what to wear to a stable hand interview

SmartRecruiters, in tandem with Hiring Success 2017, released a study in 2017 that surveyed 180 applicants who got hired (and 1,800 who didnt make the cut). This is a standard option for any interview: an outfit combo of black slacks and a button-down shirt. 1 "stable hand" interview questions. Heres a breakdown of the messagesvarious colors can send during an interview, so you can land the job that you deserve. What do employers notice? You can commonly find corduroy or tweed blazers in neutral colours. This is a matter of opinion. If youre playing it safe something more moderate would be my rule of thumb(fashion industry peeps, would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!). What to wear with your business suit. Have a healthy meal, and drink a lot of water to have enough amount of energy. Theres an exception to every rule, and red can be a great color in fields like sales and the law, where being aggressive is considered a positive. Rahm noted one more piece of advice. By avoiding interview outfit mistakes, you can increase your odds of moving forward in the process. It turned out that the students preferred to work with the luxury-brand candidate for a publicity job, but picked the non-luxury-brand candidate for the human-resources job. Ideally, your interview clothing should make you smile. Be sure they are polished people notice. For a formal workplace, a dark-colored suit is most appropriate. It would be awkward when they see you barefooted or just in socks. Now, this a reason to wear sweatpants. Be mindful when choosing clothes for an interview. It doesnt work that way. Firstly, when choosing what to wear to a job interview, pairing a professional and conservative blouse with either dress pants or a skirt is a great option. Think slacks or pencil skirts with button-up shirts, sweaters, and cardigans. Take the time to make sure each part of your outfit fits correctly. The primary responsibilities listed on the Stable Hand Resume include the following - taking the horses for walks, providing daily exercises for the horse, sticking to grooming and feeding routine; cleaning the stable, providing basic support and assistance to the trainer, washing the stalls, and ensuring the animals are kept in a clean, While most of us would like to believe that appearance doesnt matter in the professional world, it certainly does. Be on time or a little early. In cooler weather, you could add a pullover, blazer or jacket to this outfit. Just dont wear open-toe shoes and always make sure that your shoes are nice and polished. Just consider the standards for that workplace, and aim slightly above. A blazer. It is also a good idea to ask an insider or research the companys culture or school to be sure of whats appropriate to wear. Can You Ride In The Same Boots You Muck Stalls With? Rahm stated that she has 2-3 jackets that stay in my office in case someone shows up I was not expecting, and I need that more professional look.. Always look at the camera (NOT ON THE SCREEN) whenever either of you are talking. Typically, with business casual, jeans are forbidden fruit. Ladies have the option of pants suit or skirted suit, or a dress needs to very business professional looking. Tell me about yourself. Log in 5-10 minutes early. Fashion tip: Pinstripe suits are perfect for short men. Put away the grey and black suits for now and go for a forest green double-breasted suit with peak lapels. The safest choice might be to wear white and light colors like sky blue and ash grey but make sure that you dont disappear into your backgroundit might not be ideal to wear white against a white backdrop. . A business-formal attire is a three-piece outfit consisting of a suit, a button-down shirt (preferably white), and a tie. Look at options that work with the season, or consider whats on-trend. Lets face it. The Choices You Make Can Relieve, Or Increase, The Pressure, 4 Key Black History Facts That Everyone Should Know. While this position does require some physical endurance, it's perfect for someone who enjoys working with horses and caring for them. I also disagreed. So your footwear options should be limited to brogues, dress shoes, and boots, you can add sneakers to your collection, provided they have a minimal design and color. Keep them in a separate folder or professional folio so they don't bend or wrinkle and are easy to access. Youre dying to finally wear that new tangerine blouse? Dressing well plays a major part as it will help you appear more credible and professional. Stable Hand, Lead Hand and more on Indeed.com This content has been made available for informational purposes only. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thejub_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',847,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thejub_com-medrectangle-4-0'); However, there have been radical changes in professional looks across industries, causing one to wonder how a professional should really look. For your interview, you might choose an outfit that is more on the business casual side, rather than something very casual. 2. Handshakes are out for now. A nice button front shirt always looks good and it's a must for the office. Ultimately, figuring out what to wear to an interview doesnt have to be a challenge. When it comes to the suit color, women can go with slightly bolder choices. To make a good impression, here are some things to avoid: The best colors to wear to an interview are neutral. Choose from brown, black, and white. All social contexts, including a workplace, have norms on grooming and dressing, and violating them can lead to scrutiny. Some of the dress codes that are recommended for a kitchen hand interview are: A Skirt Suit or a Pantsuit White, Pastel, or Cream Blouse with Right Pants Shirt and Slacks Any other tailored dress with appropriate length. Once you have some options ready, test your outfit on camera before your video interview, just to be safe. So, as much as youd like to be self-expressive, this is not the time or place. Baby Boomer women often seem to be afraid itll be bragging so they fail in the interview and dont get hired.. With the tips above, you can head in the right direction. That's fine to do!) Polo shirt with pants Keep things casual by leaving the coat open. A dress. A dress is also suitable, but it needs to look very professional. Should I wear a T-shirt for an interview? Its the classic choice thats guaranteed to work at this level. All Rights Reserved. And when it comes to video interviews, you should test your outfit on a call to see how it looks on the camera. Feed, water, groom, bathe, exercise, or otherwise care for pets and other nonfarm animals, such as dogs, cats, ornamental fish or birds, zoo animals, and mice. Like we always say here in. Delving further, 115 undergraduates were asked to review questionnaires filled out by candidates for business simulation and to select the candidate with whom they would most like to work. That first impression on an interview counts so much, and you dont want to be out of the race before the interview even begins, saysSherry Maysonave, head ofEmpowerment Enterprises, an image consulting firm based in Austin, Texas. Wear a skirt or trouser suit in dark tones with a light coloured buttoned blouse or shirt. Interviewers will ask questions about you to gain insight into your personality and to determine whether you're a fit for both the job and the company. Dress up your bottom half. This is a real resume for a Stable Hand in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania with experience working for such companies as Integrated Property Solutions Co, Schocharie Ridge Farm, Boas Surgical Inc. Many workplace environments still discourage those choices and view them as unprofessional. Sure, youll be memorable, just not for the reason youd hoped. Simple accents. Thats no good. Applying for a job where you want to show a bit of your personality? What does a stable hand do? are not the best option. Giveaways & Actionable Career Advice, Career Blog, Job Search, Career Development, Career Advice, Remote Business Careers, 2023 theJub | Career & Job Search Resources LLC All Rights Reserved, By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Add all your work history, including part time work, voluntary work, work experience programs etc. Its wiser to use a jacket and skirt or Blazer over a dress. Leave us a comment! Baby Boomers sometimes come in the most inappropriate clothing. "Interviews are special events, and you need to put effort into your attire. Here are a few guidelines for men who are interviewing for high level roles: Here are a few fundamental guidelines of what women should wear to a professional interview: The main goal when building your interview outfit is to find clothing that is professional and a fits the company youre interviewing with. For ladies, dark jeans are also okay, or a knee-length skirt worn with either flats or heels. If you feel stuffy and uncomfortable in a suit, try wearing a nice button-up shirt, tie, and slacks. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. Well, no. Additionally, you may have to look into hosiery, especially if the workplace is conservative. 3. 15 Best Outfits & Packing Tips for Men, 20 Wedding Outfits For Men Over 50:What to Wear to a Wedding, How To Wear Quilted Jackets? Still, be careful when selecting black for an interview. We only recommend items our team loves!) Studies show that navy blue is the best color for a suit to wear to a job interview because it inspires confidence,Lynda Goldman, business communications and etiquette consultant and author, tells AOL. Im sure many of you have heard that saying before. These details alone can polish your look., In conjunction with dressing one step up, youll want to get a clear sense of the companys environment, culture, dress code, or workplace attire expectations. Take note of key details throughout the interview but dont be too caught up. Stable Hand CV layout and format. Wear a plaid sport shirt with a classic-fit like this one fromRalph Lauren, and pair it up with black polyester slacks. A. Ensure that the background is quiet, well-lit, and clutter-free. want access to our free resource library? You can pair this with dark or neutral-coloured pants to help create a look that's presentable and neat. If you're interviewing in the luxury fashion or editorial world and you happen to have a very nice handbag that is on trend, it could reflect positively on your personal style/taste. . Remember, just as vocal statements can be polarizing, so can our fashion statements. Shades of bluesend the message that youre credible and trustworthy, according to experts. Wear dark jeans or slacks and a button-down shirt. It is better to wait for the interviewer than make them wait for you. But if you are tired of wearing your regular suits, then its time to opt for something unusual like this black Pinstripe suit from. Avoid playful colors like bright green, red, and yellow as they are not appropriate for this matter. If this is happening to your shirt, Zoom recommends trying a few different setting changes: Settings > Video > Camera > Uncheck "HD". A white roll-neck sweater worn as an undershirt for a regular cut blazer can be your ultimate business casual outfit. However, as mentioned earlier, always research the company to understand what is most appropriate to wear. But if youre dressed appropriately and well-groomed, the conversation will start off right because you will match the model they have formed of you in their mind from youimpressive resume. Navy blues, mid-toned beiges, deep greens, soft maroons, and similar hues can work well, along with many pastels. Another option is to layer a red T-shirt with a black jacket, or vice-versa. For now, you want to focus on getting that job. Tasks and duties If your attire includes socks, be sure to wear mid-calf dress socks that match the color of your trousers. Success! Use these resumes as templates to get help creating . Stick with plain colors or classic patterns. Never interrupt. John Vincent studied Communication Arts in the Philippines. Just dont go overboard. Color experts rank black the highest on the authority scale, which means its a great color to wear for an interview for a management position, but be wary of the risk of overpowering the person youre interviewing with if you are applying to be an assistant, for instance. Another option is to layer an ash grey blazer with a T-shirt of a darker shade and pair them off with slim or stretch-fit white chinos. When a job requires trustworthiness, empathy, likability, or kindness, you might consider leaving these status symbols at home. Here are some pieces that could work for executive casual: If you choose to go with a blazer, keep in mind that you dont necessarily have to match it to your skirt or trousers. Don't wear anything too short, tight, or low-cut. Women's casual interview attire Jewel-toned t-shirt and statement necklace - As more of the world has begun working remotely, old dress codes have been thrown out the window. Just keep in mind that you dont have to be overly matchy-matchy. Go for a regular or slim fit. When in doubt, stick with neutrals that arent black or white. Dress pants, pencil skirts, knee-length dresses, blazers, neutral or light-colored blouses, sweaters . Avoid suits and clothing that are out of date or ill-fitting. Be sure whatever outfit you choose, you look great in. But what about business casual? Lizzie Rahm, HR senior manager, Clark Nuber, a professional services firm, sees many job applicants as she handles the recruiting duties for her company. We think, Are they in a nice suit that fits them well? Would they be a good representative of our company? We care about warmth our culture is about connecting with clients, and we have a collaborative environment. It is typically a three-piece suit with a tie. No matter your age, gender, or what have you, fit is important. Yes, but never wear it as a standalone piece. Whats that? Due to COVID-19, video interviews are increasingly common. Mind that if you are wearing a tee as an undershirt, it shouldnt be longer than the blazer. The tie should match the overall suits color, and dont even think of wearing a bow tie instead of a regular one. #8. They are responsible for cleaning and maintaining stables and training equipment. You can add a little flavor to your outfit by choosing a black-and-white striped tie. It's a staple combination that you can wear with khaki pants, a khaki skirt, and even dark-wash jeans in a casual workplace or to a casual interview . Getty Images. You must . Go for a notch lapel this time, and wear the blazer open, but keep the undershirt tucked in at all times. The better options for men are dress shirt and suit coat with matching pants but no tie. You should also wear nice shoes. Well, youre going to be wearing this outfit during a critical moment. We have events where we send out an email telling everyone they need to wear a suit. For example, a Baby Boomer should come in a suit. Something boring is better than something thats too loud. Whatever you choose to wear, make sure you feel comfortable. A well-fitting suit, a crisp, clean shirt, sensible shoes, and briefcase or business portfolio. Books, TV series, and movies are a big part of his life. So, consider a nice gray, navy blue, or even deep green. Your accessories can also be a bit bolder, as long as you limit the number of pieces you wear. A frequent question that comes up when Im teaching Job Interview Skills is, What should I wear to the interview? Last week my class had a few Baby Boomers, both men and women, saying that with the business causal environment, they wondered what does professional look like? One student said, Clothes dont matter anymore. Don an outfit consisting of a navy undershirt and navy black blazer and check trousers, like these fromMoss London. They look informal. To be safe and sure, dress from head to toe wear the appropriate shoes, as well. When youre deciding on what to wear to a job interview, you need to avoid certain mistakes. It would be in your best interest to have . For an interview at a medical facility, you might opt for business casual or a step above, even if youll be wearing scrubs or a lab coat on the job. , Interviewing on Zoom or at a companys headquarters may determine the garments you choose.For interviewing on Zoom, choose colors that contrast with your background, so that you stand out, but opt for colors that dont clash too much.For interviewing onsite, keep your physical comfort in mind. It feels tailored, even if some of the elements lean toward day-to-day. Think less statement and more coordinating highlight.. Ask questions. Explore Bachelors & Masters degrees, Advance your career with graduate-level learning, Build in demand career skills with experts from leading companies and universities, Choose from over 8000 courses, hands-on projects, and certificate programs, Learn on your terms with flexible schedules and on-demand courses. You are leveling up in your career, and you want to give the hiring manager the best impression; demonstrate that you are ready for the new responsibility. Tailored jeans in dark, undistressed colors, Solid color tees (paired with blazers or cardigans), Crisp button-up shirts in a seasonal color or pattern, Suit (matching jacket and pants or matching jacket and skirt. So are jackets, sport coats, or blazers, though they don't have to be part of a matching suit; they just need to coordinate with the outfit. Nevertheless, we give you these outfit ideas for a video interview: Show hiring managers you are prepared for additional responsibilities. It can bring together an outfit. For some of our Admin positions, ladies sometimes just come wearing very causal clothing and are not prepared for the interview. Interview Questions for a Stable Hand. Work in settings such as kennels, animal shelters, zoos, circuses, and aquariums. Your appearance impacts their perception of how suitable you are for the position. Tell potential employers about yourself. Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate, Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate, Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect, DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate, Free online courses you can finish in a day, 10 In-Demand Jobs You Can Get with a Business Degree. Good postur e makes you feel more confident, puts you in a better mood and communicates openness. Instead, its about factoring in your preferences the right way, ensuring youre happy with your choice. From your well-penned resume, your interviewers now have an idea of the person theyre eager to meet and interview. Would that be the same thing? Choose a longer one. If you dont want to run the risk of coming off as staid, consider avoiding brown altogether. Or creative? If you are wearing glasses, keep them to a minimum avoid fancy frames to maintain professionalism and formality. With that in mind, heres a quick look at what not to wear to an interview. Make sure that your hair is well-groomed. That comes next. War Hero. And a. survey says that recruiters typically use Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet to conduct video interviews. (How to Prepare in 2023)Continue, Read More 21 Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers for 2023Continue, Read More 35 Damaging Interview Mistakes (What NOT To Say In An Interview)Continue, Read More What To Do If Your References Dont Respond (3 Simple Steps to Save the Day)Continue, Read More 7 Most Popular Phone Interview Questions for 2023 (with Answers)Continue, Read More How To Answer: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job (with Sample Answers)Continue, Get A Free, Confidential Resume Review From Top Experts, What Else to Expect? Instead, they may be part of your personal style. Knowing what to wear to a job interview is an integral part of preparing for the meeting. Include your start and end dates, where you worked, your job title, what you did and why you left. Smart casual is where relaxed and polished meet. Avoid perfumes or colognes because, in small rooms, smells can be distracting. Other duties include cleaning the stables and providing basic support to the horse trainer. Always wear a leather belt that matches your shoe colour and choose something with a subtle buckle. In some cases, adding a tie can be a good move. Oh the hunt for a good new tote myself, I did a little browsing and here are a few of my favorites at the moment. The deli owner immediately contacted the recruiter saying that "he did not . Never slouch as it will show that youre not genuinely interested in participating. A stable hand works at a horse ranch or stable to feed and care for the animals housed there. If you happen to own a handbag made by the brand youre interviewing for, do wear that one! Such information should inform your decision on what to wear for the interview. However, this isn't quite into tie-mandatory territory. His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan, Penn State, Northeastern and others. Remember that simplicity is essential when it comes to what to wear to a nursing job interview. A three-piece suit can be as out of place as shorts and a t-shirt. What to wear to an interview; it seems like such a simple thing on the surface. To ace the interview, you should observe the following: When dressing for your upcoming video interview, do not wear clothes that are too distracting avoid tight, loose, and offensive outfits. Best of Luck! While you might be tempted to flaunt what youve got, dont. People stress about what theyre going to wear to an interview almost as much as what theyre going to say. But two researchers at Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management, Dr. Rucker and Mr. Cannon, recently asked if wearing luxury brands can ever backfire. That [impression] happens in less than 30 seconds and itsbased entirely upon your attire.. When you dont bother to iron your shirt or tuck it in, it can look unprofessional. Brush your teeth before you leave for the interview, and don't eat or smoke before the interview. As a job seeker, you should be careful about the message luxury brands can convey: wealth, power, and high social standing. Hair and makeup should also be professional. You will never go wrong with the option of wearing this outfit for a video interview, as it is a timeless go-to workwear. Formal shoes, like closed-toe pumps or oxfords, are the norm. A well-chosen tie, a sky blue pinstripe instead of traditional white, a joyful necklace those can all work. A. Instead, you move more into classic office wear options. (How to Prepare in 2023), 21 Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers for 2023, 35 Damaging Interview Mistakes (What NOT To Say In An Interview), What To Do If Your References Dont Respond (3 Simple Steps to Save the Day), 7 Most Popular Phone Interview Questions for 2023 (with Answers), How To Answer: Why Did You Leave Your Last Job (with Sample Answers), What to Wear to Your Next Supervisor Interview, 3 Reasons You Might Want to Consider Quitting Night Shift. Some workplaces dont mind. Think classic dark suits coupled with crisp white collared shirts, like you see in the infographic. Here are some outfit combinations that might work in your favor: One of the most classic looks you can have during an interview is a black suit and a crisp white shirt. For example, for a personal trainer interview at a fitness studio, you might wear business casual for the face-to-face part of the interview and athletic attire for a physical demonstration of your training approach. Here, we are moving into dressed up territory, for sure. No matter what you find out about the company, ultimately, what you wear to a job interview will fall into one of three categories: professional, business casual, and casual. A classic example of smart casual is pairing dark, tailored jeans with a classic button-up shirt, a trendy blazer, and elevated sneakers or an upscale sandal. Stable Hand jobs now available. Even Chelsea suedes would be perfect for this casual look. In 16 colorways and made from a fine ribbed material, this jumper will see you through any job interview, all year round. Although Id love to sit here and tell you that what you wear doesnt matter, how you present yourself is part of the impression you leave on your interviewer. A business dress can be tricky, but they're out there. First of all, you need one that at least fits your resume (always bring copies of your resume!) This can include a jacket and pants or jacket and skirt combo, depending on which you prefer. At this point, your accessories should be getting fairly subtle. Especially in the fashion, retail, and beauty industries, your outfit and accessories count. He enjoys writing a lot. The days are usually long and this role is suited to hard working, resilient individuals who are able to work autonomously and as part of a team. Interview day is not the day to get creative or show your prospective employer your fun personality, says Mary Ortonof, 27 Modern Interview Outfit Ideas to Help You Land the Gig, 10 Things Never, Ever to Do in a Job Interview. Stick to neutral colors and nothing too shiny, embellished, or flashy, unless youre interviewing at a brand that has that exact aesthetic. The estimated additional pay is $1 per hour. Instead, perfect the format and structure of your CV by working to a clear logical structure and applying some simple formatting tricks to ease readability.. Don't underestimate the importance of this step; if your CV lacks readability, your written content won't . Wear a plaid sport shirt with a classic-fit like this one from, and pair it up with black polyester slacks. They dont know how to answer the questions appropriately, they lack confidence, and they dont sell themselves at all. Position the camera so that you are looking up slightly and centered on the screen. Interview attire should always err on the side of being conservative. Interviews are special events, and you need to put effort into your attire. Dressing well plays a major part as it will help you appear more credible and professional. In that case, you may be wondering, why should you change? However, you still need to show etiquette and give your full cooperation as suits and ties will not do all of the work for you. Normally, I'd tell you it's what's on the inside that counts. However, carrying a really expensive bag (especially when interviewing for a more entry level or junior position) can have the reverse impact. Just that, if the outfit falls short in either of those categories, you should consider other options. Rahm explained, What you wear to work is not what you wear to the interview. At times, this can look a bit too formal. If you are wearing glasses, keep them to a minimum avoid fancy frames to maintain professionalism and formality. Overall, smart casual is a relaxed look, but it has a level of polish. Remember, the focus should not be on your outfit but on you, so keep things minimal, neutral, and professional stick to solid and warm colors. Use these resumes as templates to get help creating the best Stable Hand resume. (Maybe Elle Woods was rightwhoever said orange was the new pinkwas seriously disturbed.). A. Millennials and college students can appear in sloppy and clothes that arent ironed. Co-Founder and CEO of TheInterviewGuys.com. And when it comes to video interviews, you should test your outfit on a call to see how it looks on the camera. 4. StyleCaster is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Infantry remained with the straps as no females. Wear them with slim-fit grey chinos, and finish off the look with brown brogue shoes. Wear dark jeans or slacks and a button-down shirt. If your interview outfit hangs off of you like a wet potato sack, that isnt going to make a great impression. That means you need to dress like a professional without being too formal. When it comes to what to wear to an interview, executive casual or business formal tend to be the defaults. They also felt that the Gucci man was trying hard to manage their impression of him. Avoid athletic or sports shoes, flip-flops, and open-toed shoes or sandals. Now, its important to note that there can be other categories. Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at TheInterviewGuys.com. That way, you can ask about the dress code afterward, letting you find out what they do or dont permit. But if you are tired of wearing your regular suits, then its time to opt for something unusual like this black Pinstripe suit from Zara. Make sure every garment in your ensemble is clean, free of wrinkles or tears, and properly fitting. Fit is important, no matter what your age is. Put away the grey and black suits for now and go for a forest green double-breasted suit with peak lapels. Once youve settled on your interview attire, remember to reserve plenty of time to prepare thoroughly for the conversation youll have with the prospective employer. It looks better when worn with a white button-down shirt. In that case, you can pair this with dark or neutral-coloured to... Worked, your job title, what you wear pair it up with black slacks! A leather belt that matches your shoe colour and choose something with a like. 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Made by the brand youre interviewing for, do wear that new blouse! Most appropriate to wear to work is not what you wear to work at this point, your accessories also... By avoiding interview outfit mistakes, you want to focus on getting that.... You might choose an outfit that is more on the camera ( not on surface... You make can Relieve, or consider whats on-trend pants but no tie are special events and..., sensible shoes, as long as you limit the number of pieces you.! On grooming and dressing, and don & # x27 ; s a must for the.. Stress about what theyre going to make sure that your shoes are nice and polished a business-formal attire is relaxed... Into your attire includes socks, be careful when selecting black for an interview, can. Most appropriate to wear have a collaborative environment think of wearing a bow tie instead traditional... Overall suits color, women can go with slightly bolder choices want to show a bit of your personal.. Now have an idea of the elements lean toward day-to-day blazer can be polarizing, so our... And aquariums material, this jumper will see you through any job and. All times can work well, youre going to say of bluesend the message that youre credible professional... That saying before over a dress effort into your attire, voluntary work, work experience programs etc tip Pinstripe. Video interviews are special events, and properly fitting letting you find out what they do or dont.... For example, a button-down shirt ( preferably white ), and dont even think wearing. Very business professional looking at options that work with the option of wearing a bow tie instead a. Thats guaranteed to work at this level, all year round business portfolio there can a... Shoe colour and choose something with a tie crisp, clean shirt tie!, just not for the interviewer than make them wait for the.. Dont bother to iron your shirt or tuck it in, it can look a bit of your (... Consider leaving these status symbols at home T-shirt with a black jacket, or what have,! Colognes because, in small rooms, smells can be tricky, but &. Combo, depending on which you prefer be part of preparing for the interview, as it will show youre!