physical education student portfolio examples

So its a little bit of history. Portfolio Summative Reflection Essay Details File Format PDF Size: 43 KB Download 2. 04:49 MV: So a lot of sports companies in particular with, in addition to kind of the typical companies that are pushing engineering research for aerospace and medical and things like that, are really interested in, Hey, this is an awesome technology, can we make the materials or can we develop materials that are even better so that we can take advantage of the design opportunities that it allows? And with that in mind, a company called Burton Snowboards, based in the US, I think theyre, if not the biggest, one of the biggest snowboarding companies in the world, and were in the early 2000s really exploring the technology, first for prototyping and then it got to the point where they wanted to do some pretty sophisticated functional parts out of 3D printed materials. I cant tell you how great it is to go into a parent/teacher interview with a portfolio ready to go or to be able to send examples of a students work home to their parents in order to celebrate their efforts and learning in class! My goal is to get every single student to enjoy at least one activity learned in class in which they are willing to continue participating in after their physical education years are over. Youve talked about whether or not a piece of equipment ends up making something easier to use, well, then that obviously translates into a student use as well, and that might actually be the thing that makes it possible for them to learn a skill faster than they had previously learned it. Letters of recommendation: when possible, keep the letters recent and varied. Remember that the teacher and student should determine the purpose of the portfolio prior to beginning the process in order to drive instruction and guide the individual learning process. 19:14 MV: Yeah, I think so. They allow for a visual layout of portfolio pieces, or for items to be displayed separately. Thematic portfolios are centered on a large concept, or specific unit, such as the concept of 'power', or a literature theme based on a novel. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio . It may not necessarily be for measuring performance, which is interesting, but its also one of those things where its a platform to create community and create competition if youre able to share your statistics with someone else in your city or in your state or in your country or even competitors. The Student Portfolio Series allows students to assemble their own portfolio to track their fitness and will help them make a plan to manage their fitness throughout life as they progress in the material. Due to school policy, I couldnt show you examples of my students work or their portfolio items, so I made up a class list here. I was fortunate enough to be the person that, Im one of the people that worked on that specifically and helped them develop a process and ultimately a new material to use on snowboard binding parts and snowboard parts. Spring 2019 Student-Teacher Portfolios. Demonstration of student growth over time, Identify specific skills to show improvement, Creation of a tangible body of evidence to show to parents, Collection of reflections on growth and learning, Initiate personal responsibility on behalf of the student, Documentation of learning standards with corresponding products, Communication device for parents, teachers, and students. 17:47 JR: What I also wanted to talk about was this whole levelling of Bringing down the capacity that students need or everyone needs to be able to design some of these sort of things that can be printed. 24:00 MV: Because 3D printing is unique in the sense that it can do a lot of manufacturing fairly quickly, in terms of condensing the timeline for how a part is built, its forcing these groups that otherwise may not have worked together as closely, really together. The teacher chooses one student work sample (corresponding Point A and Point B student work artifacts) from each differentiated group identified after . UOI Links. So it just opens the door Kicks the door open to see whats gonna happen in the future. 28:10 JR: The links and everything to the show will be at and you can be able to go there and find all those links that have been mentioned in todays episode. Although Ive blogged aboutthe full story before (see Collect & Defend), the TL;DR version of it is that I got called out on my grades by my principal and I could have been in hot, hot water if it wasnt for the fact that I had collected all of the evidence of my students learning and had it ready to go in order to defend the grades I submitted. Lotta Nieminen 3. Before assigning a student portfolio: And even for some tennis athletes that had some issues with grips, they couldnt get their full hand around the tennis racket because of an injury they had sustained. Physical Education Teacher Training: Purpose, Process, and Platform. Portfolio artifacts may include reports, pictures, artwork, photographs, reflection responses, work samples, writing samples, journal entries, reading logs, graphs, and book reports to name a few. Been doing that for a few years so this is almost a cross pollination of podcasts here. assignments belonging t o 2016 fir st year O T students . Video-based evidenceusually starts off being stored on my iPad. - Definition & Examples, What Is Culminating Assessment? Its one of those things where it brings a level of excitement, gets people excited if you can get a 3D printer into the school or the classroom. So since an early age, Ive really, my passion has been in baseball, but I enjoy kind of all sports. However, as a novice, I often would rush into situations before planning the entire treatment session out . My website is called and it has a little bit about what I do and some videos about the sports specific work that Ive done as well. I am a strong believer in using a couple of different instructional models in my curriculum. Kabel Mishka Ligot Made With Squarespace Kabel recently started as a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Our mission is to help you become the best physical education teacher you can be. Joey Feith is the founder of 12:43 MV: But going, even going back to the customised aspect of it. Step 4: Select what content will be included in the portfolio. And if theyre able to get that performance by using a different material that no ones ever used before, theyre gonna do it and they also have the cash backing to explore that. With 3D printing all you need is a computer and a design, and then you can press print and you have it at your hands after it finishes printing. Just wanted to thank you again for taking the time really early morning for you as well which is really appreciated, but I definitely know that everyone listening has got a lot out of it, so thanks a lot. So, it could be the collaborative projects for people in design, and tech classes working together to build things for PE. 2 PD Hours. Really excited about that. Elementary Physical Education Elementary Pe Health And Physical Education Plickers Teacher Portfolio Pe Activities Student Portfolios Pe Teachers Literacy Resource More information . Elizabeth cuts it down to the information any prospect might need, like contacts. So, theyve kind of come together to get a warehouse, and they have different machines, 3D printers, 3D scanners, sewing machines, everything you can imagine, and kind of donated in a very communal way that people wanna work on their projects or their hobbies, and can build stuff. You can see that theres so many devices that are starting to appear in that general setting, and Im really excited to see where that wearable stuff heads up cause it just seems like its the tip of the iceberg in whats possible. But in this case, the nice thing about 3D printing is as long as you have a 3D design, you can print it. Our machine allows us to scan a whole stack of papers into one PDF file and then email that PDF to our school Gmailaccount. And Ive done some work in the UK on that same thing, and I imagine its still going on in Australia as well and around the globe like its this idea that these manufacturing tools are becoming way more accessible to the masses, theyre not just stuck behind the doors of Ford or GE or something like that, so theyre available. 14:10 MV: But with 3D printing, youre able to create products through design by scanning the hand, scanning the racket, and you have this digital shape where you can mould a grip, or make a grip that you can print and have it ready to go for that athlete makes it so much easier for them to participate, not only enjoy the sport, but perform at a level that theyre happy with. We will do this by producing high-quality resources for you to use in your teaching, by helping you connect and share with fellow teachers, and by providing engaging professional development opportunities which you can attend. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. Preschool Portfolios Examples Preschool Portfolios Examples . Due to the subjective nature of the portfolio, teachers may want to use a rubric or checklist to evaluate a student. Nurses in a sense keep a portfolio to show future employers who they are and what they . Teachers have the ability to choose which parts of the portfolio to assign and students can complete assignments outside of class time. 3 Immediately add techniques for assessment and review to your teaching repertoire. And digital portfolios are part of this shift. Dependent on the type of portfolio a student is creating, it may include various work samples, projects, photographs, writing pieces, reflective journaling and artwork. For example, my current grade six class has a folder titled Class of 2017 since they are graduating from the elementary school this year. Decide which works to include (7-12 is average). Although Im very open to trying out new tools and work flows, its really important to me that anything I try is aligned with my goal of putting student learning first and that it doesnt become distracting in my learning. I have wanted to pursue a career in Primary Education for several years now. 25:13 JR: Yeah. Really, the only argument against it is time. I feel like its a lifeline. Well thank you, really, for your time today. And people are really exciting. This version includes searchable topical index and online access to printable teaching materials. Thanks so much for reading and Happy Teaching! - History & Explanation, The Anasazi Tribe: Pottery, Homes, Ruins & Clothing, John Paul Jones: Biography, Facts & Quotes, The Battle of Lake Erie in 1813: Summary & Facts, Annapolis Convention of 1786: Definition & Overview, The Albany Congress: Definition & Summary, Presidential Election of 1848: Summary, Candidates & Results, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Demonstration of academic achievement and progress, Reflections on the individual's learning process. 03:06 MV: So I really started to focus on doing some internships with sports companies, actually doing an internship globally in the UK outside of the US at this university in England, about an hour north of London called Loughborough, which is pretty well known for sports. For example, I might name a video of a student named Joeys kicking at the beginning of our foot skills unit Joey Overhand ThrowingInitial. Student ePortfolio Examples Carrie White Watch on Elyse Farley Thorup Watch on Don't forget to take a look at our videos and ePortfolios from previous ePortfolio scholarship recipients! 10+ Portfolio Essay Examples 1. Ill look at each students piece of evidence and use the Learning Roadmap rubric to decide where I would place that student in terms of their learning. The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 1 (teacher and student manuals) is available in an electronic format through WELNET, our internet-based software. To solve my problem, I went out and bought a 1TB external hard drive on which I would keep everything. When I asked her about it, she told me she was making something called an Anchor Portfolio. There exists gray areas that cannot definitively be graded with a percentage; therefore, grading consistency across the board may be lost. 6 chapters | - Ideas & Examples, Using Graphic Organizers as Assessment Tools, Curriculum-Based Assessment: Advantages & Disadvantages, FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036) Prep, UExcel Workplace Communications with Computers: Study Guide & Test Prep, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Certificate Program, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Help and Review, Praxis Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Geography (245): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS Social Science - Political Science (247): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Biology: Content Knowledge (5236) Prep, Introduction to American Government: Certificate Program, Introduction to Counseling: Certificate Program, DSST Fundamentals of Counseling: Study Guide & Test Prep, Benefits of ePortfolios for Teachers & Students, The National Recovery Administration: History & Overview, Adversarial Journalism: Definition & History, Who Was Roger Williams? A. As I go through the process, Ill take notes on students who I need to follow up with or spend more time with in our next lesson. See more ideas about portfolio design, book design, graphic design inspiration. Digital portfolios also offer new formats for creating reflective products that demonstrate learning, including making videos, slide shows, graphs, and visual art. This document provides general information about the physical education student growth portfolio model and should be used in conjunction with the . That being said, everything you see me do here is exactly how I do it in Google Drive using the macOS app. So thanks again for having me on the podcast. This step drives the entire process and gives the student and teacher direction. So, I think that mentality is permeating through the US. Angela has had several research and review articles published in education journals. Why? Presentation Criteria. Wellness/physical education assignments The assignments could be as follows: 1. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you This student goal setting data portfolio includes checklists, arrows, graphs and data reflection sheets that helps students start setting academic and behavior goals. They need a portfolio that demonstrates their speaking and writing abilities, and they all have access to technology that they can use to present their portfolios if desired, including film and audio clips or digital presentations. So Im an engineer by background, but really passionate about sports and combining the two. Its actually just the start of my work in helping eachstudent learn. 5600 Apollo Drive For example, middle-school students may want to create a blog in order to share their work with other students, parents, and teachers. Ok, now that my folders are set up, I can start collecting & organizing evidence. Im doing some work there to bring the idea of sensors to equipment so that people can see how fast theyre swinging or how fast theyre throwing a ball, things like that. Really, this portfolio assessment is not, by any means, a one-and-done process. Construction Portfolio Template. Im not some kind of G Suite for Education guru and really dont pretend to be (youd be better off checking out Adam Llevos website if youre looking for amazing ideas related to GAFE in physical education). 16:56 JR: Yeah. Before collecting work to put in the portfolio, determine how it will be assessed and include rubrics and checklists. 06:14 MV: We ended up testing them on the snow and get them onto real athletes and things like that, so it was really exciting. I possess several beliefs on the topic of physical education, including its significance in ones life and the value pertaining to a students education. 26:41 JR: Yeah definitely. Flick Eriksson 18. Edna Cerrillos designer portfolio example. Student Teaching Portfolio 1. By showing them hands on how they can do this individually and giving them options on how to go about doing so, these students will be educated in this area and hopefully will continue to exercise the rest of their lives due to what they learned in physical education. Class 2: Middle school ELL students who have been doing an English language intensive to prepare them for high school. Safety to myself and others. Contact us at if you are interested in sharing some of your completed student work. Resources explored in detail in this episode include Google Drive Easy Portfolio Easy Portfolio Site Builder Three Ring & Freshgrade Press Play below to listen or visit the podcast page. Examples of strong observational drawing skills (whatever your medium) A range of subject matter. Jonathan Barnbrook 8. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Working portfolios are most useful for functional assessment and contains ongoing work samples, projects, and examples of proficiency. And in a school context, that really brings together other subject areas. Actually printing in multiple materials is still fairly challenging if you want anything that is pretty robust that would probably withstand the tumble of the kids and using it, but I think it will happen as materials and machines mature. 01:02 Mike Vasquez: Thank you, hi everyone. Unlike standardized assessments in the form of tests, portfolios provide a broader picture of the entirety of the student's learning process. I have a love of children, and there are many . Now that youve read all about it, Id love to hear how you think I could be doing a better job at this! I have a 5-7 minute rule when it comes to assessment in class. So even equipment thats designed for kids may not optimally fit them. For example, the portfolios might be used to show student growth, to identify weak spots in student work, and/or to evaluate your own teaching methods. This model will give the students new ideas of how to become physically active in their futures, especially those who are not into sports. 25:35 MV: Yeah, I think from my perspective theres a lot going on. I use the Google Drive app for macOSwhich gives me access to my Google Drive folder right on my Mac and has it act like any other regular Finder folder. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Once all of the videos are into the folder, Ill use macOS Quick Look feature to quickly determine which student is in the video and then rename the file with the students name and a description of the evidence in the video. Student is actively involved, placing him or her in the midst of the learning process versus the fringe, making the assessment authentic. According to state statute and policy, each district and charter must implement one model of individual growth for non-tested teachers. Side note: I know some of you might be thinking why doesnt he just upload it directly to Google Drive with the iPad app? I tried that for a while, but it slowed down my video capture process in class significantly. I run my own consulting firm that helps companies of all sorts not just sports, better use 3D printing technology both in applications and in developing new materials and machines. Ill create a folder on my desktop (e.g. 20:34 MV: And people just take, whether youre 10 years old or 30 years old or 6 years old, I tend to see in people that are kind of building these things, theres a lot of pride that goes into Hey, I made this. This step is dependent upon what type of portfolio the student is creating, but generally includes work in progress and exemplar pieces. Once Ive finished creating all of the folders within the #Example Student folder, Ill copy/paste that folder inside that grades parent folder until I have as many copies as I have students in that grade/class. Muscles of the Body Diagram/How the muscles of the body work 6. Overhand Throwing Initial Initial) and then continue renaming the evidence files by typing the students name and pasting the description (this saves a ton of typing time). They can be used as tools to demonstrate each child's individual progress from the beginning to the end of the school year. Step 1: Determine the purpose of the portfolio. WeAreTeachers Staff on July 5, 2022 Do you have a teaching portfolio? Step 5: Determine what format the portfolio will take. This portfolio of student work shows that the student can describe physical changes that occur as they age, and can identify relationships that change over time (WS3). Physical portfolios contain more tangible memories, like the child's original artwork. Generally physical education is all about movement and doing, but to accommodate for the students that may not learn/remember as well through movement, allowing them to take notes, or give different associations for the students to remember may help. Sorry, if I went on for too long. Well-balanced compositions. 23:00 MV: Yeah. The hard drive worked great, except that my life was now lived in fear of anything happening to it. They were just duct taping their hand to the racket, so they could hold on to it, so that wasnt very efficient, and obviously painful [laughter] at the end. 3. The five steps to compiling a portfolio include: Rubrics or checklists are assessment tools that can be used to evaluate a student's portfolio. However, in many industries, from art to engineering to marketing, people demonstrate their proficiency with portfolios. Think about whether the portfolio will be a short- or long-term project and how much guidance students will get from you. I first start off by creating a folder for the school year (e.g. F: 509.927.8551, 2023 Did my undergrad at MIT where I was fortunate enough to see or find out that a team-mate of mine on the baseball team was involved in this research group called the Sports Innovation Lab. Collaborative Learning Strategies & Theory | What is Collaborative Learning? First, you must decide on the purpose of your student's portfolios. 10:37 JR: Yeah, thats the thing that really grabs me about this, the whole personalization angle. Apps like Seesaw along with platforms like Google Classroom are making is easier and easier for teachers to keep up-to-date portfolios even in the organized chaos of a universe that is physical education. Hattie Stewart 13. Although they use different approaches (and different platforms), they are alike in embodying the student's reflections on his or her learning while at the same time showcasing his or her achievements. Most of the time its not life and death, so theyre like the difference between half a second or a tenth of a second on a race or a run down a snowboarding course, makes a huge difference. Step 2: Create an evaluation plan. Furthermore, presenting a portfolio to a teacher, parent, college professor, or employee, can help a student gain oral communication and presentation skills. If not, you absolutely should! The process I use now (the now I just described) has, to date, proven to be the most efficient way for me to collect and organize evidence while teaching. Some kids could be bigger, some kids could be smaller, made me think of this project I worked on, or was familiar with that Sports Technology Institute was working with paralytic athletes. Explore student portfolios. And I basically stumbled across the design for a 3D whistle and thought that would be a pretty cool addition to my classroom and printed it out, and it was my first ever experience with 3D printers. PE Central Preschool Research Articles and Resources Free daycare Essays and Papers 123HelpMe June 21st, 2018 - Free daycare papers essays and research papers These results . What Im thinking in this area is the ability to print things that have multiple different components that make them up, not just one material. Ill copy thedescription from the file name (e.g. The 97 learners in the experimental group (EG) were taught with tablets and Facebook, and the 102 learners in the control group (CG) were taught with traditional teaching methods. Physical Education Student Portfolio (SPortfolio- 5th Grade) by Ckb210 4.8 (3) $8.50 PDF The portfolio is a great tool for students to collect their knowledge, self-assessments, goal setting, and written reflections, to enhance their personalized PE experience. copyright 2003-2023 Physical Education Portfolio Resources gmsd The purpose of this page is to provide GMSD Physical Education teachers with the necessary resources to successfully complete their state mandated skills portfolio. And then from there Ive been working, Ive worked for about two years now in Chicago. However, the portfolio is not a self-contained course project. During my first rotation (my first year of school-in acute care), I became very consistent with following facility protocols in regards to using gait belts, understanding contact precautions, etc. A few clicks and drags later, and I now have a cloud-based student portfolio system. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Attendance Records or Chart (We are legally required to homeschool 180 days. 60008 There are many online portfolio programs a teacher may select to use in the classroom. It is important students receive these assessment tools prior to developing their portfolio so they have a clear picture of the expectations set by the teacher. So even equipment thats designed for kids may not optimally fit them growth portfolio model and should be used conjunction! Bowling Green, Ohio type of portfolio pieces, or for items to be displayed separately the,. For your time today teaching materials whole stack of papers into one PDF file and then email that PDF our... Is to help you become the best physical Education student growth portfolio model and should left! Novice, I went out and bought a 1TB physical education student portfolio examples hard drive on which I would everything. Ive worked for about two years now in Chicago for kids may not optimally fit them assignments belonging t 2016! 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