stratford hall slaves

Richard Henry Lee leads the Westmoreland County militia against British invaders at Stratford Landing. If you've had a . There was a lot of history to be made on this weekend. Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Stratford in Westmoreland County, Virginia . Anne Carter Lee and the children departed from Stratford Hall during the winter of 181011, and moved to Alexandria. Created by: Mark Jenkins. For a variety of reasons, there wasnt much left from the Lee family detailing their lives and that of their slaves. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. In 1810, the Federal Census shows that there were only 32 slaves over age 12 at Stratford, a number that had been steadily decreasing as Henry and Ann Lee began selling off acreage not included in the deed of trust to his children by his first wife Matilda. Learn about how to make the most of a memorial. GEORGIA Stratford-Hall Corporate. This historical marker is in Stratford in Westmoreland County Virginia. I just read the story through a link from another blog ( Following construction of the Great House, Thomas Lee expanded the site into a bustling hive of activity, and soon the working plantation became "a towne in itself" as one visitor to Stratford marveled. May Field Lanier, the first president of what is now RELMA, offered to build a monument to Wes Payne; he requested instead that a cabin, similar to the one he was born in, be built near the Great House. It was their stolen labor that enabled that big house to be built. One slave William "Bill" Payne (ca. All photos uploaded successfully, click on the Done button to see the photos in the gallery. 6-630: Libations, drumming, prayers at the enslaved African American cemetery We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Stratford escaped damage during the Civil War, but in 1864 Union soldiers took away supplies and slaves belonging to Stratford's then owner Mrs. Elizabeth Storke. About a year ago, KatzHyman was asked by Stratford officials to study slave life on the plantation so they could use it to interpret the history there at the home of four generations of the Lee family of Virginia and birthplace of Robert. A significant historical year for this entry is 1953. Juneteenth is a festival held annually on the nineteenth of June by African Americans (especially in the southern states), to commemorate emancipation from slavery in Texas on that day in 1865. William Lee (17391795) and Dr. Arthur Lee (17401792) were diplomats to England during the turbulent struggle for American independence. William C. Somerville of Maryland purchased the property from Henry Lee IV in 1822. Stratford Hall is the boyhood home of two Founding Fathers of the United States and signers of the Declaration of Independence, Richard Henry Lee (17321794), and Francis Lightfoot Lee (17341797). It was the boyhood home of two signers of the Declaration of Independence, Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794), and Francis Lightfoot Lee (1734-1797), and it was the . Richard Henry Lee takes a leave of absence from the House and does not return until after the 1771 session. Enslaved Africans and African Americans lived and worked throughout the plantation grounds. *God Bless Joe McGill and his company for forging a way to help connect African Americans and others to a fuller view of American history through the Slave Dwelling Project. His eldest son, Philip Ludwell Lee Sr., Esquire (17271775) inherited Stratford Hall. SURVEY . Find the perfect stratford hall virginia stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Their tasks would have included cooking meals, digging and firing clay for bricks, and working as launderers, blacksmiths, plasterers, carpenters, and masons. In The Slaves' Economy, Independent Production by Slaves in the Americas, edited by Ira Berlin and Philip D. Morgan, pp. 8:00-10 Storytelling/campfire: Dontavius His son, William Wesley Payne, was also a longtime resident. Thomas Lee, a powerful political figure, tobacco planter and land speculator, established the plantation in the 1730s. Stratford Hall 4.5 224 #1 of 1 things to do in Stratford History Museums Closed now 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Visit website Call Email Write a review About Come visit Stratford Hall, home of the Lees of Virginia. [Caption:] Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Canada V5N 4E2. . It also illustrates the problems of trying to build at such a scale in its time and place. The embodied energy of the enslaved Ancestors who made those bricks is in each one of them. With its two rooftop triumphal arches vauntingly piercing the sky, Stratford would be remarkable for its architecture alone, uniqueand uniquely handsome. Make sure that the file is a photo. Henry Lees 28 inherited slaves included Kesey (age 5). Field laborers typically lived in small wooden dwellings with wooden chimneys and dirt floors; no reproductions of these structures exist at Stratford. Stratford Hall is one of five Western Canada schools to complete International Baccalaureate experience with IB offered from Kindergarten through Grade 12 to all students. Im not even sure you could say it was good.. You can always change this later in your Account settings. Numerous oyster shells were found within infilled slave quarters dating to the 1700s at Stratford Hall Plantation. Drag images here or select from your computer for Slaves of Stratford Hall Plantation memorial. Their labor allowed the Lees a lavish lifestyle. Please enter your email and password to sign in. He is buried in the cemetery at Shiloh Baptist Church near Stratford Hall's entrance gate. The VMHC will host its first public symposium on November 18, 2023, an event where historians, practitioners, activists, and members of the public will gather to explore our shared past. It was the plantation house of four generations of the Lee family of Virginia (with descendants later to expand to Maryland and other states). William Wesley Payne (1875-1954), son of William "Bill" and Hannah Jackson Payne, spent all but four years of his life at Stratford Hall. Henry Lee, in perpetual debt, mortaged his Cabin Point inheritance (to Bushrod Washington) in 1798even before he officially inherited it. Most of the time visitors are traveling to these places to learn about the great people who lived there when they should really be hearing about the formidable ancestors whose hands created these places. The way she put it together, she said, was very interesting.. Bricks, bricks and more bricks, that describes Stratford Hall well. Please try again later. I attempted to think of what challenging times might have gone on hundreds of years before in the laundry setting. One of them, Ulysses Sylvester Joe Payne, worked at Stratford for fifty-three years; his cousin, Laura Payne, worked there for fifty-seven. 14.6 miles from Stratford Hall. Also see . Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. House Slave Quarters at Stratford Hall Plantation Several years passed before "Light Horse Harry" remarried to Ann Hill Carter (1773-1827) of Shirley Plantation. Topics. Even as an African American woman whose heritage is represented by such slave conditions, I did not want to experience that much. Thomas Lee died soon after he hired Mynatt and his contract was passed on to Philip Ludwell Lee through inheritance. Stratford Hall's three-day residential Symposium on Slavery led by VCU Professor Emeritus Philip Schwarz allowed educators and scholars to share ideas about slavery and how to teach it in the classroom. Built by Thomas Lee in the 1730s, Stratford Hall is one of the great houses of American history. Go here for more information on hours of operation and admission. mile away); Stratford Hall (approx. TheLookingGlassPlus. To achieve the flavor pleasing to the palates of the Stratford Lees, Madeira wine journeyed through the tropical climate of the Indies before arriving at Stratford where it aged in casks and bottles in wine cellars. Stratfordhall Plantation Cemetery. 1836-1926) left the Federals and returned to Stratford and his family. Stratford Hall was depicted on a 4 United States postage stamp of the 19361937 Army-Navy issue. I also had a sobering awareness that most of my ancestors had no such choice of lodging! Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 17:04, U.S. National Register of Historic Places, List of National Historic Landmarks in Virginia, National Register of Historic Places listings in Westmoreland County, Virginia, "Oppression in the kitchen, delight in the dining room: The story of Caesar, an enslaved chef and chocolatier in Colonial Virginia", "The Lees of Virginia: Seven Generations of an American Family", Stratford, State Route 214, Stratford Hall, Westmoreland County, VA, National Historic Landmark: Stratford Hall,, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 17:04. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. The practice of growing multiple crops of tobacco on one field exhausted the land quickly, and the Lee family periodically purchased additional land to compensate for the unproductive fields. Cook, Jerome Bias, met us at Stratford Hall. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. We hope that you will find what you are looking for within our online catalogs or among our Research Resources, but if you are in need of additional assistance, please contact our research team at or 804.342.9233. I was first contacted by her when she was a professor at, I was surprised when Dr. Deetz turned up on the staff of Stratford Hall, the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. He left 137 enslaved workers to be divided among his heirs. From commercial, hospitality, or residential our stirring spectrum of colors, patterns and textures inspire and challenge the greatest designs. In 2003, the school was awarded authorization for the IB Primary Years Programme, and was the first school in Western Canada to do so. Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Slaves of Stratford Hall Plantation (82402017)? The world of slave life you find by really digging into the details is a lot different than what you get out of textbooks. Thank you for this opportunity! Unfortunately, only a few of these documents indicate family units that existed, and none of them record any surnames. Stratford Hall Plantation encompasses 1,700 of its original acres. Oops, some error occurred while uploading your photo(s). Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. I had my money on Dr.Deetz. 4:30-6 Music/open mic/storytelling (Rita Wagstaff-Stratford hall)/Afrocentric arts and crafts A system error has occurred. The now 70-acre private estate, with a spacious plantation house built in 1850 after the original structure burned, boasts tall windows, high ceilings, heart-of-pine floors and fireplaces in every room. Entrance to Stratford Hall and Shiloh Baptist Church. Light Horse Harry fell heavily into debt and eventually served a two-year term in debtors' prison. Stratford Hall is also the birthplace of Robert E. Lee (18071870), who served as General-in-Chief of the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War (18611865). Now the Slave Dwelling Project is there to pay homage to enslaved people. January 1807: Born in Stratford Hall, Virginia June 1829: Graduated second in class from West Point Military Academy May 1862: Took command of the Army of Northern Virginia August 1862: Won Second Battle of . In a beautifully treed park overlooking Chesapeake Bay, Stratford Hall preserves the original main house and several outbuildings of a tobacco plantation in pre-Revolution Virginia. The enslaved Africans brought their culture and skills to Stratford Hall. The International Baccalaureate Programme was introduced in October 1999. Slave names gleaned from court records and Lee family documents comprise most of the information that we know about Stratfords historic slave community. Tobacco was already being cultivated on the Clifts property when Thomas Lee bought it in 1717, and Lee continued to grow it as Stratfords main crop. Stratford Hall Special Reserve is a type of Madeira that was desired by the colonial Virginia elite in the mid-to-late 1700s. Bucolic Nomini Hall was an original land grant awarded in 1729 to the famous Carter family, the largest land owners in the colony. The eldest surviving son, Richard, left Virginia for London, where he entered his uncle's tobacco merchant firm. (food available on-sitegrab and go) I often think about Limus and just hope he made his way out. It was the plantation house of four generations of the Lee family of Virginia (with descendants later to expand to Maryland and other states). Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Stratford Hall Plantation was the home of the Lee family, including two Declaration of Independence signers, and it was Robert E. Lee's birthplace. In the middle of the Civil War, Lee wrote his wife that "In the absence of a home I wish I could purchase Stratford. There is an added difficulty due to the lack of surviving direct-line male descendants of the historical figure. Ludwell was a surname associated with the Lee family since Thomas Lees marriage to Hannah Ludwell in the 1720s. After Somervilles unexpected death in 1826, the Westmoreland County Court seized the property and put it up for auction. It was there that Philip R. Fendall built the Lee-Fendall House. Over time, the Lees sold or hired out slaves to cover their expenses and debts. This number included children and infants as well as adult slaves. Likewise, slaves made money (for themselves but mostly for their owners) by providing trade labor for white people. Also, slaves could make money by selling items, such as vegetables, fruit and livestock. Should space become available, we may consider an application after we have processed the candidates for the September 2023 class. The new couple continued to reside at Stratford Hall with her two daughters and her son-in-law (and later a hero of the Revolutionary War, Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee (17561818), who had married her daughter Matilda. The African American Experience at Stratford: 1782. Stratford Hall. A wharf on the Potomac River was the destination for a large number of merchant ships, a grist mill ground wheat and corn there, and enslaved and indentured servants farmed tobacco and other crops on the thousands of acres of farmland. Stratford Hall Bricks, bricks and more bricks, that describes Stratford Hall well.|mostpopular|text|FRONTPAGE. Several Lee nephews, including Henry Lee and Richard Bland Lee, received equal portions of the estate, including slaves living there, in 1803. Isabelle Blakemore made the trip from Washington, D.C., to hear the talk. You can cancel at any time. Sold individually. The Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation (later the Robert E. Lee Memorial Association) acquires Lee's birthplace, Stratford Hall. Do your part to help bring full healing history forth. The slave story , together with history from the Big house help tell the full story, help shed light on the present. But KatzHyman made it clear that slave life was very difficult13- to 15-hour workdays were the normand was something they obviously wanted no part of. The plantation likely had between 150 and 200 slaves on it. It was never wonderful, she said. It appears in William Ware's The Georgian Period in 1908 3 and is featured in the genealogy-oriented Stratford Hall and the Lees Connected with its History of 1912 4 by Frederick Alexander. I was surprised when Dr. Deetz turned up on the staff of Stratford Hall, the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. Henry and Anns last child to be born at Stratford was Robert E. Lee. * Could this child, born circa 1798, be the Kizzie who had her own child Ludwell by age 20 in 1818? The Stratford Hall Plantation Seminar on Slavery offers teachers and museum professionals the opportunity to: Study for two weeks with distinguished scholars of slavery. 389.094N, 7650.07W. Marker is in Stratford, Virginia, in Westmoreland County. These slaves were born during the American Revolution while Henry Lee was leading his cavalry and before he courted Matilda and married her in 1782. A member of the Spotsylvania County school board was arrested Thursday on two charges, including a felony offense. She also utilized information gathered from archeological finds at Stratford Hall. I am so grateful to Joseph McGill for bringing this fact to the attention of those visiting Stratford Hall and all of the other dwellings he has overnighted in. Stratford Hall is set in the Historic Northern Neck of Virginia, a rural peninsula where historic Christ Church is located 50 miles southeast. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). 483 Great House Road, Stratford. Stratford Hall is the boyhood home of two signers of the Declaration of Independence, Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794), and Francis Lightfoot Lee (1734-1797). RIGHT:. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. 100 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 924-3296. Learn more about merges. Ownership was also an investment: purchased children and adults may or may not have been . We invite you to learn more about Indians in Virginia in our Encyclopedia Virginia. The two other overnight guests slept on the concrete floor in sleeping bags they brought. Slavery at the Shirley Plantation: Very likely that some of my family from Charles City Co., VA were slaves here. Turns out, I was blatantly wrong! Thomas Lee passed the Ludwell name to two of his sons, and four of Thomass sons (one married a Ludwell cousin) passed the name to their sons. Their steps, the second set of steps, requires concentration to navigate. Although slaves were legally owned property, they still had many contradictory and confusing facets to their lives, she said. He sold the property in 1822, after he was convicted of embezzling money from his sister-in-law and ward, Elizabeth McCarty, and forced by the court to repay her. Some of their names are recorded in family documents, which allows us to interpret their lives more vividly, while the names and details of others have been lost in history. It is a poor place, but we could make enough cornbread and bacon for our support and the girls could weave us clothes. Nor is she listed when Richard Bland Lee sold the Cabin Point slaves to Henry Lee, Jr. in January 1810. The enslaved population at Stratford Hall were not defeated people, they were resilient and admirable. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Stratford Hall is located in Westmoreland County on the beautiful Northern Neck of Virginia. A few years later Lee decided to build a dwelling near the Potomac River, where Stratford now stands. Matilda inherited Stratford Hall in this agreement and lived there with her husband Harry and her second cousin, but the couple's time together was cut short when Matilda died after eight years of marriage. Try again. It might seem like an unusual interest for a white girl born and raised in the rural Shenandoah Valley of Virginia but its one that only further developed as I got older. Her style of presentation lures you, make you feel comfortable and then she hits you with uncomfortable facts of enslaved people. Richard Henry was later instrumental in guiding the fledgling nation, serving as President of Congress in 178485. Virginia. The Lees were a very important family, KatzHyman said. Slavery Image Search: Slavery and plantation images-from Africa to America 0.3 miles away); Oval Site (approx. Below is a runaway slave advertisement I came across while looking through Charleston, SC newspapers conducting research for a past job. The politician and planter Thomas Lee purchases the Clifts, a tobacco plantation in Westmoreland County, from the descendants of colonist Nathanial Pope. That one item made the tour more relevant for me. These two other visitors had travelled several hours to stay overnight and experience things. Welcome to Stratford Hall Historic Preserve - Where the Voices of American History Still Speak. A long legal battle with Thomas Rowand over the ownership of Cabin Point resulted in Lees eventual loss of the property. This monument was erected by the Board of Directors of Stratford Hall in 1953. 303-792-3615 . Learn more about managing a memorial . Martha KatzHyman, a curator with the JamestownYorktown Foundation in Williamsburg, said the lives of slaves were not so black and white as many might want to believe. Those who worked as cooks were also skilled artisans, introducing the Lees and European indentured laborers to some of the dishes from West Africa. In 1929, a group of women dedicated to preserving the memory of Robert E. Lee and the Lee family joined to form the Robert E. Lee Memorial Association and purchased Stratford Hall from the Storkes' heirs. Years ago, I had the pleasure of spending a night at the Lee-Fendall House Museum in Alexandria, Virginia. 11:00 African drumming in front of mansion/welcome at Stratford Hall Robert E. Lee is born at Stratford Hall, Westmoreland County. I thought you might like to see a memorial for Slaves of Stratford Hall Plantation I found on Materials for the house came from the surrounding property: timber from forested land nearby, red clay for bricks, and oyster shells for mortar. 714-803-7343 . Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? A Private residence to the Left of the Marker, 4. The ghosts told the medium the body was buried under the stairs. True, complete history whatever it proves to be helps set us ALL free. 10-? This account has been disabled. 170-81. She is a pioneer, fearless. The site is maintained by the Association and is open to the public. Rediscover The Payne Family With an oral tradition that their ancestors were slaves owned by Thomas Lee, the Payne family's history has been closely linked with that of Stratford. 481 views 0 faves 0 comments Taken on April 16, 2009 All rights reserved GREAT NEWS! #8 Best Value of 485 places to stay in Stratford. 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