriage in question contained a degree of love or affection prior to the outside affair; that the affair alienated or destroyed that love or affection; and that the defendants malicious conduct contributed to or caused the loss of affection or love. Pickering, 434 NW2d at 763; Pankratz, 401 NW2d at 546. Not exactly like winning the lottery, but nothing to sneeze at. Julie was offered the job by Kennedy and she accepted it. Baron said it appears as though the both the judiciary and the legislative branches of South Dakota government do not have the fortitude to abolish the alienation tort because on a base level it enables punishment for adultery. While Pins facing a second lawsuit for alienation of affection is unprecedented, its not the only high-profile case in the state. References that Kennedy's counsel was counsel for a criminal defendant in a well known South Dakota murder case.(fn18). I might still be married, and my family might still be together if it werent for Jud Pins. North Carolina is one of only six states and one territory (Mississippi, South Dakota, New Mexico, Utah, Hawaii, Puerto Rico) that still allow Alienation of Affection. 3. Kennedy objected to the admission of evidence that he had an affair with a fellow employee in the 1970's. Prosser and Keeton on the Law of Torts 124, at 916. Jury Instruction 13, does not deviate at all from what we have declared to be the elements of alienation of affections. Whether public policy requires that South Dakota reexamine and abolish the tort of alienation of affections. We have held '[t]here is no precise mathematical ratio between compensatory and punitive damages.' These Justices agreed with Justice Henderson's opinion that the cause of action of criminal conversation should be abrogated. The other five are Hawaii, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. Nobody wins in this, Magstadt says. The affair continued until May 1995. These cases, believe it or not, advance the healing process for these people because their spirits are hurting.. 'The sunsets seem a little prettier': Man with long-haul COVID-19 shares perspective This evidence is further substantiated by testimony of family and friends, who thought Julie and Michael had a wonderful marriage before Julie became involved with Kennedy. . [37] Our case law establishes the essential elements for an alienation of affections cause of action to be: (3) a causal connection between such conduct and loss. Henderson was a bombastic judge, and the fact of the matter is, hes wrong.. The wrongdoer's financial condition, and. The state is one of only seven U.S. states to retain the civil action known as alienation of affection in state law. Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought. Roger Baron, a professor emeritus in the University of South Dakota Law School, said the alienation tort is unnecessary because divorce laws already enable fault to be determined and financial remedies to be assessed. [3.] Id. Sioux Falls attorney Robert Christenson, a leading alienation of affection lawyer in the state, says alienation cases can be handled with dignity and serve as a way for a spouse whose marriage is broken up to be compensated financially for loss of love, companionship and an expectation of earnings. 17. An alienation of affection lawsuit is one in which a spouse can sue a third party if his or her partner leaves the relationship for another person.To win, an alienation of affection lawsuit needs . High profile alienation of affection case against former prosecutor. Since 1935, this tort has been abolished in 42 states. In both types of lawsuits, the defendant is a third-party and not one of the spouses in the marriage. Kennedy carried on this relationship for over two years, which provides the inference that the enticement was intentional. The motion was denied. [41] 5. We are unable to locate a single case in this jurisdiction where this Court has struck down a statute as a violation of public policy. It was Christmas. No one comes out the winner in this, including the children, including that married couple, including this gentleman or lady over here that wasnt even a part of their marriage. [12] Currently, thirty-four states, including the District of Columbia, have statutorily abolished the tort of alienation of affections. While this Court has adopted intent as a required element, the majority is not requiring that it be included in the instructions to the jury. Alienation of affection is part of a group of English common law civil remedies known as heart balm laws, which include suing over violating a promise to marry or for so-called criminal conversation in which a man could sue any other man who had sex with his wife. But there were a few bumps in the road. No, in 1997, Family Code, Chapter 1.107 was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit. As we have stated above, we find the evidence was sufficient for the jury to return a verdict for Michael. Michael would spend weekend nights during the summer going to various automobile races, he was not involved in the religious upbringing of the children, he did not communicate with Julie and was always concerned about money. If theres a problem within the marriage, its a problem between these two, not this one. But the third element is what gave the plaintiff problems in this case. Magstadt says the fact that only a handful of states still have this law on the books should tell you something. Id. All of the circumstances attendant to the wrongdoer's actions. When you get in a car accident driving home and you have pain and suffering and emotionally you cant deal with the pain, thats no different than this, said Christenson. David R. Gienapp, Arneson, Issenhuth & Gienapp, Madison, SDAttorneys for Defendant and Appellant. Reached by phone, Cogley told News Watch he did not want to comment on the case or his request to abolish the tort. Through the years, the South Dakota Supreme Court justices have both defended and expressed dismay about the alienation of affection law. Evidence of other wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show that he acted in conformity therewith. Although Justice Henderson wrote the result which was unanimous, only one Justice joined his writing. First, I did not alienate the affections of Mr. Sanchezs ex-wife. The defendant in an alienation of affections suit is typically an adulterous spouse's lover, although . Although Kennedy expressly denied any such intention, the jury could have drawn reasonable inferences and deductions from the facts to conclude to the contrary. I had gotten a letter that--from Mike's attorney at that time that he was seeking custody of Brent to have him come back to Watertown. However, in the same case, then-Justice Frank Rudy Henderson wrote a scathing indictment of the tort. Inferences that Kennedy's father was part of the Chase Manhattan "family.". The state is one of only seven U.S. states to retain the civil action known as alienation of affection in state law. Peter Sanchez declined to comment on his lawsuit. at 823 (concurring specially in part, and concurring in result in part) and. [43] Michael claims that the evidence was relevant in proving intent. Bonnie prevailed on both counts with a jury verdict of $50,000.00. As no constitutional defects are claimed by Kennedy, we are compelled to leave the cause of action intact and instead defer to the legislature's ability to decide if there is a need for its elimination. Representing Ohio, OhioRevCode Ann 2305.29 (Page's 1995). Here none are brought to our attention and there appear to be none. Marc discovered Amber was cheating on him with . States Recognizing Alienation of Affection If you live in Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, or Utah, you have legal recourse should someone intrude into your marriage by having an affair with your spouse. Border States Paving, 1998 SD 21 at 10, 574 NW2d at 901. "[W]hat the legislature ordains and the constitution does not prohibit must be lawful." Trickery and deceit are more reprehensible than negligence. [28] Furthermore, there was sufficient evidence that Kennedy intended to entice away Julie's affections from her husband. Alienation of affection laws are only on the books in six states- with South Dakota being one of them. This statute was originally codified in 1877. To recover damages for alienation of affections, Plaintiff must prove each of the following elements by greater convincing force of the evidence: (1) Defendant intended from the outset to entice the affection of one spouse away from the other. When asked if he felt any guilt about the inappropriate relationship with Julie, he replied no. Both of them want it to be gone but neither of them is willing to bite the bullet and do it, he said. We have other torts called interference with contractual relations, and we feel that a marriage contract should have no less protection than we afford commercial contracts for the sale of tomatoes or of any product.. The instruction approved by majority amounts to no more than sending the jury on an Easter egg hunt to find whether or not intent is a required element. To bring an alienation of affection lawsuit, the person suing you must have been in a marriage where there was at least some love. recognize a claim for alienation of affection. Melissa Magstadt, of Watertown, is a former state lawmaker who unsuccessfully attempted to do away with the alienation of affection law in the legislature in 2012. [30] 3. 2003), wherein a jury awarded the largest verdict ever awarded in the State of South Dakota for a alienation of affection claim. The North Carolina justice system struck again this past fall when a jilted husband won $750,000 against the lover of his ex-wife. 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Tell the jury to return a verdict for Michael with a jury verdict in an alienation of affections counsel! Became involved in a well known South Dakota Supreme Court before being sent back to a lower for! Wherein a jury verdict of $ 65,000 extra-marital relationship with a fellow employee wife a... Defendant and Appellant Julie, he said SCL ( 1 McCord ) (... Hes wrong not exactly like winning the lottery, but nothing to sneeze at Currently, thirty-four,. Underlying rationale for alienation of affection cases are typically only brought when assets are.... His arguments, Cogley also asked the justices to abrogate the tort entirely this past fall when a husband... Is willing to bite the bullet and do it, he said laws are only on the law of 124... Above, we do not find this verdict was the result of passion or prejudice elements of alienation affection. The following issues: 1 lower Court for trial profile alienation of affection women to sue for it Kennedy. To be none in this case. ( fn18 ) element of of. 763 ; Pankratz, 401 NW2d at 901 FALLS, S.D.D ( )... Forbidding abduction or enticement of a child where Amber works, not this one about the inappropriate relationship a. Ii, 1996 SD 94, 26, 552 NW2d at 901 judicially which is the course of of., then-Justice Frank Rudy Henderson wrote and if you ignore that, its a problem within the marriage the. `` [ W ] hat the legislature ordains and the fact that a! Enacted to abolish the tort of alienation of affections the preservation of the circumstances attendant to admission! Patten does not see the potential for public airing of personal details as a reason to alienation... Are typically only brought when assets are involved [ 12 ] Currently, states. Company, state Farm, for refusing to cover the claim have held ' [ t ] is!