columbia university procurement

For this reason, the applicable FAR provisions are referenced on Columbias Purchase Order forms and in its standard contracts. Using the P-Card to make purchases and provide payment is cost-effective for the University as it allows departments to: ARC is the consolidated Finance system for Columbia University and includes components for Purchasing, Accounts Payable, P-Card, and Vendor Profiles. 4K followers Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs Procurement Servicesis responsible for the sourcing, purchase, and payment of goods and services for the University. The rationale for the award decision must be well documented. Because of where you work, you and your family get exclusive offers with T-Mobile Work Perks. It is important to note that it is required that all documentation supporting these purchases are provided to Procurement in the manner prescribed. The completed and signed form must be submitted to Purchasing in addition to any other required documents supporting the sole source decision. 2.25 It is intended that the Task Order Agreement firms will obtain sufficient amounts of work so they view Columbia University as a valued partner. Bids must be unsealed in a manner consistent with the specifications included in the proposal and contract(s) awarded to the qualified supplier(s) with the lowest price. Non-competitive Proposals - Single & Sole Source Justification. Moreover, OMB Circular A-110 .48 requires the University to include additional provisions in contracts when certaincircumstances are met. PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CONSTRUCTION/FACILITIES SERVICES, 1.00 QUALIFIED VENDORS 2, 1.20 TASK OREDER AGREEMENT VENDORS 3, 1.30 QUALIFICATION PROCESS 3, 1.40 TERMINATION OF VENDORS 4, 1.50 DISCLOSURE 5, 2.00 VENDOR SELECTION 6, 2.40 MWL OBJECTIVES 8, 2.60 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 9, 3.00 BID LIST PREPARATION 10, 4.00 BID PROCESS 13, 5.00 BID SUMMARY 15, 6.00 RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD 17, 7.00 LETTER TO LOSING BIDDERS 17, 8.00 AWARDING WORK PROCEDURES 18, 9.00 REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE ORDER 18, 10.00 CONTRACT AWARD LETTER 18, 11.00 VENDOR EVALUATION 18, 12.00 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS 19, (see related Facilities policy PA 001-01). Task Order Vendors will exist in an environment of dynamic competition. As competitive sourcing provides a basis for determining price reasonableness, when competitive sourcing does not occur, it is necessary for a sole/single source process to also include documentation for price reasonableness. Conduct validation protocols on vendor and payee profile creation and modification requests, including validation for tax compliance. Through the Competitive Procurement process, supplier proposals should be reviewed to determine if the most competitive pricing has been offered. RFIs can request information relating to: Products or services that can be obtained from only one person for firm, Competition is precluded because of the existence of patents, copyrights, confidential processes, the proprietary information, or other such condition, When competitive bids are solicited and no responsive bid is received, Continuation of work within the same fiscal year and bidding or placing work with another vendor would disrupt business, Need for specially designed replacement parts or specialized technology, Due to the nature of the scientific research, the required good(s) and/or service(s) are only available from a specific supplier, Comparison of previously proposed/purchased prices for the same or similar items. The Purchasing Office is also responsible for soliciting and awarding all Task Order Contracts in consultation with the Construction Departments, Policies and Procedures for Vendor Qualification and Purchasing of Facilities Services for the purchase of Construction/Facilities Services. Also known as Financial Systems Security Application (FSSA) or ARC Access Request. When only one bid is received in response to a bid solicitation, there is no evidence of price competition. Vendor Information Awarded Contracts Columbia Downtown; Columbia Northeast; Fairfield Emergency; Florence; Kershaw; Lancaster; Marion; All Locations; Jump back to top of page. 1.18 Vendors must be qualified prior to being considered for Task Order Agreement Contracts. The universitys contracting and procurement is organized into four primary components: Administer Contract (Joint Agency (COTR)/OSSP responsibility) For a more complete view of the OCP Process, please click here to open OCPs process flow charts. Competitive Task Order Proposals require only the Bid Coordinator (or designee) to sign, date and distribute the proposals. Specifically, OCP supports the university by: Addressing all contracting and procurement needs. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. 1.11 Vendor Qualification is intended to provide information to facilitate the selection of vendors, assure vendors meet minimum Columbia University requirements, assist in Minority Women Local (MWL) utilization, provide a pool of new vendors for diversification of the vendor list, expedite the bid list approval process and reduce Columbia Universitys liability. It is important that the supplier selection process is consistent with the Universitys Conflict of Interest Policies. The above bulleted section applies solely when a direct expenditure of Federal funds is involved. For most scopes of work, Facilities and Operations will initiate a competitive procurement process. WebOur M.A. Qualified vendors are to receive a reasonable distribution of work within each trade and specialty in order to provide the Facilities Groups with the necessary experience for evaluating their candidacy on the Task Order Agreement listing. (Note: Section 1.1 and 1.16). 3.12.1 Proposals must be in writing but may be transmitted by fax or emailed in PDF format (only electronic formats that prohibit the recipient from being able to make changes are allowed). WebUser account creation, deletion and management of privileges for ARC, the University's financial system. 4.51 In no case shall new bidders be added to the bid list following issuance of the bid package. 1.32 Facility Directors (or equivalent) will provide recommendations and feedback on the selection and retention of vendors to Purchasing at regularly scheduledmeetings. In developing an in-house estimate, an effort should be made to obtain information from the marketplace. Overseeing supply chain management for Student Health Services. If you are a vendor and need to obtain information as to the status of a payment of or for viewing the remittance information for a specific check and/or ACH/Wire transfer, please use theAP Payment Status & Remittance Form. Thisprogramutilizes a Visa card to make purchases of goods and some services (limited by policy) of $2,500.00 or less. Only oil-filled, radiator-type portable space heaters with no exposed heating elements are allowed at CUIMC. Failure to comply with the Universitys Conflict of Interest policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with applicable University policy. An RFP should include both standard University requirements and requirements specific to the product/service being sought. As such, applicants will be evaluated on the quality and breadth of their undergraduate preparation for the study of economics at the graduate level. Archived solicitations and awards will still be availble for public inspection on this website. 2.15 Opportunities to bid on work should be distributed on a routine basis to all firms on the Task Order Agreement list based on their trade, specialty and the size of project. The following provide various options to the supplier selection process: The use of a UwPA will satisfy the Universitys as well as the Federal competitive bid requirements for all purchasing thresholds. Make an inquiry via or call 212-854-6679 (for Morningside, Manhattanville and Baker Athletics Complex only*). The Corporate Card is acredit card that can be used by individuals to pay for University-approved travel and business-related expenses. Updated 4/7/2021; 1:45pm - added new FAQ on the allowability of directly charging telecommunication and video conferencing services (such as Zoom and Skype) during the pandemic. This webpage lists In other words, the award must be provided to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program. If the contract is awarded on the basis of a single submitted bid, i.e., without negotiation, a justification of the price as fair and reasonable must be documented. In order to upload documents to Procurement, or to check the status of a current order or Contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition thresholdwhich is currently $100,000 under 41 U.S.C. There is no annual fee associated with the card. Ultimately, the goal is to enlist those suppliers that have the products, capabilities, deliverability, service levels, expertise, resources, and knowledge of the University environment that will afford a successful outcome for the University stakeholder(s). All proposals should include both standard University requirements and requirements specific to the product/service being sought. Areas for opportunities in construction and facilities services, Columbia University in the City of New York, Minority-, Women- and Locally-owned Business Enterprises, What you need to know about working with Facilities and Operations, Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing, Learn more about unique opportunities at Columbia, Facilities Services Center - 212-854-2222. If a supplier other than the lowest price is selected, a justification is required to indicate the specific rationale. 1.17 Utilization of vendors prior to qualification will result in non-compliance with CU Purchasing Policy and each such instance will be reviewed by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee for appropriate action. Identification of qualified suppliers is a key component of the RFP process to ensure that there is competitiveness as well as a determination of the supplier's capacity to perform in accordance with their proposal submission. A University buyer making a purchase with funds from a Federal grant or cooperative agreement must comply with the sponsoring agencys regulations that implement OMB Circular A-110. (To submit expenses, see Travel and business expense reimbursement below) Columbia University students, employees, and visitors can be reimbursed for valid business- and research-related expenses. 3. This would also include the unit cost, extended cost, and other associated costs such as delivery costs. Bid documents, proposals and all subsequent correspondence must be properly filed, maintained and secured so that is not inadvertently revealed. 1.24 Approved vendors will be available to perform work for dollar values that are based on their financial qualifications. WebAll eligible April, May, and June 2023 degree candidates, and February 2023 and October 2022 graduates, from all schools and colleges affiliated with Columbia University, as well as family and friends, are encouraged to join in on the celebration. 2.12 No payments should be made to any vendor until the qualification questionnaire is completed and approved and the vendor is established in the system. then the lowest priced supplier should be awarded the contract. How to set up a compliant AWS account: 4.60 Transmittal of Supplemental Information. The bidding policy requirements shall apply to all rebids. 2.25.1. Solicitations are sent only to firms eligible for inclusion in the procurement of facilities-related goods and services. 4.20 Bid Packages should contain the following information. 403 (11) shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the recipient, including the manner by which termination shall be effected and the basis for settlement. Generally Task Order Agreements will have; 1.31 Purchasing will be responsible for maintaining the Vendor Qualification process in close consultation with the Facilities groups. Failure to comply may result in removal from the pre-qualified list. This form provides a record of the selection process. The bid lists will be evaluated, modified and approved. 8.10 Please reference Facilities Policy PA001-03, Awarding Work Construction and Maintenance Related Spending. 6.20 A Recommendation of Award being prepared for the lowest qualified and responsive bidders should be signed/approved by an officer at the same management level as required by the bid list, based on the total anticipated dollar value of the award. Procurement analyst is responsible for reviewing proposals, facilitating descope meetings, confirming award decisions, issuing the contract, negotiating the contract, submitting request for purchase order and assessing all associated change orders. 2.26 Project Managers and Directors will make every effort to avoid awarding work to any vendor so that Columbia University constitute an amount of work which is larger than prudent, from the perspective of the University, in proportion to their total volume of work for a given year with all customers including Columbia University. When goods or services have standard or easily compared specifications and pricing is the main component, the competitive sourcing process best employed is a Request for Quote (RFQ) process. Adequate documentation must be prepared at the earliest possible time following such occurrences. 4.73 Bidding instructions should request that bidders respond by mail or fax if they are not going to participate prior to the bid due date. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warrantys, etc.) 3.40 The Director may approve Qualified bidders for work up to $100,000 without the groups review but will submit the bid lists and information on the awards to the group for their information and consideration. Bids estimated to result in awards under $50,000 require a minimum of two (2) Columbia University Officers must be present with at least one being Director level. The term bidder shall apply to vendors in both bid and rebid requests. WebBefore you buy or use a space heater at CUIMC, call Facilities Management at 212-305-HELP (4357), option 3, to request a heating assessment. if the above are currently qualified to work for Columbia University under any other vendor name by a Task Order, master agreement, lease or other contractual agreement. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored form is available through this link below. WebDirector, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment New York, New York, United States. When goods, and particularly services, do not have standardized specifications or complex requirements the competitive sourcing process best employed is the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and the following conditions apply: The RFP process brings structure to the procurement decision, with the establishment of a document outlining requirements, articulation of evaluation criteria, and often formal communication activities such as a bidders conference. This senior officer is acknowledging their support of the exception request and through their signature is attesting that the request is appropriate and complies with the policy. Vendor Management is the unit within Procurement responsible for maintaining the vendor file used for Purchasing and Accounts Payable transactions. Noncompetitive proposals may only be utilized in the following situations: In these circumstances, the school or department seeking to purchase the goods or services must provide justification for the Sole or Single Source procurement decision. The RFQ process entails requesting and obtaining written quotes from potential suppliers that include a full description of the goods and/or services and any other specifications/requirements provided by the requester. The process for becoming an approved vendor is led by Facilities and Operations and Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing. 1.16 A qualification questionnaire must be completed and processed in advance of entering into a contract or purchase order. Please refer toColumbia Universitys Purchasing Policy Conflicts of Interest, Section 1.05. WebUniversity Procurement. All contracts require that a cost or price analysis be performed in conjunction with the bid review process. Without the completion of the Sole/Single Source Justification, the Purchasing Department will not be able to process the request. OMB Circular A-110, at .40- .48, sets forth the specific procurement standards the University must follow when purchasing supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property, and services with Federal funds. Acceptable forms of documentation include: As, by definition in a non-competitive procurement there is no direct price competition, if possible a cost or price analysis based on a breakdown of costs should be performed for all contracts in excess of $250,000 to determine if the estimated cost is reasonable prior to awarding the contract. Capital Solicitations. Need to modify your own information in our database? 1.41 Firms that act in violation of the term of their contract, Columbia University policy or guidelines and / or outside the guidelines of the Purchasing and Facility departments can be terminated or suspended from participation in any University work for a time frame to be determined by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee. For the RFQ process a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. Review our Columbia University and CUIMC-specific safety and compliance guidelinesand learn about our loading docks. Are you aColumbia Universitysupplier or interested in becoming one? Supplier proposals should be reviewed to determine if the most competitive pricing has been offered. Refer to Appendix A for an example of the Vendor Qualification Listing data profile. WebFacilities Management's Office of Design and Construction, and the Office of Institutional Real Estate on the Morningside Campus, or the Office of Facilities, Medical Center The following provide various options to the supplier selection process: The Request for Quotation (RFQ) Process (Simplified Acquisition Threshold). (i.e. 19% of Columbias incoming undergraduates receive the Pell Grant, a Federal Grant reserved for the students with the highest need in the country. Executive Director of Accounts Payable WebSubcontract costs in excess of the first $25,000 during the competing project period Tuition remission Rental costs of off-site facilities Scholarships and fellowships Participant costs In addition, MTDC on training grants and fellowships exclude tuition, fees and health insurance. Task Order Vendors will be selected on a continuing competitive basis justified by comparison of their hourly rates, unit prices, multipliers, insurability, financial strength, history of work and claims, safety record, quality, specialty and any other relevant attributes specific to their professional category and doing business with the University. For the RFQ process, a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. 2.11If a vendors services are required and they are not qualified the requesting manager is to contact Purchasing Department or Project Administration who can assist the manager to find an appropriate substitute who is qualified or take action to qualify a suitable vendor for the area of work not available on the current list. Please deliver all Fixed Price bids to: University of South Carolina Purchasing Department 1600 Hampton, Suite 606 Columbia, SC 29208 Please contact the Procurement Officer for any questions related to a solicitation. For construction, operations, and maintenance projects (see full list in sidebar), email 2.21 Project Managers should seek competitive proposals for Task Order Agreement work as outlined in the Bid List Preparation section of this policy in order to encourage efficient utilization of manpower and material usage as well as provide an opportunity for bidding diversity and compliance with MWL objectives. WebKabir is an experienced renewables/EV analyst and sustainability consultant. 2.50 Project Managers preparing the bid list are expected to diversify the firms utilized with the assistance of purchasing activity reports by vendor provided by Purchasing. Web2. Additional services and Change Orders will be more manageable under this agreement due to the established rates in the contract. A copy of the Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsoredis available through the link listed in Additional Resources below. EDM - Procurement Documentation Application EDM - Procurement Documentation Application October 16, 2020 This online application allows departments Visit theARC Vendor/Payee Request Web Form. Documentation of each submission / calculation (original bid, rebids and leveling) is to be filed and submitted with the request for approval. The sealed bid proposal process is used for firm fixed price contracts where the contract will be awarded on a lowest price basis and is the preferred process for supplies, equipment and construction awards. WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Upon receipt of each request, the VM team conducts a review and validation procedures and, as necessary, follows up with vendors/payees and requesting departments. Once a proposal has been selected, it is mandatory to complete a price analysis through the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored document and to attach to the requisition as supporting documentation. 3.90 A summary report of bidding and work that deviates from the policy will be generated by Purchasing and made to the Vendor Qualification Committee for their review and consideration. RFI/Supplier Pre-Qualification an RFI (Request for Information) method is generally used during an RFP process to collect information about suppliers in determining a supplier's capabilities and if they are able to meet the requirements of the bid process. Among other things, the brief 2.23 Task Order Agreement Vendors performance on bidding and work will be an important factor in determining whether they remain on the Task Order Agreement list. If a supplier other than the lowest price is selected, a justification is required to indicate the specific rationale. The Columbia University policy on competitive procurement provides guidance to ensure that all procurement activity meets applicable regulatory requirements and that the University maintains a competitive sourcing environment. With a few simple steps, you can ensure proper recordkeeping and timely payments within your department. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored document is available through the link below. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. Members of the Facilities Management and Campus Services team frequently work with outside vendors and contractors to provide key services to the Columbia University Irving Medical Center community. ARC replaces all the Procurement legacy systems as well as the P-Card WORKS system for transaction sign-off and approval. In either case, the final resolution will be reviewed and approved by University Purchasing. Upon indicating that the purchase is not competitive, the requester will be prompted to complete a web-based justification form. For more info, see the Follow Up on or Track a Payment page. Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. 2.43.1 All service, general contracting and construction management firms who work for Columbia University, where the value of an award is One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or greater and for which they will utilize sub contractors, will be required to uphold the Universitys Minority, Women and Local targets as established by the Vendor Qualification Committee to the extent possible. The typical work week is Monday thru Friday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm. When non-construction-related goods and services are sought to be procured and the cost exceeds $250,000, the competitive sourcing process to be employed is the Competitive Proposal process. 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